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Richmond Shreve is a retired business executive whose careers began in electronics (USN) and broadcasting in the 1960s. Over the years he has maintained a hobby interest in amateur radio, and the audio-visual arts while working in sales and marketing. For the last thirty years he was co-owner and CEO of the Middlebrook Crossroads business park (Edmar Corporation) in Bridgewater, NJ. He holds a lifetime FCC Second Class Commercial license, and an amateur radio General Class license (W2EMU). In 2012 Richmond retired from instructing sports car owners in high performance driving techniques at major tracks including NJ Motorsports Park, Watkins Glen, and Summit Point. He is the author and publisher of the Instructor Candidate Manual used by BMWCCA and other car clubs to train their on-track instructors.
Prior to moving to Newtown,PA, he volunteered as chief engineer of WCFA the Cape May, NJ community radio station as well as working as a gaffer on the Cape May Film Festival technical crew, a driver/engineer in the Cape May Point Volunteer Fire Company, served as its Treasurer and as Treasurer of its Firemen's Relief Association. He edited and printed the Cape May Point Taxpayer's Association Newsletter.
As a computer power user, graphic artist, photographer, and website designer he helps nonprofits build and maintain web sites. He is a fromer Vestry member of the Episcopal Church of the Advent.
Richmond is a citizen journalist and former Senior Editor at OpEdNews.com, a progressive news and opinion site on the internet.
Richmond lives with his wife Marguerite Chandler in Newtown, PA wher he continues to write essays ad short fiction. They travel extensively with their fifth wheel RV.
Lost River Anthology (Amazon.com)
Instructor Candidate Manual (LuLu.com)
(1 comments) SHARE Monday, February 10, 2020 How To Spot Skepticism Triggers
We are being played. It's not that we are stupid or gullible, at least not most of us. It's because we have not adjusted to 21st century media. We have become more vulnerable to disinformation than we have ever been because we no longer rely upon trusted journalist intermediaries. The era of Walter Cronkite's integrity is largely over
In the following paragraphs I offer some basic tools to help readers recognize the mendacity
SHARE Sunday, August 2, 2015 Decades of Climate Deception
The Union of Concerned Scientists has compiled a damning collection of evidence that shows how the fossil fuel industry duped the media and the public about the dangers of climate change. It may well be the greatest propaganda lie ever, and the most lethal.
(4 comments) SHARE Sunday, September 21, 2014 The Right to Bear Arms? (even in a well regulated militia?)
A viral video depicts the truly awesome killing power of the Glock 18 fully automatic pistol. It also shows how difficult it is to control, and it's easy to imagine horrific "accidents" happening.
SHARE Monday, August 4, 2014 Old, Wise, and Mad as Hell: Harry's Last Stand
Harry Leslie Smith is old (91), wise, and very angry. He writes powerfully and well and what he has to say about the economic and political state of the US and Britain. Harry's generation of working class Brits grew up in poverty made desperate by the depression. He sees strong parallels between what is happening in the US and GB today, and the poverty of his youth.
(6 comments) SHARE Wednesday, July 30, 2014 Review: Open Source Everything Manifesto
What could or world happen if virtually everything, all intellectual property, all the stuff that's now secret or locked away in proprietary silos were universally available. In this book Robert Steel tells us that many of the challenges society faces in governance, environment, health, and virtually all areas of concern could find resolution. Were it not for Steele's rigor citing sources this might seem like Sci-fi. Not so.
(2 comments) SHARE Saturday, July 5, 2014 Feeding a Hungry Planet
Our food supply is in jeopardy. The next 36 years will bring global catastrophe unless we can succeed in changing the way we use the limited capacity of Earth to grow food for people. Agriculture, as now practiced, is not sustainable, nor is it sufficiently efficient to meet the needs of 9 - 10 million people (the global population in 2050. Series: Feeding a Hungry Planet (1 Articles, 1394 views)
(10 comments) SHARE Saturday, June 21, 2014 GOP: Show Me the Money!
This week we've heard various Neo-con war hawks, a veritable chorus of them, calling for Obama to take military action in Iraq. I would like to see every American have skin in the game.I propose a COMBAT TAX.I
(Read more ...)
(6 comments) SHARE Wednesday, June 11, 2014 Tribulations of Trolls and Goats
In children's stories a troll is a fearful, loathsome, and darkly dangerous creature that lurks in the shadows and eats hapless kids who come within reach as they go about their business. In the blog-o-sphere of the adult world a troll is a darkly dangerous writer who lurks in discussion threads. Most commonly they are believers in an extreme point of view doing battle for their cause.
