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BA, Pomona College. Ph.D., clinical psychology. Army psychologist during VN War. Private practice 15 years, specializing in transactional analysis and family systems. Developed ego state psychodrama method. Developed numerous school-based prevention programs and first offender DUI diversion (designed for early intervention) programs in California and Oregon under county contracts and federal US Dept of Education grants. Alcohol harm reduction research under NIAAA (NIH) grants for c. 15 years. Designed web-based risk reduction training programs for commercial alcohol servers and university Greek organizations. Bi-weekly columnist two years for the Springfield News in Oregon before its demise at the hands of its national owner, Lee Enterprises (after 104 years). Opinion pieces have also been published by the Washington Report on Middle East Affairs, Eugene Register-Guard, Eugene Weekly, Counterpunch and Global Research. Current member, International Society of Political Psychology. Current national vice-chair, Veterans for Peace working group on Palestine and the Middle East. Current co-director, Al-Nakba Awareness Project focused on the Israeli dispossession and occupation of Palestine (see website).


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(14 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Sunday, June 20, 2021
The honorable way to honor America and its veterans is to dishonor American wars Memorial Day and 4th of July commemorate American imperialism that should be condemned, put to an end,and never honored. Honest history would devote the other 363 days of every year to remorse, apology and reparations to the millions we have murdered,robbed and displaced. This will not end until we citizens take control of our gov't from the robber barons who pull the strings.
Series: US/NATO Imperialism (5 Articles, 8490 views)
world temporarily closed, From Uploaded
(12 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Sunday, August 30, 2020
Let's Stay in Touch This reminds readers of the hazards to us all of psychological abnormalities in those wielding political and economic power, citing books addressing this regarding presidents Bush 43 and Trump. Excessive power over our national health bureaucracy is now exercised by Bill Gates, who displays an autistic-like obsession with universal vaccination as necessary for restoring normal life to which he seems peculiarly insensitive.
Series: Covid-19 Deceptions & Debacle (2 Articles, 3717 views)
Hands, From PixabayPhotos
(23 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Tuesday, July 14, 2020
Is Dehumanization the New Normal? Covid-19 looks engineered like 9/11with dark objectives: to keep a terrorized population submissive to the state, impose mandatory vaccines of unknown purpose by corrupting science, transfer wealth from small business to multinational control, install world control under US agencies and private foundations, and reduce and degrade individual humanity to fit grandiose Orwellian visions that we must reject and defeat.
Series: Covid-19 Deceptions & Debacle (2 Articles, 3717 views)
General Qassim Suleimani, From InText
(8 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Wednesday, February 5, 2020
Our Problem is much more than Trump, and certainly not Iran The Suleimani assassination has evoked typical fleeting reactions by peace activists whose ineffective methods have failed since the Vietnam War. We must do more to awaken deadened psychological faculties in the general public to protect the world from our endless, highly profitable-for-some, bipartisan imperial violence, beginning with truth about relentlessly dehumanized peoples targeted for mass murder and resource theft.
Series: US/NATO Imperialism (5 Articles, 8490 views)
John McCain, From FlickrPhotos
(7 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Saturday, November 10, 2018
2018 History Lessons Distorted: McCain Eulogies Echo Ken Burns' Misrepresentations of the Vietnam War This links the eulogies for John McCain and Ken Burns' documentary on Vietnam as insidious propaganda supporting US militarism and global imperial depredations.
Series: US/NATO Imperialism (5 Articles, 8490 views)
Saydnaya Prison, Syria, From GoogleImages
(11 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Monday, February 13, 2017
Democracy Now! naively trusting of Amnesty International This questions the credibility of Amnesty International's report on the Saydnaya prison in Syria, apparently the latest propaganda effort to demonize Assad, following an oft-repeated formula, strategically timed to undermine Assad's advantage entering peace negotiations, extrapolating wild conclusions from hearsay by anonymous sources in Turkey where the Western/Gulf State mercenaries have gathered.
Series: US/NATO Imperialism (5 Articles, 8490 views)
From cjournal.info/2015/12/11/john-trudell-warrior-poet-passes/: Cyrano's Journal Today | John Trudell, Warrior Poet Passes, From ImagesAttr
(7 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Monday, December 12, 2016
Standing Rock Water Protectors Carry Forward the Spirit of Rainbow Warrior John Trudell On the first anniversary of AIM activist John Trudell's death, this reviews and reflects on his life, courage, integrity and transcendent spirit of resistance to the forces of greed and destruction manifested anew in the Standing Rock Water Protectors.
