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Mohammad Ala

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Iran, pronounced Eeran NOT Eye-ran...".> Hint: Italy: Eetaly not Eye-taly. Iran has been in the region properly termed 'West Asia' -- not the 'Middle East' for thousand of years. It is heart-warming to see more and more scholars look past politics to discover Iran's contributions to science, film, and literature. One good piece of evidence is the display of Iranian artifacts in the majority of the world's museums. The term 'Middle East' is a fake term invented in the 20th century for the benefit of rationalizing British (and hence European) imperial interests. The "Islamic Civilization" is another fake term. Interesting that Western societies do not lump themselves with Koreans and Filipinos onto a single "Christian Civilization." After living and working in many countries, I have become an environmentalist. I am an independent business Professor and documentary film producer about environment and creatures in it. I have spent most of my professional life as a university Professor and as an Advisor to companies seeking to streamline their operations and to make them more efficient. My Doctorate Degree is in Quantitative Methods, Production and Operations Management. As a University Professor, I received Outstanding Professor Awards from several universities. As a film producer, I received the 'Best Foreign Film Award' from several international festivals for my documentary films, e.g., on the spider-tailed viper of Iran which it received a Panda Award from Wildscreen Film Festival in England in October 2018. The award is called Green Oscar among environmentalists. 2019 Awards: NaturVision, Deutscher Wildlife Filmpreis, Germany. 22 Gran Paradiso Film Festival, Cogne, Italy. Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species listed Spider-tailed Viper on August 27, 2019. This Convention is in Geneva, Switzerland. This action will make sure when I pass away this creature will continue to live. I welcome competition while my main goal is to educate public and protect the precious environment until I pass away. The earth belongs to all of us and sadly is in need of care. Dumping waste, especially poisonous weed killers for weeds and Crops similar to "agent orange," should be banned. Native people should not be forced out of their homes to make room for settlers who arrive from different countries. Western countries and Russia have not been punished for their crimes against humanity My professional and personal experience has convinced me that the world has become more dangerous and threatening. I have created several NGOs to protect what is left of the environment and of the creatures in it and to preserve historical heritages with emphasis on Iran's heritage and contributions to this world.

Favorite Quotes which most of them are my own summarize the way I believe: * Enlightenment is the goal of media but delusion is often its true target. * The prerequisite for peace is justice for all people and for all nations. * In the past, weapons were manufactured to fight wars, today wars are manufactured to sell weapons. * Seeking justice is meaningless if it is not translated into action. * Western societies and Russia share responsibility for the loss of free societies in many parts of the world, especially in less developed countries. Western countries, Russia and China have depleted natural resources, looted national treasures displaying them in their museums in exchange for deceptive freedom and wealth. * "Super Powers" would not be "Super Powers" if they minded their own business. * Give a man a gun, he may kill someone; give a man a bank, he will kill those who disagree with Western countries' foreign policies. * "A hungry man is an angry man" Illegal sanctions create hungry man. * People should not be indoctrinated with lies, only to learn the truth later. Every time a truth is told, some new understanding and tolerance between people and nations can take root. * Poor does not mean stupid. Rich does not mean civilized and smart. * The more simply I live and travel, the more I am able to experience life around the world. * The news is not as bad as you think it is; no news can be as good as you think it is. * Heaven and Hell is a concept from Zoroastrian religion which has been borrowed by other religions e.g. Islam & Christianity. To me, Heaven is the last twenty years of one's life when you can look back and smile. Hell is when you look back and suffer remorse. * Happiness isn't where you find it. Happiness is where you create it. * Bombing innocent people in Afghanistan, Yemen, Syria, and elsewhere must stop. * Any person with a 🔫 gun may rob a bank. Any person that owns a bank is capable of robbing the 🌎 world especially weaker countries.

