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OpEd News Progressive Radio and Media

Show Description Show-Times Listen Archives
Rob Kall Bottom-Up Radio Show WNJC 1360 AM Progressive politics looking at the bottom up angle, Rob has interviewed Senator Bernie Sanders, congressfolk John Conyers, Dennis Kucinich, Robert Wexler, economist Jared Bernstein, researchers Howard Gardner, Frans De Waal, Ethan Zuckerman, writers Clay Shirky, Howard Zinn, Noam Chomsky, Thom Hartmann, Naomi Klein, Naomi Wolf, Chris Hedges, Glen Greenwald, David Korten, Riane Eisler, Andrew Bacevich, Derrick Jensen, William Greider, Whistleblowers Wendell Potter and Coleen Rowley, Former FBI analyst Ray McGovern, Cindy Sheehan, Sibel Edmonds, Steve Hildebrand, Paul Roberts 9-10 PM EST Wed   Archives
Thom Hartmannn The Radical Middle radio stations across the USA plus Stream 143 on the Sirius satellite radio Cable Radio Network now carries Thom's program into homes across the USA via cable TV systems. noon- 3 PM Listen Now Archives

Streaming progressive music and culture from around the world -- the other voice of America Provides internet access to Thom Hartmann and Tony Trupiano Shows live

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Guy James

1240AM WINK, Ft. Myers, Florida and 1270AM WNOG Naples, Florida

6 to 9pm EST Sat nights Listen LIVE  Archives
Inside Scoop

Mark Levine all the news from Washington DC that the Government Does not Want you to know about.

3-4 pm EST and 7-8 pm on Sundays (use main site link) Archives
Basham Radio on AM 1230 KLAV, the "Talk of Las Vegas"

Doug Basham takes a powerful, "no holds barred" approach to Talk Radio by actually taking on Talk Radio. Basham is not happy with the levels this once grand medium of information and truth has allowed itself to be lowered to, all in the name of blind partisanship disguised as patriotism, and he challenges his listeners and callers to examine their true motives, biases and agendas.

8-9 AM PST Listen Now Archives
Peter Werbe

Peter Werbe hosts award-winning phone-in talk show, Nightcall, Sundays, 11pm-2am, on WRIF-FM 101.1; and Sunday morning interview shows on WCSX-FM and WMGC-FM 105.1, in Detroit


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Lynn Cullen

WPTT AM Pittsburgh

10AM -1PM EST    
Young Turks

Half Progressive LIberal, Half miscellaneous, personal stories, a sports story once a week that transcends the sports world. Guests have included Wesley Clark, Jr., Mario CUomo, Terry McCaulliff, David Brock and entertainers like Henry Winkler. Broadcast nationally on Sirius Satellite Radio, and on terrestrial radio stations in states across the country.

6-9 EST    
Don Elkins

On-line and on am radio -- progressive radio just about to burst into syndication. Host Don Elkins takes his liberal newspaper invective to the airwaves with a dangerous purpose.

-- telling the real truth about the nation's politics as seen from the conservative nest of Northwest Arkansas -- the home of Wal-Mart and Jesus.

Enid Goldstein AM 1150 KNRC in Denver 12-3 mountain Listen Live  
Ray Taliaferro

KGO AM 810 San Francisco

Monday - Friday: 1:00 AM - 5:00 AM Pacific time    
Counterspin Radio, by Fair.org

CounterSpin exposes and highlights biased and inaccurate news; censored stories; sexism, racism and homophobia in the news; the power of corporate influence; gaffes and goofs by leading TV pundits; TV news' narrow political spectrum; attacks on free speech; and more.

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on 125 stations Listen Now Archives
Wisdom Radio

Wisdom Radio


Very extensive program KPFK

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Democracy Now

Focuses on a range of issues that demand attention, highlighting grassroots efforts to enhance and ignite democracy.

8-10 AM Realplayer 256k

Alternative Radio Stations that carry it, some offer live internet feeds      

Berkeley Investigative radio News Magazine

Radio Left

The Anti-Rush, Anti-GOP Antidote (we couldn't get these links to work directly, but they do work if you first load media player. Maybe you can.)

M-F, 4-6 pm Listen Now Archives

The peace and justice grassroots alternative to corporate and "public" radio.