Polar Bear stranded on Norway's Svalbard Archipelago, From ImagesAttr
(1 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Sunday, October 23, 2016
Presidential Choices Facing Climate Catastrophe Rapidly escalating climate change is the most crucial threat faced by all humanity but received scant attention in our political theater of the absurd, aka presidential election debates between candidates half the electorate were excluded from choosing. Both main party candidates are wholly unsuitable and the Green Party alone proposes revolutionary policies commensurate with the challenge. We cannot afford further delay.
propaganda, From FlickrPhotos
(18 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Friday, September 2, 2016
To Survive Psychopathic Leadership, Propaganda Must be Exposed and Debunked Describes control of the public mind as key to all the empire's operations, focused on crude demonization of targeted leaders and gross distortions of history to justify illegal and ruinous wars. The US public must learn to recognize, deconstruct and repudiate media propaganda and by doing so rid ourselves of psychopathic rulers.
Series: US/NATO Imperialism (5 Articles, 8490 views)
Rwandan Children, From FlickrPhotos
(5 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Monday, August 8, 2016
Bill, Hillary and the African Holocaust, Part 2 Completion of preceding article describing Clinton administration's secret sponsorship of Kagame's wars to secure resource control in Africa and Hillary's lack of moral qualification for the office she seeks.
Series: The Hidden Clinton Joint Resume (5 Articles, 13129 views)
Rwandan genocide orphans, From ImagesAttr
(7 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Saturday, August 6, 2016
Bill, Hillary and the African Holocaust, Part 1 The Clinton conjugal crimes against humanity go back at least two decades, with the African atrocities arguably the worst as well as the least known. We must review Hillary's job application carefully, comprehensively and longitudinally since she is supremely unqualified to be granted any further responsibility for the welfare of this country and the safety of the world community.
Series: The Hidden Clinton Joint Resume (5 Articles, 13129 views)
Bill Clinton & mining financier Frank Giustra, $31.3 million donor to Clinton Foundation, From ImagesAttr
(6 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Thursday, July 28, 2016
There are Many Critical Omissions from Clinton's Job Application This follows my earlier exposes of the Clinton crime team with accounts of their lack of any national loyalty, allowing control of US uranium deposits by Russia and transfer of missile and satellite technology to China, plundering the US Treasury, US resources and US taxpayer-supported technology for their personal enrichment.
Series: The Hidden Clinton Joint Resume (5 Articles, 13129 views)
From flickr.com/photos/50708465@N00/26200566930/: Does Hillary look more threatened or threatening?, From Images
(27 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Sunday, July 10, 2016
We Desperately Need a Trustworthy Third Party There is a lack of meaningful distinction between our two major parties, both serving the unelected corporate state, defined by Sheldon Wolin as "inverted totalitarianism." We must assert ourselves as citizens, proactively determine our national agenda and choose our administrators (not "leaders") of that agenda. Only Sen. Sanders meets acceptable criteria, has volunteered for the job, and demonstrated elective capacity.
Longtime allies Bill Clinton & Paul Kagame, From ImagesAttr
(10 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Sunday, May 29, 2016
Did Black Lives in Africa and Haiti Matter to the Clintons? Describes hidden role of the Clinton administration in the Rwandan genocide and subsequent wars in central Africa to control mineral resources, and suspicions of corruption following the Haiti earthquake by Hillary's State Dept and the Clinton Foundation. Emerging revelations from Hillary's emails and other evidence would make her exceptionally vulnerable to effective GOP attack as the Democratic nominee.
Series: The Hidden Clinton Joint Resume (5 Articles, 13129 views)
Secretary Clinton is looking tired, From FlickrPhotos
(5 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Saturday, May 21, 2016
The Hillary Gang Wants to Cut a Deal Hillary is whistling audibly in the dark and her deeply worried party wants a settlement with almost 1,000 delegates still unpledged and Hillary's increasing political liabilities, any one of which could torpedo her candidacy at any time. These liabilities in addition to her weak showing against Trump in polls could cause the superdelegates to switch for personal and party survival. Dare they risk betraying the voters will?
Visibly sincere, Bernie Sanders speaks plainly and without equivocation to his audiences, From FlickrPhotos
(3 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Monday, May 16, 2016
We are Seeing Revolution Arising. Can We Stay the Course? Describes evidence of revolution predicted by Chris Hedges, the urgent need for a third party bringing significant change, and Sanders likely success running if necessary as an Independent based on political science research and evidence of widespread voter disaffection with our existing political system. This will require pressure from below and refusal of Sanders supporters to support Clinton, who is weaker against Trump.
Hillary & Berta Caceras - which woman do you trust?, From ImagesAttr
(8 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Thursday, March 24, 2016
Blind Loyalty to the Clinton Brand Needs Re-Examination Reviews track records of Clinton administration and Hillary as Secretary of State to caution primary voters. This challenges the successful marketing of the Clinton brand to Black voters, documenting a Clinton legacy destructive to Black communities as well as racist foreign policies destructive to Latin American and Arab societies. Hillary would remain a reliable agent of domestic colonialism and neoliberal imperialism.
Series: The Hidden Clinton Joint Resume (5 Articles, 13129 views)

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