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Radh Achuthan

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Our top priority must be to realize non-violently Article 3 of the 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Those of the First World population have realized Article 3 for themselves and reciprocity is a productive, healthy guideline; so, let's devise and achieve the needful in a socially organic manner to "Meet the Minimum Needs of All",(MMNA), and benefit from the enhanced mental health, prior to pursuit of additional profit.

I am a professor of physics at a university, and I also have an interest in social psychology / social planning. As a boy growing up in India in the 1940s, I observed the implications of scarcity in the distribution of food and other resources. Some received little and that left me uneasy leading to a desire to strive to meet the minimum needs of others around me. Today, economic development has reduced scarcity while the uneven distribution leaves about half the global population in penury.

In the year 2002, I had the opportunity to share this concern 'on the poverty of many' with Quakers of New York Yearly Meeting (NYYM) of the Religious Society of Friends, that eventually led to a (NYYM) Minute on "Meet the Minimum Needs of All" in 2006, and work on MMNA continues...

The creation and utilization of the Internet over the past couple of decades has resulted in higher levels of global communication and interactive participation, creating expectations on global accountability, to drive the future; it places new responsibilities on those who govern and the governed.

This opportunity creates the hope that MMNA may be realized by 2030.

That said, I have published five research papers on human resource development, have negotiated contracts for a group, am in my second marriage, am blessed with two sons and their families, my wife, our daughter, extended family members and F/friends.

