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Odisha and Sea Turtles (0 articles.) (# of views) (Created by Basudev Mahapatra)
Odisha is the only state in India to have three Olive Ridley turtle mass nesting sites. Lakhs of turtles visit Odisha coasts every year for mass nesting.  
Medea Benjamin; How To Interrupt a President (0 articles.) (# of views) (Created by Rob Kall)
audio podcast interview and two part transcrip-- how to do it-- planning, strategy and execution  
Bill Holt's Dreamies® (0 articles.) (# of views) (Created by William Holt)
Video art and politics.  
Prose-poetry, Politics, Personal Growth (0 articles.) (# of views) (Created by Patrick Frank)
In this series of prose-poems, I explore issues related to personal growth and politics in the form of prose-poetry.  
Globalism/Agenda 21 and Related (0 articles.) (# of views) (Created by Rima E Laibow MD)
  Globalism is a process in which economic, social, legal, health and military systems are brought under a single controlling agency, often the United Nations and its component agencies.  The policies and intentions of the process of Globalism include sharp reduction of the global population and limitation of personal options, choices, movement and property ownership.  The tools of globalism are, fundamentally, totally antithetical to personal liberty, health or freedom and must be halted, reversed and eliminated while there is still time and opportunity to do so.  Recommended sites: www.TRUTHAboutAgenda21.com, www.DrRimaTruthReports.com, www.GDS-Therapy.com    
The Secret of the Human Heart (0 articles.) (# of views) (Created by Cynthia Piano)
  The Secret of the Human Heart is a series dedicated to the innate gifts all of us have within; the ability to love unconditionally, assist others, and live a full joyful life.  Through it we explore what we all have in common, to co-create a peaceful abundant world.    
Climate Change (0 articles.) (# of views) (Created by CJ Orach)
TruthIsLouder News (0 articles.) (# of views) (Created by )
   Truth is Louder voices the   public interest. Enjoy interesting and informative articles-   Find out about the harsh realities of whistleblowing and   conducting a legal case without any legal representation. For the general public, 'self-represented litigants', would-be whistleblowers and the   people who support them.     
Whistleblower, No FEAR (0 articles.) (# of views) (Created by Marsha Coleman-Adebayo)
This series will focus on the plight of whistleblowers and social justice. 
EAT THE PRESS - Don't Read It! (0 articles.) (# of views) (Created by John K Roberts)
In this series, we published the inane, un-vetted 'prevarications that are passed along to us by unreliable and unknown sources.  Our Journalistic Creed demands that we race to publication before doing any fact checking because we believe:'That Your Right To Know Supersedes Our Right To Tell The Truth'!Proceed with caution and be sure to wear your 'big boy pants', or 'push up bra'; best read in the nude.  - Publisher
Rape, violence, and culture (0 articles.) (# of views) (Created by Jennifer McClendon)
We need an honest and comprehensive conversation on rape, violence, and culture. I plan to deliver one of what I hope will be many voices on this matter. 
getnetabebe (0 articles.) (# of views) (Created by getnet abebe)
getnetabebe is good wish for equality in history in future .getnetabebe   was born in small town in  mola, ethiopia .now i am learn in addis ababa    ,journalism and communication.i have great hope in future,to make   Ethiopia democracy.i am parent less,and i am pass alot of   challenge.personally,i like white but i see equal with black people.life    for me teach alot,leave and learn in ethiopia is very challenge.
War Against Syria? (0 articles.) (# of views) (Created by Thomas Magstadt)
A two-part series on the folly of fighting another unnecessary war in the Middle East.
Corporate Charades (0 articles.) (# of views) (Created by Gary Brumback)
A corporation is made up of many parts. Some of them are   charades. One of them is the corporate ethics program. This article is about   it. Others will eventually follow on the other parts. The next essay will be   about corporate social responsibility programs.        As long as the general public is duped and stays duped corporations   and their government stooges will continue pretending they are putting people,   peace and the environment over profit and power. When you think about it, the   entire corporation is a charade, not just particular parts of it. The U.S. Supreme   Court farcically ruled in 2010 that corporations are persons. People who really   believe that carry on conversations with stuffies. If only corporations were as   benign as stuffies!        
International (0 articles.) (# of views) (Created by Burcu Cekmece)

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