Steven Jonas, MD, MPH, MS is a Professor Emeritus of Preventive Medicine at StonyBrookMedicine (NY). As well as having been a regular political columnist on several national websites for over 20 years, he is the author/co-author/editor/co- OpEd News Member for 760 week(s) and 2 day(s) 661 Articles, 0 Quick Links, 189 Comments, 0 Diaries, 1 Series, 0 Polls
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Thursday, January 30, 2025
A Partial List of Trump Executive Orders, thru 1/28/25 This is a partial (but still fairly complete) list of Trump Executive orders, through Jan. 28, 2025. It is to be taken as an addendum to the column published just below. click here
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Thursday, January 30, 2025
The TrumpRepubloFascist Train Arrives on Track One: Some Early Observations This column is a review of actions the Trump Administration has taken in its earliest days as it quickly moves to replace U.S./Constitutional/Tri-partite separation of powers to one that is run by a "Unitary Executive" (a term freely used by some of Trump's top lieutenants, otherwise known as his string-pullers/puppet masters). As the column makes clear, "unitary Executive" is just a polite term for "fascism."
Sunday, January 19, 2025
The End of U.S. Constitutional Democracy: Some News and Some Notes This column begins with a short history of how in a variety of nations fascism (defined at the end of the column) has succeeded some form of Constitutional Democracy, beginning in the 20th century. It then goes on to outline briefly how TrumpFascism will begin its takeover of U.S. (bourgeois-to-be-sure) Constitutional Democracy, beginning at 12:01PM on January 20, 2025 (that's tomorrow, for those keeping score).
Tuesday, January 7, 2025
What Trump Will/Might Do on Day 1 of His Presidency (with an Intro. on non-consecutive term Presidents) This column first discusses a few of the details of the only two non-Consecutive terms Presidencies. Then it discusses some of the Trump-endorsement-points made by a former Leftist, Naomi Wolf. Finally, it presents an analysis of an extensive list of "I-gonna-do-this-on-Day-One" pledges made by the incoming Pres. over time, collected for and presented in an (to-my-knowledge-non-copyrighted) issue of Axios.
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Friday, December 20, 2024
"Is it Hair Trump or Herr Trump?" I published the original version of this column back in 2015. As Trump prepares to move back into the White House for a second time, with echoes of "fascist" and "fascism" ringing round him and many of his associates/appointees, I thought that a revisit to it, nine years later, might be of interest.
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Friday, December 13, 2024
Here Comes Trump (again): (As is well-known) he's even Worse this Time Around Briefly, this column is a summary of the fascist-like policies and personnel that Trump is already putting in place. E.g., he has forced the resignation of the FBI Director of the F.B.I., by announcing in advance his nominee for the job, who has already made his top priority going after "Trump enemies." But the column begins with a speculation that Trump might begin his reign, before inauguration, with a "2nd Reichstag Fire."
Wednesday, December 4, 2024
The GOP: the Party of Xenophobia from its Beginnings, and the Party of Racism since Nixon Is TrumpXenophobia something new for the Republican Party? Well, in its current, mass-expulsionist version it is, but ordinary, garden-variety xenophobia has been part of Republican doctrine and policy, since the Party was first established in the 1850's.
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Thursday, November 21, 2024
Post-Election Reflections This is a somewhat belated, collection of observations, analyses of the Presidential election. A few major points are: as the votes keep coming in, it is clear that Trump won no "mandate." He may not have even cleared 50% of the popular vote. His four main themes were (and still are): racism, sexism, Christian nationalism and what I call "petitbourgeosieism." His main goal is to destroy as much of the Federal govt. as he can
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Monday, November 4, 2024
A Collection of 2024 U.S. Presidential Election Comments, and a Prediction of Mine Briefly, this column is a collection of comments (with referrals as appropriate) on what a Trump Presidency would mean for the United States, and, at the end, my prediction of how Trump could, to the best of his ability (and for such things he, and his lawyers, have such abilities), get to what he would make into his triumph, and via his Court, reclaim the Presidency. (Note: another column, on secession should be forthcoming.)
