"Father, forgive them for they know not what they do."
Spoken by a fellow in a time when tolerance and trust, faith in the essential goodness of human beings, belief in turn-the-other-cheek stoicism, all were still possible. It was innovative even back then, but an option which could be considered.
These are different times. No longer does innocence bloom. Hope is a four-letter word, gutted by abuse, now a contemptuous metaphor for hypocrisy and cunning. Faith, charity and love have been quantified, digitized, commodified, sexualized, turned into more weapons of mass deception and poisoning of the human spirit, just box cutters in the toolbox of a tiny elite, self-anointed as the class of absolute privilege and ultimate prerogative, self-appointed as Masters of the Universe. The sociopaths have won the class war and sit at the top of the sh*tpile they're fabricating.
No, good people, forgiveness is no longer recommended, no longer possible, such graciousness is not the appropriate noble response anymore.
We simply cannot forgive those who are doing to our world what we see happening right now.
It's unconscionable. It's repulsive. It's malevolent. It's nihilistic. It's . . . unforgivable.
Jesus Christ surely would not approve of what I'm about to say. Then again, these days He's basically irrelevant, just another marketing brand, an advertising gimmick for knee-jerk religiosity.
Please listen, friends. Take heed. It's getting late. We have no choice. Urgency drives our mission. Common decency and timeless morality dictate our agenda.
Forgive them not . . . for endless war, carnage for conquest, slaughter for power and control, the creation of enemies to drive weapons sales, the demonization of other countries and their leaders to prepare the public for war and more war.
Forgive them not . . . for destroying the environment, killing untold numbers of species, filling the waterways with toxins, polluting the air, pumping greenhouse gases at an accelerating rate into the atmosphere.
Forgive them not . . . for poisoning our bodies with man-made chemicals and for-profit pharmaceuticals, for poisoning our food with herbicides, pesticides, hormones, antibiotics, for boosting the bottom line with no regard for human health or dignity.
Forgive them not . . . for filling the oceans with millions of tons of the debris of "civilization" and turning the vast expanses of life-giving, life-sustaining water into graveyards for the creatures of the sea.
Forgive them not . . . for fostering suspicion and hatred, promoting racism and intolerance, for setting humans against one another to make us all easier to control, manipulate and exploit.
Forgive them not . . . for persecuting Julian Assange, Edward Snowden, Chelsea Manning and other truth-tellers, while promoting to positions of power serial liars, prevaricating warmongers, self-enriching enemies of truth.
Forgive them not . . . for destroying science as an objective methodology for obtaining knowledge and achieving understanding, for buying and bribing scientists to front for their deceptive, money-driven agendas.
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