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Susan Benjamin

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Susan Benjamin is a journalist, former communications strategist and professor of literature and writing. She has researched communications issues extensively, including as part of a White House initiative under Clinton and Bush, and has written nine books on various aspects of communications, among them how to communicate effectively in difficult workplace situations. She has published extensively on the subject in legal journals, newspapers, and magazines, including op-ed news. In this capacity, as well as her recent career researching the cultural and political effects of sugars and sweets in U.S. history, she has appeared on national TV, radio and print publications from NPR to Woman's Day. She is also founder of True Treats Historic Candy, the nation's only researched-based historic candy company. In that capacity she gives talks at museums, libraries and historical societies nationwide. Her tenth most recent book is "Sweet as Sin: the Unwrapped Story of How Became America's Favorite Pleasure" (Prometheus, 2016) which the Smithsonian designated as Best Books about Food for 2016. She is based in Harpers Ferry, West Virginia, as is her shop, True Treats Candy.

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