Story 1: The Global Brain Is Waking Up
After experiencing countless years of geographic separation, the human species is moving with great speed into almost instantaneous global connection and communication.
We have developed powerful electronic tools that are supporting a growing increase in our collective communication --- and our collective consciousness as a species.
We have travelled a long road. Our ability to communicate has enabled us to progress from nomadic bands of gatherers and hunters to the edge of a planetary civilization. We are in the midst of an unprecedented revolution in the scope and richness of global communications --- and the impact on our future can be equally unparalleled. Now we can glimpse the possibility of communicating our way through this time of extraordinary planetary challenge.
In this narrative, the Internet, television, cell phones, and other social media all combine to provide the technological infrastructure that supports global awakening. The "global brain" is a metaphor for the worldwide network - of cell phones, the Internet, television and other social media - that connect us into an organic whole. As the Internet becomes faster, more intelligent and more encompassing, it increasingly ties us together into a single communications system that functions like a "brain" for planet Earth. (At the same time, as Christopher Bache's and Dean Radin's works are showing, we are discovering many more instances of intuitive connectivity and holonic awareness).
It is also the case that television combined with the Internet is creating a transparent world which can bring a new level of accountability and ethicality into institutional conduct. Just as a rising tide lifts all boats, so too does a rising level of global communication have the capacity to lift all injustices into the healing light of public awareness.
This said - as time goes on - what we see and hear through the media may challenge our emotional intelligence and maturity. As our social consciousness awakens, deep psychic wounds that have festered through history will very likely emerge. We will begin to hear the voices that we have ignored and the pain that we have not acknowledged.
Awakening will bring with it awareness of the dark shadows of human history in the form of racism, ethnic conflict, and religious discord. Yet, as uncomfortable as this process will be, it can be a vital stage in our collective healing, enabling us to consciously move forward in our collective journey.
In the same way, however, persons and institutions with darker agendas (greed, hatred, deception, "divide and conquer" strategies) will do their best to muddy the waters - spreading mis- and dis-information throughout this growing communications system. AI will predictably be used by authoritarian forces using super-intelligent computers to thwart threats to those in power.
A tremendous amount of insight, critical thinking, and careful perception will be required if we are to see through propaganda and attempts at trickery.
The media's thunderous silence (and consistent attempts to silence others) re- false flag operations (such as 9/11) - is a striking example of this process. If we are to survive the increasingly desperate gasps of a dying empire, we will need to become much more sophisticated about what in intelligence circles is called a "limited hangout" - a deliberate initiative to provide bits of information, without revealing larger truths. As an example: the recent media stories regarding alleged sightings of extraterrestrial crafts (satisfying the public's hunger for information, after years of government denial) may well be preparation for a very significant false flag attack.
For the first time in human history, we are acquiring a way to listen to and talk with one another as members of one family. In seeing ourselves directly and as a whole for the first time we may be able to awaken as a planetary species. In doing so, we will have the potential for an evolutionary leap forward. The question is whether we have the collective maturity to seize this precious opportunity.
When the people of Earth are not simply receiving media, but are also capable of offering their collective voice for change, then a new and powerful force for creative transformation can be awakened in the world. When people are empowered to speak, we will also be empowered to listen - and to be a collective witness to stories of genocide, climate disruption, intense poverty, species extinction, and more.
In sum, if the people of Earth learn how to use our media tools to come together as a global community and express their voices, a new era in human maturity and development can be born.
At the same time, we must realize that this would be an anathema to those committed to the power of empire - and that every effort will be made to obstruct and even destroy this capacity.
There are strong forces at work whose agenda is to have us stay asleep and/or pacified. This includes the generous use of "false flag operations" leading to wars and the destruction of human and civil rights.
Given the complicit role of the media, increasing amounts of people can no longer tell the difference between what they are told is the truth and what their deeper instincts tell them. The collective denial has now reached a critical mass.
The question is whether enough of us (and particularly those who remain relatively uncorrupted in positions of power) will wake up from the paralysis, confusion and division that are being induced - and take action. As disturbing as current events may be, we will need to raise our vision beyond a focus on the relative minutia of present-day events.
Clearly, we need to be awakened from the unconsciously controlled trance of powerlessness. As events on the world stage steadily escalate into chaos and confusion - if we are fortunate - we will be compelled to wake up and really start thinking about what is occurring. When it comes to apparent terrorist attacks, there are often deeper layers present.
May we wake up in time to see the truth of both the higher, uplifting --- and hidden, negative, underlying forces --- at work in the world.
For more: see Path of Empowerment by Barbara Marciniak, Miracle of Love by Ram Dass. Crossing the Rubicon by Michael Ruppert,;