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Libertarian Screenwriter, philosopher.
2001-2009: supported of The Gold Action Anti-Trust Committee (gata.org) and a hard currencies. Was involved in the promotion of two documentaries by Danny Schechter: "in Debt We Trust" and "plunder", as his Producer assistant
2009-present: became a world traveler and will upload her 1st film-documentary dedicated to humanity's shift in Consciousness.
(3 comments) SHARE Monday, January 20, 2014 Smoking Gun: Global Food Waste Debunks Overpopulation Theory and Humanitarian Aid
Produce and die anyway! Using 2011 retail prices, the avoidable food waste in the United States (for the year 2009) has a total retail value of 197.7 billion USD! Since speculation and competition are leading us to the abyss, is a radical reform possible? As long as we continue to think that the more successful has more rights, things will go from bad to worse... Series: Smoking Gun Series (1 Articles, 1880 views)
SHARE Saturday, April 10, 2010 Economic 2012 In The Cards
The system we now have was invented by the Chinese, and began with the Song (960-1279) dynasty. In fifty years from 1260 to 1309 Yuan's paper money was depreciated by 1000 percent! Let's get ready for a 'redux'!
SHARE Friday, July 24, 2009 No Magical Elixir Of Hope
Dirty banking Secrets: Our perpetual debt based economy is generated by global breakdown of seismic proportions.
(3 comments) SHARE Friday, May 1, 2009 The Swimming Naked Prophecy
Does the Pope know something that we don't, when warning of 'a desert of godlessness'? At the very heart of this worldwide financial Greek tragedy, lies the very root of the current crisis is Money itself... It's charging interest, stupid!
(10 comments) SHARE Monday, February 2, 2009 Planetary Bankruptcy
It is precisely taxpayers' money that first enabled the predatory behavior of lobbies and cartels feeding today off bailouts, which are nothing more than the bones of global debt carcass. This is a very last cancer stage: taxpayers now must endure a 'die or spend mode' as their insolvent central banks turned them into lenders of the last resort to rescue the 'Davos Golden Boys' way of life.
(4 comments) SHARE Friday, December 12, 2008 Beyond The Age Of Usury
We are truly heading toward a terrifying and inevitable crisis of civilization and this is our very last warning before being plunged into an era where money and food will be scarce for many years to come... Contrary to the popular belief, money is not the root of all evil but usury is.
(2 comments) SHARE Saturday, October 18, 2008 The Last Debt Orgy
Controversial philosopher, Ayn Rand, once claimed that money is the barometer of a society's virtue. As the global crash looms, our world debt orgy came with a very nasty string attached and called: 'Inflation Holocaust'. Usury, credit and deficit spending are the nemeses of any system - Communism fell apart and now Capitalism. Yet, lawmakers call for more regulations instead of looking at the deep root causes - Hello Fascism!
SHARE Saturday, August 9, 2008 Systemic Paralysis
It has always been a jungle out there and in this time and place, something has radically changed the fabric of society; something so insidious that goes far beyond 'greed' and which is so deeply entrenched that is repellent to the mind to even think of doing something about it.... the countdown has started
(2 comments) SHARE Friday, May 30, 2008 The Final Monetization
"Superclass: The Global Power Elite and the World They Are Making" is also the title of a book written by David Rothkopf who has identified "just over 6,000" people who match his definition of the superclass... while there are good guys among that very superclass, they are clearly not winning. You have been warned!
(2 comments) SHARE Saturday, March 8, 2008 Global Elites Gone Bonkers
There is no shortage of disconnects in logic in the economic world we live in. Bill Gross, manager of the world's largest bond mutual fund, sums it up like this: it is a 'Frankensteinian' levered body of shadow banks promoting a chain letter, pyramid scheme of leverage.' ... Is there a revolt of 'The Debt-Slaves' in sight?
SHARE Tuesday, January 22, 2008 Global Junkification
Consuming Our Way to Unhappiness. 2001 was the year of the discovery that billions of world citizens had embarked on a runaway train whose destination is still unknown, up to this very day. Maybe has the time come to embrace The Teachings of Buddhabot?
SHARE Sunday, November 18, 2007 Hey Buddy, Can You Spare $1,000 Trillion?
There is a blockbuster currently playing and entitled 'The Enronization of the world' or How has the 'easy money binge' perpetuated the illusion of wealth'. A financial detox is inevitable.
SHARE Friday, August 24, 2007 Does Marketing 'Envy' Cause Poverty?
In many instances 'envy' is even perceived as flattering. It has little to do with its initial meaning, which you will see can be highly threatening. At some point the 'blame-envy' game will have to cease... for the sake of Humanity itself.
(4 comments) SHARE Saturday, June 30, 2007 Liquidity Nightmare... Drowning In Cash
Anatomy of a world crash. Two days ago, B.I.S sent a dire warning. The planet is a debt neutron bomb. Who cares to listen?
SHARE Wednesday, May 23, 2007 Winter Is Coming
The occurence of the four seasons is set in motion by successive generations of voters, with winter precipitating the collision course between the seniors exiting the voting process and the next generation.
(4 comments) SHARE Tuesday, April 10, 2007 The " S " Words-- Serfdom and Slavery
there are more slaves today than 100 years ago and it costs less in today's dollars to buy a slave.
Then there are the serfs-- and you might be one of them.