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Joan Brunwasser is a co-founder of Citizens for Election Reform (CER) which since 2005 existed for the sole purpose of raising the public awareness of the critical need for election reform. Our goal: to restore fair, accurate, transparent, secure elections where votes are cast in private and counted in public. Because the problems with electronic (computerized) voting systems include a lack of transparency and the ability to accurately check and authenticate the vote cast, these systems can alter election results and therefore are simply antithetical to democratic principles and functioning.
While the news is often quite depressing, Joan nevertheless strives to maintain her mantra: "Grab life now in an exuberant embrace!" Joan has been Election Integrity Editor for OpEdNews since December, 2005. Her articles also appear at Huffington Post, RepublicMedia.TV and Scoop.co.nz. www.opednews.com/author/author79.html OpEd News Member for 1003 week(s) and 5 day(s) 999 Articles, 4918 Quick Links, 1843 Comments, 4 Diaries, 111 Series, 0 Polls
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![]() Force Multiplier Aims to Keep Congress Blue ...an all-volunteer, self-funded group that believes that we must retain a Democratic Congressional majority to protect our democracy and make progress on issues like reproductive rights, climate action, ...and social/economic justice. We have raised $12.5M from over 10,000 donors since we started in 2017.75% of races supported by FM were close or very close. How many turned out to be winners? 25 of 37, which is very good. Series: grassroots (68 Articles, 173615 views), Empowerment (64 Articles, 133018 views), election campaign (31 Articles, 105599 views) (View All Series) ![]()
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![]() Kids the Big Losers in Modern Warfare ...[d]uring World War I, there were nine combatants who died for every civilian who died...And in the last half century or so, there has been another drastic change: nine civilians for every combatant, a complete reversal of the World War I ratio...many - maybe most - of the civilians killed are children. Bombs away!...In essence, our $800 military budget (most recent one) is a budget for murdering children. Series: Activism (210 Articles, 504572 views), behavior/psychology (30 Articles, 65563 views), Children (16 Articles, 32817 views) (View All Series) ![]()
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![]() Novelist Asks: Are Unions Still Relevant? I came to realize that the only thing that would fix those problems was working people working together.So I quit my job and went to work for a labor union.A few years later I decided to write a book about it.Partly because I thought people might enjoy the story and partly because storytelling is part of social movements. I wrote Making Manna about the criminal legal system and now Union Made, a romance about union organizing. Series: grassroots (68 Articles, 173615 views), Exploitation (31 Articles, 82044 views), Author/books (41 Articles, 98930 views) (View All Series) ![]()
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![]() Why is Diversifying Our Social Circle A Good Thing? "Contact hypothesis": People fundamentally change--on an emotional level--when they mix with and get to know people who are different from them. They become more compassionate, basically--and that's something we desperately need in this era of siloed lives. Personally, I'd like to see a lot more of us voting with others in mind and supporting policies that benefit others. And in my mind, this is the best way to get us there. Series: Racism (11 Articles, 25322 views), Overcoming Challenges (125 Articles, 329975 views), behavior/psychology (30 Articles, 65563 views) (View All Series) ![]()
![]() Scrutineers Connect The Dots Between Voting Rights and Election Security I started the Scrutineers community to bring together the voting rights and election security aspects of the election protection movement, to create a place people could learn about the issues and how to take action, and to build a movement. We have over 600 members, a delightful combo of people brand new to the issues, those working on election protection for a year or four, and veterans who've been involved for many years. Series: grassroots (68 Articles, 173615 views), Election Integrity (68 Articles, 193526 views), Activism (210 Articles, 504572 views) (View All Series) ![]()
![]() Suburban Oasis Sublime Refuge for Butterflies and Two-Legged Creatures Lizette: I like a broad mix of plants, especially attractive to bees or butterflies. Some of my style grew from not having a lot of money to spend on plants, so I accepted any offers and figured out how to incorporate whatever they shared into my yard. A few of my bushes and a grape vine are actually my family heirlooms; they are cuttings taken from plants that were originally in my grandfather's yard close to 100 years ago. Series: Creativity (39 Articles, 85021 views), Overcoming Challenges (125 Articles, 329975 views), positivity (62 Articles, 131683 views) (View All Series) ![]()
