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Dwayne served in the Peace Corps in the slums of Mumbai, India, worked several Habitat Projects, and was on the start-up team of the California Conservation Corps. He has a Ph.D. from Claremont Graduate University, has been a builder, teacher, political organizer, small businessman, affordable housing developer, and a rock-piler at Rubel's Castle. Some pics and stories at http://peopleslobby.us/more-projects/rubelia. Some story tidbits about his recent well-regarded book about Rubel's Castle are available at http://peopleslobby.us/more-projects/rubelia. In 2013 Rubelia was designated a National Historic Monument, right up there with Hearst Castle. CBS clip: Rubel's Castle is on verge of listing on National Registry http://losangeles.cbslocal.com/2013/08/07/rubel-castle-in-glendora-on-the-verge-of-getting-national-historic-recognition/ Dwayne is presently Executive Director of People's Lobby Inc (PLI, 501c4)and People's Lobby's Education Foundation (PLEF, 501c3). You can read PLI's American World Service Corps Congressional Proposal (AWSC) at http://peopleslobby.us/awsc-congressional-proposal Rebuilding People'Lobby web site is available at http://peopleslobby.us/ Congresswoman Woolsey (D, CA) offered to introduce it in the 111th Congress, then retracted. Please contact your Congressional reps and ask them to become an original sponsor or cosponsor. The AWSC citizen-initiated congressional proposals could be, with you pushing your representatives, among the most significant legislation passed and implemented in decades. Imagine having 21 million Americans cost effectively doing good at home or abroad over the next 27 years. In December 2009 Ralph Nader choose People's Lobby's book, "Ordinary People Doing the Extraordinary, The Story of Ed & Joyce Koupal's People's Lobby" as one of the Ten Best Books to Read for 2009. You can purchase the book from PeoplesLobby.us or learn more at http://peopleslobby.us/more-projects/books. "This country runs on laws. If you want to change the country, write its laws," People's Lobby's founders Ed and Joyce Koupal used to say. If you want to enlighten public policy, involve millions of Americans in addressing public needs, prepare for climate weirding, etc., help make it happen. The AWSC addresses with people action many of our most pressing and costly needs. To sign the reopened American World Service Corps petition/letter, which contacts Congress for you: Paste http://www.change.org/petitions/view/field_21_million_american_world_service_corps_volunteers_over_the_next_27_years Please help make the AWSC happen. To learn more about People's Lobby, visit the web site at www.Peopleslobby.us. Recent books both available on line and from publishers: Every Town Needs a Castle (Prelude to next book, Every Country Needs a World Service Corps) http://peopleslobby.us/more-projects/rubelia Ordinary People Doing the Extraordinary (Nader's 2009 TopTen Books to Read List) http://peopleslobby.us/archives/736 Library: http://peopleslobby.us/organizations/peoples-lobby/library OpEd News Member for 928 week(s) and 1 day(s) 91 Articles, 0 Quick Links, 143 Comments, 3 Diaries, 15 Series, 3 Polls
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![]() Whom Should You Believe? Sculptors of healthy history come in various packages. Our cargo pilots in breaking the 1948 Berlin embargo. A tired mother unwilling to move to the back of the bus. Carriers of the initiative process in 20+ states that forced big money to begin cleaning our skies. The charismatic energy of the Koupal family heralded in the book "Ordinary People Doing the Extraordinary". A prescient movie line "Follow the money." ![]()
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![]() Marlenes obituary around Thanksgiving An obituary on the life and courageous times of Marlene Hunn. ![]()
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![]() Raging Fires and Floods - Profiles in Cowardice - Just What the Grandkids Needed Before reading this, what came to mind when I mentioned "Profiles in Courage"? Ask a dozen various-aged voters and learn how few young ones associate the words with Kennedy's clarion call praising eight gutsy senators - John Quincy Adams, Daniel Webster, Thomas Hart Benton, Sam Houston, Edmund G. Ross, Lucius Lamar, George Norris, and Robert A. Taft - for standing tall. Any Republican senators willing to stand tall today? . ![]()
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![]() Father's Day...Dad Spit Shines the Dance Floor and the Hood Did dad throw you backyard ground balls, come to your games, tell you secrets that he did not tell mom? Did you wash and wax his car? Shine and buff his shoes? Did he wear your high school and college letter jackets to work when you left home to see the world? Did you converse with him enough to let him know how much you cared? Do not miss the opportunity. We miss too many without trying. ![]()