  Windows Media | Real Audio  
Mike Webb

He's Liberal with a Very Loud 'L'

Weeknights on the Northwest's Number One Radio Station, 710-am K I R O Monday - Friday, 10pm - 1am (PST)

M-F 1 AM-4AM Listen to Mike  
Meria Heller


- a lifestyle and philosophy based on our interconnectedness to all living things. Meria supports life in all forms and peace at all cost.

M-Th 1-2PM Listen Live

Working Assets Radio with Laura Flanders

Working Assets Radio with Laura Flanders

10-11am PT, 1-2pm ET Listen Live  
Hot Talk

Saul Landau and guests talk about current events, politics, social issues, education, religion, entertainment, and a wide range of other topics

  Watch Live Webcast  
Free Speech Radio News

Free Speech Radio News

Randi Rhodes

It's Radio for the Rest Of Us....America's #1 Progressive Talk Show heard on the Nova M Radio Network. Listen on top progressive stations nationwide, online, and on XM Satellite. We Need To Talk!

  Listen Now  

Radio For Change

1-2pm Listen to the live show online  
Democratic Talk Radio

Spreading the message of the Democratic Party and providing an on-line home for grassroots Democrats everywhere! Audio versions online of recent shows hosted by Stephen Crockett and Al Lawrence. Also offering a Democrats-Only message board (all can read), and very extensive links.

  Listen Archives
Jim Hightower

National radio commentator, writer, public speaker, and author of If the Gods had Meant us to Vote They Would Have Given us Candidates, Jim Hightower has spent three decades battling the Powers That Be on behalf of the Powers That Ought To Be - consumers, working families, environmentalists, small businesses, and just-plain-folks.

  Daily Commentary Archives
Free Speech Radio

Free Speech Radio

  Local Radio Stations  
Emerging Majority

An on air community for people who are passionate about economic democracy, peaceful foreign policy and human rights. on WBNW AM 1120 and WPLM AM 1390.

Fri- 1-2 PM    

RadioActive is a grassroots environmental and social justice news journal hosted by Amy Browne and Meredith DeFrancesco and heard on WERU FM , 89.9 Blue Hill and 102.9 Bangor, Maine

Thursdays from 4:00 - 4:30 pm   Archives
Radio for Peace Intl.

Radio For Peace International's programs champion human rights and social justice issues, increase global awareness of under-reported events, promote tolerance, expose prejudice, injustice and corruption and advocate environmental awareness.

A global media model, RFPI broadcasts globally via shortwave and the internet. It seeks to transform the landscape of independent media, providing a forum for democratic communications and a critical focus on trans-national politics. All RFPI’s programs are sourced from independent producers and media activists from around the world.


40 Meters, 7.445 (AM mode), Output: 30 KW, Operating Time: 2100 - 1300

19 Meters, 15.040 (AM mode), Output: 10 KW, Operating Time: 24 Hours

Between The Lines

Syndicated, half-hour program provides a platform for individuals and spokespersons from progressive organizations generally ignored or marginalized by the mainstream media. Between the Lines covers a wide range of political, economic and social topics. Goal is to Encourage Activism

Schedule   Archives
Dave Emory

Anti-fascist researcher Dave Emory (spelled E-M-O-R-Y) goes into all the hidden truths and details about evil men and their trade practices.

Tuesdays, 6-7 PM

Live on the web in Realaudio, or in Windows Media,

View From Space AM 640 Toronto Canada Sat. 11pm    

A medigeek is someone who, like a computer geek, delves into the inner working of media both to understand it and to hack it. A mediageek doesn't accept the rules and restrictions of the mainstream media, circumventing and jamming them by doing it him or herself. This site will serve as a guide for mediageeks, looking at how the media works, both systemically--the political economy of the mainstream, indpendent and underground media--and practically--how you can put media making tools to work. I also hope that the site can be inspiration and encouragement to become a mediageek, creating, hacking and jamming the media yourself.

Fridays at 5:30 PM community radio WEFT 90.1 FM Archives

Broadcasting at 90.7 in Portland, 91.9 in the Columbia Gorge, 100.7 in the mid-Willamette Valley, and streaming at www.kboo.fm

RadioZine - a half-hour of news at 7am followed by an hour and a half of call-in talk radio and then two hours of special-interest public-affairs shows. Then they usually play music until 5pm, when they run Free Speech Radio News followed by local news and more special-interest shows until 7pm.


Features alternative indy news and stories. *Updated Daily Tune in to catch updates on Special Events!

  16kbs 24 Hour World News Headlines  


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