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![]() How Trump Stole 2020: Talking with Investigative Journalist, Greg Palast How Trump Stole 2020 has, at the back, a little tear-out poster, "Greg & Ted's New Improved Ballot Condom" for safe voting. No, you don't wrap it around your mail-in ballot--you follow the directions on how not to lose your vote. 22% of mail-in ballots are never counted, according to an MIT study. So pay attention, America, follow the directions on the Ballot Condom " we really can stop the steal. Series: Overcoming Challenges (125 Articles, 329975 views), journalism (77 Articles, 203544 views), Election Integrity (68 Articles, 193526 views) (View All Series) ![]()
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![]() Freeing Ourselves From Emotional Eating It's not the thing we think we want that we want -- whether it's a thin body, success at work, a loving relationship or riches -- it's how we believe that having that will affect us. The Big Lie is that things we can touch, see or have make us happy, but that never happens, not once. We keep ourselves entranced about this so that we can keep wanting and keep believing that someday, we will finally relax, be content. Series: Overcoming Challenges (125 Articles, 329975 views), Empowerment (64 Articles, 133018 views), Author/books (41 Articles, 98930 views) (View All Series) ![]()
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![]() Childhood Friends Join 'Bakers Against Racism' Bake Sale The founders of Bakers Against Racism provided us with all necessary marketing information as well as graphics we could use across our social media platforms. Their only recommendations for the project were to make 150 pieces of our respective baked goods and donate 100% of the proceeds to an organization that supports black lives. This flexibility allowed us to really let our creative juices flow. Series: Overcoming Challenges (125 Articles, 329975 views), Empowerment (64 Articles, 133018 views), Activism (210 Articles, 504572 views) (View All Series) ![]()
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![]() Signs of Caring I love orange and pink so I had to use my signature colors... and I think the effect was really solid. Right now, the feeling I think we all need to cultivate is courage. We need to feel strong and solid, grounded in our knowledge, and safe in our homes. It takes courage to keep going in difficult, traumatic situations. If I help a few people feel that way, then I've done something meaningful for my community. Series: Overcoming Challenges (125 Articles, 329975 views), Creativity (39 Articles, 85021 views), Activism (210 Articles, 504572 views) (View All Series) ![]()
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![]() Trying to Vote These Days Be registered. Check your registration info online with your county election office. Don't rely on middlemen or advocacy groups to do it for you. Have a plan to get your ballot returned on time. In some states and regions, that means dropping it off at a county office building and not relying on the U.S. Postal Service. We have heard all kinds of things about how fast mail delivery should be. Take direct action. Series: Overcoming Challenges (125 Articles, 329975 views), Election Integrity (68 Articles, 193526 views), Activism (210 Articles, 504572 views) (View All Series) ![]()
![]() Bob Koehler on What Defunding Might Look Like Changing our approach to social order doesn't mean disempowering police but re-empowering them. Carrying a gun and being tough isn't power,it's swagger.This behavior keeps no one safe, including the police. The "Officer Friendly" concept is problematic;it illustrates one of the biggest obstacles to real change: cynicism.We have to transcend that and continue pushing for real change, or in defiance of the cycnics,loving change. Series: Racism (11 Articles, 25322 views), Activism (210 Articles, 504572 views), Overcoming Challenges (125 Articles, 329975 views) (View All Series) ![]()
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![]() Dialogs on Racism: First Step There is no doubt that police officers have dangerous jobs, but this view of officers as being at war with the communities that they serve turns every citizen into a potential enemy combatant and every encounter into an acrimonious one. The way that you view a person heavily impacts how you approach and deal with them. Series: Racism (11 Articles, 25322 views), Overcoming Challenges (125 Articles, 329975 views), Activism (210 Articles, 504572 views) (View All Series)
