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Jack Lindblad

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Permission is given to reproduce in whole or in part with attribution of authorship and a link to this article. An architect by education and profession, Jack Lindblad is running to win California's 18th Senate District seat in 2014, having vied for the 39th Assembly District seat in 2012, following back-to-back contests and one-on-one rematch with the incumbent, earning 21.6% of the vote in 2010 (tripling the 2008 showing), tops for alternative parties. Lindblad is poised to place in the top two positions in the June Top-Two election. Lindblad was the only Green candidate on the ballot for California Legislative office in 2008 and won among the highest showings for third parties, and lives in the San Fernando Valley. He anchors his award-winning sustainable urban design and architecture practice with a healthcare facility emphasis in the San Fernando Valley. His work is recognized for excellence and innovation. Lindblad campaigns on a Green-values platform for more parks, for a carbon-neutral, relocalized, 100% renewable energy, steady state economy basing development on bio-regional determinism, not developers. Lindblad will advance the green 10 Key Values' moral imperatives in California's Legislature to balance the budget, effect prison reform, manage multiple collapses, mitigate and adapt to ecological collapse's worst catastrophes. A member of Economic Alliance of the San Fernando Valley Livable Communities Council and various Neighborhood Councils, he has supported community grass-root efforts, helped form neighborhood councils, co-author a sustainable community plan to revitalize the Panorama City commercial area, advocating District-wide multimodal rapid transit, stopping gentrification, living wage, revitalizing the Tujunga-Pacoima Watershed, assisting in the 'No on B' win to provide unfettered solar power to stakeholders and assisting in the successful effort keeping the foothill and upper watershed communities in one city council district. Jobs, Quality of Life, Fully Funded Public Education - the California Dream for All. Vox Populi is coming to Sacramento!


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(1 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Monday, August 1, 2011
last minute Desparate Duopolist Deception/Sell-out to Raise Debt Ceiling Obama has trotted out, at the last minute, a false deal that raids Social Security - read caves to the Repugnicans - for his six wars and endless militarist spending - to justify raising the nation debt ceiling to over 16 trillion dollars through 2013. The lack of accountability shows an Insidious facism that completely blurs any separation between government and corporatist enterprise.
Series: green new deal (6 Articles, 8593 views)
SHARE More Sharing        Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Tax policy implications for a Sustainable, Green, Steady State Economy for the 21st Century (series: part 2 of 2) Jack Lindblad draws together the economic and ecological collapses' connectedness to urge a steady state economy and tax policy based on relocalization and bio-regional determinism to retire endemic deficit spending and adapt to, mitigate, and restore ecological services from climate change by reducing emissions 70% by 2015 for a less than 2 °C rise from 2000 levels to avoid escalating, horrific effects of deepening collapses.
Series: green new deal (6 Articles, 8593 views)
SHARE More Sharing        Monday, March 30, 2009
Tax policy implications for a Sustainable, Green, Steady State Economy for the 21st Century (series: part 1 of 2) Jack Lindblad draws together the economic and ecological collapses' connectedness to urge a steady state economy and tax policy based on relocalization and bio-regional determinism to retire endemic deficit spending and adapt to, mitigate, and restore ecological services from climate change by reducing emissions 70% by 2015 for a less than 2 °C rise from 2000 levels to avoid escalating, horrific effects of deepening collapses.
Series: green new deal (6 Articles, 8593 views)
(2 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Saturday, February 28, 2009
Assembly Candidate Lindblad urges a No Vote on LA Charter Amendment B Assembly Green Candidate Jack Lindblad was not surprised to see that his Assembly seat opponent, the current office holder, and other state legislators siding with Mayor Villaraigosa and the Los Angeles City Council - bought and sold by the Department of Water and Power union, the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, Local 18, one of Measure B's largest contributors. Lindblad urges a No Vote on Charter Amendment B.
SHARE More Sharing        Friday, February 27, 2009
Assembly Candidate Lindblad urges a No Vote on LA Charter Amendment B Assembly Green Candidate Jack Lindblad was not surprised to see that his Assembly seat opponent, the current office holder, and other state legislators siding with Mayor Villaraigosa and the Los Angeles City Council - bought and sold by the Department of Water and Power union, the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, Local 18, one of Measure B's largest contributors. Lindblad urges a No Vote on Charter Amendment B
(1 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Four years for Obama to lower emissions to levels to avoid climate change worst effects President Obama has forty-eight months to stabilize global-warming gas emissions at a level widely considered safe says leading climate change scientist Jim Hansen. Head of the UN's Nobel-winning panel of climate scientists, Rajendra Pachauri argues that global CO2 emissions must be reduced to negative figures by 2050 to spare us the worse effects of looming, unmanagable climate catastrophes.
Series: green new deal (6 Articles, 8593 views)
SHARE More Sharing        Saturday, November 1, 2008
Local water shortages loom closer for the Los Angeles regional community Jack Lindblad, running for Caifornia Assembly to represent the 39th District on the Green Party ticket that includes the northeast San Fernando Valley, reveals the nature of the local water crisis facing Los Angeles and points to revitalizing the Tujunga/Pacoima Watershed as a locally-based solution.
Series: green new deal (6 Articles, 8593 views)
(1 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Thursday, October 23, 2008
Payola politics between developers and politicians casts a blight on grassroots community development Removing developers and politicians from the land-use decision-making process is key to mitigating climate change-caused environmental degradation on the neighborhood level.
(1 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Financial meltdown offers green economy growth With financial markets world-wide frozen and if failed political governance are held to account, opportunities now are beckoning for a environmentally sustainable, regulated, green-collar, solar-thermal, carbon and resource tax-based economy to emerge.
Series: green new deal (6 Articles, 8593 views)

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