(1 comments) SHARE Sunday, June 8, 2014 Day 2: Common Bound Conference
This is admittedly a teaser which gives only a flavor of what has been happening at the Common Bound conference in Boston, but many OEN readers will resonate with the ideas embodied in these quotes. You can find out more about the groups and the presenters by checking out the program for the event. Enjoy. Series: New Economy (2 Articles, 1844 views)
(11 comments) SHARE Sunday, June 8, 2014 How can I trust?
The betrayal of trust is the stuff of national headlines, the grist of theater drama, and the bane of our personal relationships. As I write this, Edward Snowden has been in the news for a year having revealed that the National Security Agency has been doing Orwellian surveillance of domestic communications in the US. Both Snowden and our government leadership have breached our trust. This essay examines authentic trust. Series: Thinker's Tool Kit (6 Articles, 13335 views)
(8 comments) SHARE Saturday, June 7, 2014 Common Bound Conference - Boston
Organizers of the Common Bound Conference in Boston expected 300 people and we almost overwhelmed when 650 people representing 110 organizations registered, maxing out the accommodations (our publisher Rob Kall was among those who couldn't find a room.) The theme is "Moving Together Toward a New Economy." The core concept? Our economy is more than just money. It's about stewardship and sustainability. Series: New Economy (2 Articles, 1844 views)
SHARE Friday, June 6, 2014 Obama Plays Rope-a-Dope?
Did Rachel Maddow deliver the sucker punch in an Obama rope-a-dope strategy? You decide.
(15 comments) SHARE Tuesday, June 3, 2014 "Death Spiral" States - Whispernet Viral Propaganda
Viral emails are being used by politicians and activists to influence public opinion and solidify base groups. It's an ideal propaganda technique because it usually comes from someone known to the recipient, and is therefore read as credible. Even when received by an unsympathetic reader, it may sow seeds of doubt. Because it's anonymous and not in public media there is no rebutting it or holding the source accountable.
(1 comments) SHARE Wednesday, May 28, 2014 O'Reilly -- On Obama and the Race Problem
The conservative whisper-net is circulating a video clip of Bill O'Reilly delivering an impassioned opinion piece that articulates a demonstrably wrong analysis of "President Obama and the Race Problem." He's wrong in too many ways to enumerate, but his rant is a good motivator to read Tim Weiss' book that details why.
(8 comments) SHARE Saturday, May 24, 2014 Empathy = 21st Century Enlightenment
Rob Kall has written on the psychopathic behaviors that seem to permeate our global economy and plunder the world's resources. Relatedness and empathy are the social vaccines against plunder and predatory behavior. Watch these RSA videos to see how we might foster a 21st Century Enlightenment. Series: Gaming the System (2 Articles, 2579 views)
(1 comments) SHARE Sunday, May 18, 2014 Gaming the System
In "Gaming the System" Shreve asserts that the US and much of the developed world has forgotten the importance of the old fashion value of stewardship - the nurturing of that which sustains us. The 2007 recession, the environmental crisis, the growing gap between the wealthy and the poor of the world are all manifestations of a lack of stewardship. Our survival may depend upon embracing stewardship as our primary social value. Series: Gaming the System (2 Articles, 2579 views)
(1 comments) SHARE Tuesday, April 29, 2014 Comcast is Nudging Consumers Toward Higher Cost Services
Unless the FCC get some spine and takes control, net neutrality is dead. "[The FCC] should decide to classify broadband as a telecommunications service, which would allow it to prohibit companies like Verizon and Comcast from engaging in unjust or unreasonable discrimination. (The F.C.C. classified broadband as a lightly regulated information service during the George W. Bush administration.)," -- the NY Times.
(35 comments) SHARE Monday, September 10, 2012 The US is Broke -- Not!
Fears that the US is going broke abound and are unfounded. But there is a whisper campaign afoot to amplify them for political gain. This cynical belief is convenient and useful to the GOP in their bid for power in November. One element of the fear campaign is a video reportedly produced by a retired IBM accountant that shows [old news] that US tax revenue is insufficient to operate the government after entitlements are paid.
(1 comments) SHARE Thursday, July 5, 2012 A citizen's view of July 4th
Business Woman and social entrepreneur Marguerite Chandler writes about rebuilding the American Dream - a meditation for Independence Day 2012.
(9 comments) SHARE Sunday, May 13, 2012 How's That Workin' for Ya?
Author Shreve asserts that we are story animals and that political communications play upon and manipulate that trait. To assume that logical, rational arguments will counter propaganda is a false hope. The answer may lie in examining the story that drives the major parties and decide how and if it works for you personally.