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![]() Reflections On Taking A Knee with My Neighbors I'm freely exercising my right to choose -unity over divisiveness, awareness over ignorance, action over paralysis, hope over despair. I have a feeling we will have to keep exercising that choice, over and over,in the days to come.When this crisis passes, maybe it will have become more natural to continue making thoughtful, life-affirming choices.That is a good thing for us, individually and as a nation. I welcome that change. Series: positivity (62 Articles, 131683 views), Overcoming Challenges (125 Articles, 329975 views), Activism (210 Articles, 504572 views) (View All Series) ![]()
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![]() Senior Uses Humor and Creativity to Leaven Pandemic Self-Quarantine About 25 years ago, I was downsized. I was very upset and wrote a couple of short essays, a poem, and different lyrics to "Yellow Submarine". My anger sparked my creative juices.More recently, I did have lymphoma, which produced a lot more new lyrics. I think putting these hopes, fears and hospital experiences into song lyrics made them easier to deal with. It made a dark and fearful place more of an open reality to live with. Series: Overcoming Challenges (125 Articles, 329975 views), Illness (24 Articles, 66521 views), Creativity (39 Articles, 85021 views) (View All Series) ![]()
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![]() From Mines to Vines: CA Mom Follows in Princess Di's Footsteps Removing landmines is half the problem. Planting completes the value chain that has been broken due to war. Landmines hold the land hostage long after the guns of war have silenced.Together, we also decided to start a Penny Campaign to build schools and soccer fields for children living in Afghanistan. My daughter Kyleigh spoke at various schools from kindergarten to college.Over time, she raised 50 million pennies for peace. Series: positivity (62 Articles, 131683 views), Overcoming Challenges (125 Articles, 329975 views), Empowerment (64 Articles, 133018 views) (View All Series) ![]()
![]() Alley Art Spiffs Up Evanston Neighborhood In a Big Way I see people in the alley taking pictures. One family used one of the doors as a backdrop to their Christmas card. Since the Stay at Home Order, I think people are walking more and making the alley their destination. I hope it becomes a trend. Anyone or any group can paint a garage. The alleys are wasted spaces. A neighbor suggested we put flower pots and chairs in our alley and let the kids use it as a playground. Series: Women (67 Articles, 154901 views), the Arts (52 Articles, 122041 views), positivity (62 Articles, 131683 views) (View All Series) ![]()
![]() Don't Cry for Me In Argentina: Straddling Two Countries Amidst COVID-19 I'd just been accepted into a Master's program studying Translation and Interpretation which was set to start in the fall in Monterey, CA, so I told Carmen that a major trip like that didn't make sense for me, but she was on an existential quest and needed a companion and I almost never say no to an adventure. We chose March because the weather is nice then and that gave us a couple of months to save up for the trip. Series: Transitions (8 Articles, 16037 views), Overcoming Challenges (125 Articles, 329975 views), Illness (24 Articles, 66521 views) (View All Series) ![]()
![]() Unmasking BOP Abuses and More from Gary and Judy White That huge amount of tax dollars includes healthcare while in halfway houses and on home confinement as they are legally defined as "in custody of the BOP." What the BOP does, however, is NOT spend that money for the purpose it should be used for, leaving the expense of actually getting healthcare later to the prisoner, family, and the insured, uninsured or paid healthcare system when and if the prisoner survives prison. Series: Illness (24 Articles, 66521 views), Overcoming Challenges (125 Articles, 329975 views), positivity (62 Articles, 131683 views) (View All Series) ![]()
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![]() Signs of Spring, Signs of Gratitude What messages are folks trying to share these days? I came home like a child returning from the beach, pockets bulging with shells. My phone was filled with the images of flowers and trees erupting joyously into bloom. As well as plenty of art. Everywhere, people were reaching out to one another. This is what we're apt to miss, if we're in a hurry or not paying attention. So, just in case you haven't been paying attention... Series: positivity (62 Articles, 131683 views), Overcoming Challenges (125 Articles, 329975 views), Illness (24 Articles, 66521 views) (View All Series) Page 1 of 50 First Last Back Next 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 View All |