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![]() How PC are PCs on PC, or How Politically Correct are Presidential Candidates on Peace Corps The war to end wars didn't. However, it made Americans more aware of world needs and hammered fascism and racism. Buying into a stupid "falling dominoes" theory to bomb South Vietnamese proved that we did not know enough about the world. Today, without a draft, we expose generations to experience the world too often through night goggles and drones. Ingraining war mentality through service is not the answer. Series: Needed: AWSC, A Big National Service Program (16 Articles, 38017 views), Goodwill hunting (30 Articles, 57675 views) ![]()
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![]() Garth Brooks: Does the theology of his hammer give soul to his Country Western rock and roll dished out at Notre Dame? Jesus was napping in Notre Dame's Touchdown Jesus Tower, when awakened by thousands pilgrimaging to the stadium. Adorned in parkas & cowboy hats, eighty thousand+ jammed ND Stadium through a down pour to sing along with a 56-year-old self-proclaimed "fat kid" whose carpenter's apron hooks his hammer of theology. Does fiddling with Jimmy & Rosalynn Carter move him and Linda Yearwood's music up the staircase to heaven? Series: PLAYERS (24 Articles, 31933 views), Movies and more (13 Articles, 24849 views)
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![]() God Made Bananas, Fish, and Kids. "The Graduate" Made Plastic. So... "The Graduate" made plastic gyres, not God? Mr. McGuire: I want to say one word to you. Just one word. Benjamin: Yes, sir. McGuire: Are you listening? Benjamin: Yes, I am. McGuire: PLASTICS. Benjamin: Exactly how do you mean? Mr. McGuire: There's a great future in plastics. Think about it. Will you think about it? The PLASTICS line is ranked #42 in the American Film Institute's list of the top 100 movie quotations. Series: Angry Mother Nature (8 Articles, 11753 views)
![]() How the Peace Corps Conspired & Colluded to Deceive this Good Catholic Boy into Worshiping False Gods I don't know what young kids pray to or for in temples or mosques. I know this Catholic kid prayed to a lot of statues to stay out of hell, avoid mortal sins -- like petting, and do well in baseball, football, and basketball. Growing up in suburban Parma, Ohio, where my dad had a union truck-driving job, those prayed-for goals seemed hellishly important. Then the Peace Corps deceitfully led me to worship false gods.
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![]() 007's Aston Corvair Wheels Super-Rich Thru Eye of the Needle? Imagine if the super-rich voluntarily funded a National Service Corps of do-gooders who built health and welfare--thereby reducing stealth and warfare--at home and abroad. People's Lobby has the legislation. It needs you to fire up the imagination and vision of Congress to introduce & implement robust voluntary National Service via a voluntary nontraditional-funding mechanism (NTFM). Imagination and vision. Push for both. Series: Uber-rich 2% solution for world peace (8 Articles, 17022 views) ![]()
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![]() Hire Godfather's 'consigliere' for the kids, or ...? Is this only about "Consiglieres"? In Mario Puzo's Godfather Don Corleone points out, "Lawyers can steal more money with a briefcase than a thousand men with guns and masks." Today, many lawyers work for Don Corleone type families, the National Rifle Association, the American Federation of Teachers... Which set is using its briefcase to steal, harm, or help your family the most? What's the price of a gunned kid? Series: Needed: AWSC, A Big National Service Program (16 Articles, 38017 views), Goodwill hunting (30 Articles, 57675 views), Movies and more (13 Articles, 24849 views) (View All Series) ![]()
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![]() What the hell is a "public citizen"? Only tin & nuts needed to assemble? What is a "public citizen?" Are they necessary? More necessary at some times than others? Is this a time we should try to create more? Are we producing too many shaky tin men that foolishly follow in an age that needs well-rounded, logical, character-rich, steeled individualists? Series: Spreading JFK's Foreign & Domestic Affairs (6 Articles, 13294 views), Needed: AWSC, A Big National Service Program (16 Articles, 38017 views), Movies and more (13 Articles, 24849 views) (View All Series) ![]()
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![]() Jousting bloodlessly in King Arthur's Camelot, Sun Tzu's Middle Kingdom, and JFK 's New Frontier? Leaders and thinkers from long ago have consistently provided us programmatic answers on how to build a better world. Some grounded-in-commonsense answers from King Arthur and his band of Roundtable Knights, Sun Tzu and his thoughtful warriors, and John Kennedy and his best and brightest are provided here. Series: Needed: AWSC, A Big National Service Program (16 Articles, 38017 views), Joint Peace Corps (7 Articles, 15321 views), Goodwill hunting (30 Articles, 57675 views) (View All Series) ![]()
