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From National Security to International Security

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Lawrence Wittner

Have human institutions evolved sufficiently to cope with the modern world? When it comes to national security, the answer appears to be: No.

Ever since the emergence of individual nations, their governments have sought to secure what they consider their "interests" on an ungoverned planet of competing nations. Amid this international free-for-all, nations tended to pursue national security or national advantage through military might.

Of course, the downside of this arrangement was that it produced military confrontations and wars. Moreover, with advances in modern science and technology, nations began to press ever-more-devastating weapons into military service. Not surprisingly, vast slaughter ensued.

Over the years, as national leaders and members of the public recognized the drawbacks of an anarchic world, they turned toward developing institutions of global governance, including international law, a League of Nations, and eventually the United Nations. International security, they believed, would help to maintain national security.

Unfortunately, though, since the creation of the United Nations in 1945, the governments of many nations have failed to honor their professed commitments to international security.

Currently, the governments of Israel and Russia provide striking examples of this throwback to the nation-centered, might-makes-right approach to world affairs.

Despite the fact that the nation of Israel owed its creation to a 1947 UN agreement for the partition of Palestine into separate Jewish and Arab states, the Israeli government has forced the removal (and barred the return) of most of the Palestinian population, annexed additional Palestinian land, militarily occupied the remainder of Palestinian territory, and consistently blocked Palestinian statehood.

This June, amid the vast carnage caused by an indiscriminate Israeli government response to a Hamas terror attack, Benjamin Netanyahu ignored a UN Security Council resolution, drafted by the United States, calling for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza, where 37,000 Palestinians, mostly civilians, had already been killed. In July, the Israeli government denounced as "absurd" the ruling of the International Court of Justice that Israel's 57-year occupation of Palestinian territory, demolition of Palestinian housing, and establishment of Israeli settlements on Palestinian land were illegal. This October, the Israeli government took the unprecedented step of barring the UN Secretary-General from entering Israel.

The Russian government of Vladimir Putin also has no compunctions about violating international law. In 2014, it defied the UN Charter (which prohibits the "use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any state") by using its military might to seize and annex Crimea, arm separatist groups in eastern Ukraine, and dispatch its armed forces to bolster the separatists. Although condemned by the UN General Assembly, Russian military aggression continued and, in February 2022, the Putin regime, in the most massive military operation in Europe since World War II, launched a full-scale invasion of Ukraine. In early March, with UN Security Council action blocked by a Russian veto, the UN General Assembly-- by a vote of 141 countries to 5 (with 35 abstentions)-- demanded the immediate and complete withdrawal of Russian military forces from Ukrainian territory. Later that month, the International Court of Justice ruled that Russia should "immediately suspend" its invasion.

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Lawrence Wittner is Professor of History Emeritus at the State University of New York/Albany, where he taught courses on U.S. diplomatic history, international history, and social justice movements from 1974 to 2010. He taught in previous years at (more...)
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The willingness of the governments of Israel and Russia to flout international law and the key institutions that enforce it should convince us that we need to strengthen global governance.

Submitted on Wednesday, Oct 16, 2024 at 2:59:30 PM

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