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I am a long time antiwar,labor union and community activist/ organizer and a recently retired NYC high school educator. I also taught at Richmond College and at Alternate U (would love to hear from anyone who was there 1968-'70). I've also been published in Black Agenda, the Indypendent, The Nation, Labor Notes, Baltimore Sun, Amsterdam News, Newsday, and other progressive and mainstream venues. And i'm working on a book "MythAmerica".
(3 comments) SHARE Sunday, October 11, 2020 Unpacking a World of Myths in "Columbus Discovered America", Part 1
"We need to understand our history not tear it down" is a charge leveled against the movement to take down statues of Columbus, calling it an attempt to hide history, and the role that Columbus played in the history of the Americas. But to the contrary, it is exactly an opportunity to take a real look at just what Columbus did do and take its full measure--the results of which those accusers might well regret Series: Unpacking a World of Myths in " Columbus Discovered America" (4 Articles, 8708 views)
(5 comments) SHARE Friday, October 11, 2019 Unpacking a World of Myths in "Columbus Discovered America"
This is part 1 of a 2-part series debunking the 'Columbus Discovered America' myth that he "discovered" a land that was barely populated, uncivilized and undeveloped, an untamed wilderness despite millions of people already living there for thousands of years. Part 2 debunks the Columbus-as-hero myth through his own words as well as eye witnesses to his genocidal polices, which led to the opening of the African slave trade. Series: MythAmerica (2 Articles, 5522 views), Unpacking a World of Myths in " Columbus Discovered America" (4 Articles, 8708 views)
(14 comments) SHARE Friday, July 19, 2019 Venezuela : Another U.S.Coup Attempt--And Why It Failed
A first hand account of the day of the failed April 30th coup, how the U.S. is trying to destroy Venezuela through sanctions and the threat of invasion,all aimed at turning the population against the Maduro government--and why this attempt has failed.
(72 comments) SHARE Friday, March 23, 2018 Why Russia-gate : The 3 Main Agendas Driving The Anti-Russia/Putin Crusade
This article lays out the 3 main agendas driving Russia-gate, the claim that Russia put Trump in the White house:
1. Russia as a scapegoat for dem's 2016 defeat
2. Russia-gate as the cover and pretext for the suppression of dissent--the new McCarthyism
3. Most fundamentally,Russia-gate as a full spectrum propaganda campaign prepping public opinion for military conflict with Russia--the essence of it.
(27 comments) SHARE Tuesday, June 13, 2017 Raise Your Hand If You Think We Should Go To War With Russia
The American people are being subject to the most intense full-spectrum anti-Russia propaganda campaign since the promotion of lies about WMD's in Iraq. Mainstream media like the NY Times and Washington Post are again playing major roles in manufacturing consent, prepping the public to accept and support military conflict with Russia. The 6/11 front page Sunday Times article marks a new escalation in this effort.
(8 comments) SHARE Wednesday, June 29, 2016 On the 240-Year Anniversary of the Declaration of Independence: WOULD SLAVERY HAVE ENDED SOONER IF THE BRITS HAD WON?
Historians have long grappled with the contradiction of a revolution under the banner of
"All men are created equal" being largely led by slave owners. Once free of England, the U.S. grew to be the largest slave-owning republic in history. But could a British victory have paradoxically ended slavery sooner? Would they have been able to restore slavery after freeing thousands of slaves to fight with them? Series: MythAmerica (2 Articles, 5522 views)