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![]() Pope: Thou shalt do less MSG, more MDG, and fat cats will happily pay Many complain about failing to think outside of the box, about the world of unmet needs, about inequities... When out-of-the-box solutions are offered, how many do something to implement the answers? What do you do? Do you believe the solutions offered here are too far out of the box? Series: Uber-rich 2% solution for world peace (8 Articles, 17022 views) ![]()
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![]() Ft. Lauderdale's studious spring-breakers now inconveniently handcuffed to ...? As climate change inconveniently sends rising tides to inundate Ft. Lauderdale and Miami on sunny days, a couple of industrious students from a bygone era reminisce and hope to devote some cuffed time to soothe an angered Mother Nature. Oh, for the days when her beaches were enlightened by sun-enriched, bikini-clad, bright art, rather than beleaguered by flooded beaches, streets, storms and dumbing-down Breitbart farks. Series: Angry Mother Nature (8 Articles, 11753 views) ![]()
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![]() Holy smoking tweets! Lincoln vibing Trump and Putin to send Joint Special Forces! Can Putin and Trump think outside the box, as JFK did in birthing the Peace Corps? JFK proposed quickly building the cost effective and admired Peace Corps to one million, and thereby help build shining cities on the hills. War mentalities killed JFK'S dreams. Can Putin and Trump stun the world, reignite Kennedy's dreams, and help build those shiny cities by serving peacefully together? Series: Goodwill hunting (30 Articles, 57675 views), Joint Peace Corps (7 Articles, 15321 views) ![]()
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![]() Thank You for Your $3 Trillion "Service" Stupid costly wars continue escalating. Our soldiers are worn, but continue serving. Homeless, refugees, and earthly climatic migraines are burgeoning. Do we have enough visionary leaders to build another army to help turn these problems around? Enough visionary lawmakers to legislate a nontraditional funding mechanism that challenges the mega-rich and costs taxpayers nothing? Series: Spreading JFK's Foreign & Domestic Affairs (6 Articles, 13294 views) ![]()
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![]() The poker table echoed, "What's fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness?" Does the antidote for "dumbing down" a nation include addressing poverty, disasters, and hatreds while serving alongside perceived enemies? How many would sign up to peacefully serve alongside a perceived "enemy" to make more than just "America great again"? How much smarter does such service make a nation? Series: Joint Peace Corps (7 Articles, 15321 views), Goodwill hunting (30 Articles, 57675 views), Spreading JFK's Foreign & Domestic Affairs (6 Articles, 13294 views) (View All Series) ![]()
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![]() Trump & Putin buiild army... invade world....world cheers! Two bigheads and big powers who spy on each other and rattle sabers butting heads... Should "We, the people" push them to take "the path less traveled by," and see if that will make "all the difference"? Series: Joint Peace Corps (7 Articles, 15321 views), Goodwill hunting (30 Articles, 57675 views), Spreading JFK's Foreign & Domestic Affairs (6 Articles, 13294 views) (View All Series) ![]()
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![]() Mark Twaining the art of Gandhi, Kennedy, and Trump? What's more important to nation & world welfare--following the news - faked or otherwise, social mediaing, twittering, & apping your 3" phone? Or spending a year in communities different than yours working shoulder to shoulder on needs that never blistered or teared you digitally? Which life produces more true art, as well as social & economic progress? Which path should our super-rich invest in having Americans serve? Series: Joint Peace Corps (7 Articles, 15321 views), Movies and more (13 Articles, 24849 views), Uber-rich 2% solution for world peace (8 Articles, 17022 views) (View All Series) ![]()
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![]() Pt 2."Where's that damn sandaled, marauding platoon Jesus kept training and droning miracles with?" Jesus Christ and John Fitzgerald Kennedy had their own recognizable gangs. They came to be known as JC's "Apostles" and JFK's "Peace Corps." In crowded India, where I served as a PCV, they were called "Shanti Senna," or Peace Army. Were JC and JFK trying to show us how to build winning, heavenly armies for all times and that after tines? Series: Spreading JFK's Foreign & Domestic Affairs (6 Articles, 13294 views) |