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(3 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Friday, August 5, 2022
The Fear of Yellow Dragon China has always taken advantage of African and West Asian countries, similar to IMF. Chinese should not be welcomed in most countries because of their destructive commercial practices.
(7 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Thursday, July 28, 2022
Western sanction(s) take a toll on the ill as medicine becomes scarce. Western sanctions take a toll on the ill as medicine and food become scarce. The United Nations have described Western sanctions as a violation of human rights in several countries including in Iran. Western countries give lip service to terrorism, but they have no problem(s) to sanction countries that disagree with them.
(8 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Sunday, June 26, 2022
The Enigma of Religion The purpose of this article is to share some ideas that involve religion in our daily lives. Religion promises great things after life.
Happy Nowruz!_Haft Sin (traditional table setting), From CreativeCommonsPhoto
(1 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Saturday, March 19, 2022
The Nowruz Holiday This is a holiday, with many meaningful symbols and traditions revolving around the earth's cycles. It has been celebrated in Iranian plateau for almost 7,000 years.
(2 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Wednesday, February 23, 2022
Persepolis and Coliseum: Historical sites About 600 years before the construction of the Coliseum, Iranians built Persepolis. Persepolis was the ceremonial capital of the Achaemenid Empire. Iranian kings held celebrations such as Nowruz (Persian New Year) and Mehregan (autumn harvest festival) and other events at Persepolis. There are major differences between Coliseum and Persepolis.
(5 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Thursday, December 23, 2021
Blaming others while taking advantage of them. Blaming others while looting their natural resources. The United States is four percent of the world's population, but it consumes twenty-five percent of the world's resources. The United States, through the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund, lends the wealth it has taken from many nations to the same nations, and charge them high interest rates and make nations poorer and poorer.
(3 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Wednesday, November 10, 2021
Disregarded People Even if US forces and drones were not terrorizing people around the world, the US would still be at war, conducting lethal and illegal economic warfare through the use of its unilateral sanctions. The US continues to commit these crimes with little-to-no concern about the suffering they cause. In fact, 39 countries with about 1/3rd of the world's population are currently sanctioned by the US. .
(5 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Tuesday, October 26, 2021
JCPOA Trap Iran should reject efforts to reopen the JCPOA, contending the members were not and are not eligible to call for a new agreement while they failed to honor their obligations under the 2015 agreement. There was no balance between obligations and rights within the JCPOA.
(2 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Saturday, October 23, 2021
Violation of Human Rights Medicines and healthcare items are so important that various international documents state that the health of the people, whether directly or indirectly, should not be affected by sanctions, and that all governments should adhere to them. The United States at least for 40 years has tried endangering the health of the Iranian people and increasing the cost of living... .
(5 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Friday, October 1, 2021
Shortage of gasoline and food in England There have been many incidents and fights in London over fuel. There have been also food shortages which Western media has ignored to report. Another sign of Western media bias in not reporting their problems but reporting other countries' problems. Can people image if England was under illegal sanctions what would happen? People who claim to be civilized have been fighting in streets.
(5 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Saturday, September 4, 2021
Persian language Persian language at present time is spoken in more than twenty countries and many scholars of language read Persian literature in more than one hundred countries as far as Lima, Peru where Khayyam's poems are in their elementary books.
(7 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Thursday, September 2, 2021
Sanctions result in human sufferings International norms, and conventions, including the Geneva and Nuremberg conventions, United Nations Charter and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, all prohibit sanctioning defenseless civilians, especially in times similar to Covid-19.
(5 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Wednesday, August 11, 2021
Anniversary of the Bretton Woods agreement The Western nations, mostly American people enjoy the wealth of others with great appetite: from natural goods in South and Central America and Africa to oil and gas in the Persian Gulf, from less expensive Indian and Bangladeshi labor to high West and East Asian intelligence, and even scientific prowess. The method of control can be summed up in one word: the dollar.
Gate of Xerxes, From WikimediaPhotos
(2 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Wednesday, February 17, 2021
Genocide of Persians: In Memory of Persians killed. Historical books mention that 60% of world population resided in Persian territories more than 2000 years ago. One may conclude that Persia was the center of civilization where the first organized religion was established, namely Zoroastrian. This religion and its concepts have been copied by all religions, especially Judaism and Christianity.
Mohammad Mossadegh, From WikimediaPhotos
(3 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Friday, January 22, 2021
Who was Dr. Mohammad Mossadegh? Mohammad Mossadegh was an Iranian politician who served as the 35th Prime Minister of Iran, holding office from 1951 until 1953, when his government was overthrown in the 1953 Iranian coup d'e'tat orchestrated by the United States' Central Intelligence Agency and the United Kingdom's MI6.
2021 storming of the United States Capitol, From Uploaded
(3 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Saturday, January 9, 2021
Fear among World Citizens There is this flaw within the Western system(s)that how democratic they are, there are serious international security threat to world peace. This is a worldwide problem that need to be addressed by some but not all world leaders.
Persian Gulf and West Asia, From FlickrPhotos
(4 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Wednesday, January 6, 2021
Peace in the Persian Gulf Negotiating with Western countries will demonstrate Iranian weakness. Iranian soldiers and military strength will bring peace to the Persian Gulf.
(5 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Wednesday, December 23, 2020
JCPOA not a win-win strategy! After five years (2015 signing), Europe wants to preserve the JCPOA and then expand it without compensating Iran for the losses it incurred in the past years--but this approach should not be acceptable.
(8 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Wednesday, December 16, 2020
Holocausts in different countries British army leaded by war criminal Winston Churchill were responsible for killings, stealing food, and natural resources in India and Iran. Causing the death of 35,000,000 innocent people in India because of starvation. Causing the death of over 8,000,000 innocent people in Iran because of stealing food to feed criminal British army.
(1 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Friday, October 30, 2020
Western media ignores killings in France Pan-Turkish "Gray Wolves" (Bozkurtlar) terrorists march through Vienne (35 kilometers south of Lyon, France)

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