These days I am feeling less sure of what is mine.
I used to think that at least sanity was my right!
But now I'm slowly realizing that even that is thine
I feel like the tide is turning from broad day to night.
In the fevered, well-padded, freeze-dried collective brain
Crossing all the evil lines,
Reconfiguring what is permissible, branding what is sane
I must have been asleep . . . I was missing all the signs,
For surely there is some rush to annihilation here at play.
The leader of the "free world" must be out to lunch
Leaving the rats in charge! What's that you say?
My Russian's not so good but I have a hunch
You are trying to tell me that we are one
United by the fact that there is only one button..
Note: "crossing the evil line today" is a phrase from the John Prine song, "The speed of the sound of lonliness"