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Monday, October 28, 2024
RACE is the Trump Card, I (current series) This column is the first of several concerning Trump's racism, inherent, and RACISM as political doctrine, coming up in this space. While racism as an ideology was apparently bred into him by his father since childhood, the use of it as political doctrine began when he took over the leadership of the anti-Obama "birtherism campaign of 2011-12. This column is a reprise of one that I wrote on the subject over 13 years ago.
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Friday, October 25, 2024
"Which Side are You On?" This column reprises arguments that I've made for supporting the Democrats in the upcoming election. In reality, in terms of whether or not this nation will still be ruled under a form of bourgeois Constitutional Democracy or by a Trumpian fascist dictatorship, there are only two sides, not, as certain minor candidates would have it, three. As the column-concluding song says: "you either are a union man or a thug for JH Blair"
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Thursday, October 17, 2024
The United States is in its Germany 1933, Moment This column goes back to another pre-fascist time, Germany, 1933. As it happened there were two major left-wing political parties. If they had been able to forge an anti-Nazi alliance, it is possible that German fascism could have been aborted, and the history of the world would have been entirely different. We now face the possibility of the onset of fascism in the US. In our case, just a few votes could make the difference
Friday, October 4, 2024
Post-Season Baseball in New York City This is column on sport (and I do do such on occasion). It is about a singular event that has occurred only three times in the history of baseball. Each of the three occurred to/for New York baseball teams, and two of them occurred just in the past week.
Monday, September 30, 2024
Is The State of Israel on the Road to Self- Destruction? Revised for further clarity. This is a modest revision, for both language-editing and content, of my previously published column on this subject: click here. In a word, it answers the question posed in the article's title: "Yes." And of course then goes on to explain why I have come to that conclusion.
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Saturday, September 28, 2024
The Secession Option Should TrumpRepubloFascism triumph in the upcoming election, in one way or another, for the first time since 1860 our nation faces the possibility of Secession, by those states in which the majorities of their populations believe in the Rule of Law and that the parts of Project 2025 that would be implemented would amount to an overturning of Constitutional government. Some of the major practical problems are also considered.
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Saturday, September 21, 2024
Is The State of Israel on the Road to Self- Destruction? This column briefly discusses the reason why, in my estimation, under its present politco-economic leadership, the State of Israel is on the road to self-destruction.
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Thursday, September 12, 2024
9-11 23rd Anniversary Retrospective IV: 20 Questions This column revisits one that I published in this space on the 20th Anniversary of the 9/11 Tragedy/Disaster. This column has only minor changes from the original, which are noted. Principally, it presents 20 questions concerning the events and their aftermath, which, as it happens have yet to be satisfactorily responded to. Thus, in my view, it is important to re-state and revisit them.
Wednesday, September 11, 2024
The Dick Cheney/Harris Endorsement: In Terms of the Interests of the U.S. Ruling Class (and how they got to be that way) Dick Cheney endorses Harris/Walz ???!!! What is going on? Has Cheney become a Democrat? No. Have the Democrats become Cheneyites? No. Rather, over its time in existence the capitalist ruling class has developed two sorts of state power in order to maintain control of the political economy. One is constitutional democracy; the other is fascism. Cheney is simply indicating which form the ruling-class sector he represents, wants.
Thursday, September 5, 2024
The Republication of: "The 15% Solution," first pub. in 1996; A Political History of American Fascism, 2001-2022 I am very pleased to announce in this space (with our Publisher Rob Kall's permission) the publication of the 3rd edition of my book "The 15% Solution: A Political History of American Fascism, 2001-2022, as projected from 1996. Purportedly published in 2048 By Jonathan Westminster." The Kindle version is on-line now. The print version will be following shortly. In this column, I am presenting a brief Introduction to the book.
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Friday, August 30, 2024
Beyond its Horrific Content: P2025 Would Destroy U.S. Constitutional Democracy by Decree This column presents a brief analysis of the proposal from the Heritage Foundation to replace U.S. Constitutional Democracy with a system of government which falls under a generally accepted definition of fascism. (I have discussed fascism numerous times in my columns. The definition that I use is presented again at the end of this column.) The column presents the major features of P2025 and discusses its Un-Constitutionality. Page 1 of 34 First Last Back Next 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 View All |