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Why disrupt daily life, From ImagesAttr
(1 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Thursday, August 14, 2014
United Nations General Assembly Vote on Israel / USA. The calculated killing of Palestinian Arabs by joint Israel / USA action, decade after decade, must be addressed by the United Nations General Assembly, where USA does not have a Veto.
Series: Meet The Minimum Needs of All (2 Articles, 1803 views)
Mt. Rokko, July 2014 #rokko #kobe #japan #iphone5s, From ImagesAttr
(2 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Tuesday, July 22, 2014
'Partial' Responsibility: Russia in Eastern Ukraine and USA in the Gaza Strip? Given that today foreign policy is domestic policy, we must assume responsibility for it. We must be impartial in assigning 'partial' responsibility for global events and examine its implications.
Series: Meet The Minimum Needs of All (2 Articles, 1803 views)
(1 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Monday, January 20, 2014
Net- Neutrality: People, Corporations and Courts. The article identifies fundamental problems that arise when inter- citizen communication on the net is abridged by the court. Does this ruling safeguard the source- potential of the future, or give it away to corporations?
(1 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Monday, April 29, 2013
A Cold Case: Spiritual Norms and Universal Human Rights The Doctrine of Discovery, DOD, 1452, was followed by European colonization of the Americas in 1492 and international colonization of most of the rest of the world. That set back the spiritual intent of universal human rights. DOD was secularized and a violence-based military-industrial complex set up to sustain earth rights denied most of the human population. Given the internet, this COLD CASE needs non-violent resolution.
(1 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Saturday, February 16, 2013
Toward A Global Spring The 'rate of change; has shifted from the 'linear' to the 'exponential'. Its implications must be communicated in formal education for efficient utilization of its potential. With it, the people would be able to organize on their own to realize universal human rights in practice for the 3 billion disenfranchised independent of the priorities of the elite. Such realization represents a Global Spring.
(1 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Monday, December 3, 2012
A Peace treaty between Israel and Palestine People are interested in realizing human rights for themselves. The elite who have it, are in no hurry to universalize it. Given the current capability for instant communication within human consciousness through the Internet, even the rights once granted USA citizens seem a burden to the international 'money-cartel'. In general, good can be done by the people: Their time for non-violent action in the Middle-East has come.
(1 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Sunday, September 2, 2012
Romney: 'Audacity of Hope' 'Audacity of Hope' is a popular, invigorating meme. Romney uses it to advance his candidacy. He calls on people to limit their concerns to self-advancement doing business. The broader aspect of the meme is to be 'inclusive'. It is not sufficient to acknowledge the entitlement of those who have it. It is esential to work for those who do not have it, and not belittle the efforts of those who provide leadership in this matter.
(1 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Monday, July 2, 2012
And the Deductibles Intrinsically, money-power belongs to the People and best rests with the Treasury of a fairly, democratically chosen government.
(2 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Monday, June 4, 2012
Witnessing Self-Determination The executive, legislature and the judiciary are under implied orders from the global money-cartel, the 'fifth estate', responsible to no one but themselves. Private banks, and corporations, are their horsemen. Main stream media (the fourth estate), is their spokesperson. The People, the central theme are orphaned, with their institutions vacated of content. Money-power belongs to the People. Support HR 2990, the NEED Act.
(1 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Thursday, September 2, 2010
The path to global 'Inclusion Morality' on human identity. To optimize human potential while moving-on, acknowledgment, acceptance and practice of 'inclusion morality' to 'Meet The Minimum Needs of All', is essential. Through 'structural violence', the global political economy sends 30,000 daily to poverty death. A non-violent approach for the global transition to peace, based on birth freedoms, earth rights, communication, and people power is outlined in this Article.
(1 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Saturday, July 17, 2010
Must Violence be the Chosen and Accepted Norm for Governanace? There is little discussion in society as to whether violence is essential for social cohesion, social stability, and be the guiding governance principle. Utilizing the Internet, the people's preference must be elicited in arriving at a suitable norm. It could be amended at necessary intervals. Governance takes the norm of violence for granted, debates, acts, and seeks post-facto support for the norm. The process needs review.
SHARE More Sharing        Friday, March 19, 2010
Amend the US Constitution: Individual Person Hood is an inalienable Right; Vigil at US Supreme Court As there is 'that of God in each human being' and it is outside the reach of human designers to endow corporations with such content, it is necessary to have a 'principled non-violent vigil on the contextual truth' : that status of Human Identity (person hood as above), may not be tampered with by any institution; it is to be safeguarded as a standard for the foreseeable future in the US Constitution.
(1 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Monday, December 21, 2009
Non-violently, Establish Earth Rights for Everyone. Poverty is the source of most social problems. To resolve the same, collect 'land-value rent' from from the monopolists, while establishing 'Earth Rights' for each person, to be utilized in trust for the welfare of the biosphere and all of its inhabitants. The monopolists who make up 5% of the global population may not want it and be that as it may! the rest of us do and we may explore how to nonviolently implement the same.
SHARE More Sharing        Monday, August 10, 2009
Meet the Minimum Needs of All, (MMNA)- Intention: WEBINAR "Meet the Minimum Needs of All 2030" (MMNA30), is a framework in the making, that would thread the eye of the needle of justice within global human law, under contest and yet to be acknowledged. With regard to MMNA, national law is ill -conceived, deficient and not in a position to deliver. Global human law is necessary.
SHARE More Sharing        Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Consciousness and Development Consciousness is endowed with a comprehensive charge to be a global care-giver, that can no longer be ignored by clever localized themes of competition. The article provides the bases for this viewpoint and a suggested course of action to meet the Minimum Needs of All (MMNA), practice geonomics, and elicit universal free-enterprise participation by the global population.
From ImagesAttr
(5 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Sunday, February 8, 2009
GEONOMICS: Meet the Minimum Needs of All (MMNA) "The fruits of the Earth belong to all of us"; that includes, all non man-made resources, such as land, fossil fuels, minerals, the electromagnetic spectrum, oceans, drinking water, the atmosphere, space, and logical structures, constituting our common heritage. The elite who monopolize possession of these must pay "ground rent" on the possession to be distrubuted amongst its natural owners--every man, woman and child alive.
(2 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Friday, January 23, 2009
The Management of Evaluated Hope through Trust Acknowledgment by the First World working population (1200 million) of the 30,000 daily global poverty deaths administered by the global political economy (GPE), can no longer be overlooked. Kindness and charity institutions would always bring us comfort as we tend to poverty created by us; but if we do not want poverty deaths in our name, we must require the GPE to MMNA and facilitate the material human rights of all.
(1 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Monday, January 19, 2009
A More Perfect Global Union Our top priority must be to realize non-violently Article 3 of the 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The First World population has realized Article 3 for themselves and reciprocity is a productive, healthy guideline; so, let's devise and achieve the needful in a socially organic manner to "Meet the Minimum Needs of All",(MMNA), and benefit from the enhanced mental health, prior to pursuit of additional profit.

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