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Images, politics, and activists on genocide/holocaust

By Dr. Mazin Qumsiyeh  Posted by Peter Barus (about the submitter)   2 comments, In Series: Reports from Palestine
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Peter Barus
Message Peter Barus

DO NOT SAY OU DID NOT KNOW. DO NOT SAY YOU COULD NOT ACT and for those of you active: never stop - keep pushing (you are making a difference as empire is besieged and beginning to crumble at the edge). We send you love and respect from under the boot of colonization and apartheid.

Images, politics, and activists on genocide/holocaust (Images of US/Israeli genocide) Just past 24 hours and not seen in mainstream media: UN report on the Israeli destruction of healthcare service; three more massacres of civilians in Gaza, attack on a school in Gaza, bombing residential areas in Beirut; attacking UN personnel injuring two; murdering more journalists (now 174); taking over UNRWA building in Jerusalem.... UN: In northern #Gaza, 400,000 Palestinians are trapped under heavy bombardment, with hospitals like Kamal Adwan overwhelmed by critical shortages of medicine and staff. Many injured patients go untreated due to the blockade. Democracy Now highlights the documentary and live streamed genocide. The documentary is here. But there is also the uncounted dead. Gaza healthcare letters. Genocide for money.

Politics Polls of Israelis show that still a majority of them are delusional and wish to liquidate the Palestinian struggle. Scott Ritter on the Fall of Israel (good analysis). Blinken approved policy to bomb aid trucks, Israeli cabinet members suggest. For the first time ever, there will be a vote in the US congress on the blocking of weapons to Israel. Green Pres. & VP Candidates Jill Stein, Butch Ware on Gaza & Fighting Two Zombie Political Parties. Analytical piece by Naomi Klein How Israel sells its destruction of Gaza. Why people of conscience will not vote for Kamala Harris.

Activists Global samples. NYC. Bassam Yousef. Record worth listening to daily Greta Thunberg poignant message.

There are literally "millions of points of light" . Here is a website trying to gather some of these.

Follow me on x (Twitter) @mazinq Follow us on facebook pages: Personal Institute

We soon need to harvest olive trees, if you can help, let us know

Stay Humane, keep talking, keep acting, and keep Palestine alive

Mazin Qumsiyeh
A bedouin in cyberspace, a villager at home
Professor, Founder, and (volunteer) Director Palestine Museum of Natural History
Palestine Institute of Biodiversity and Sustainability Bethlehem University Occupied Palestine
facebook pages Personal Institute

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IT HAS NOT STOPPED. It's not even slowing down, it's accelerating. Israel is overtly expanding the killing frenzy to include neighboring states, apparently without meaningful restraint. There is no "end game."

Submitted on Friday, Oct 11, 2024 at 10:15:43 AM

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Thank you - the truth is being stifled - after elons visit to Israel my Twitter feed has completely changed, scrubbed from anything Palestinian. This is holocaust 1000 times worse than the previous, because back then, most people did not know. Today We know well what is happening, we suppress, we stifle, we ignore then we justify atrocities. 1000 times worse than what happened in ww2.

Submitted on Sunday, Oct 13, 2024 at 1:04:54 PM

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