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Jim Kavanagh
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Former college professor, native and denizen of New York City. Blogging at www.thepolemicist.net, from a left-socialist perspective. Also publishing on Counterpunch, The Greanville Post, Medium, Dandelion Salad, and other sites around the net. Frequent guest on the radio shows Loud & Clear, The Critical Hour, Political Misfits, and Fault Lines.


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(23 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Monday, November 21, 2022
Devil's Advocate: Farewell to Fauci My summary take on Anthony Fauci is that he has played a central role in creating what is a social, political, and epistemological (undermining our ability to know how to know), as well as medical, disaster from which it is going to be very difficult for U.S. society, public health, and scientific practice to recover.
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(3 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Saturday, November 19, 2022
Will There Be a Nuclear War? I see about a 50% chance of nuclear war. If you want to argue otherwise, in this war between the US/NATO/Kiev vs. Russia, please tell me: Who will accept defeat? We all know that such an outcome would devastate humanity, and render any "victory" pointless. Unfortunately, war is not a rational enterprise. Nobody will accept defeat, so everybody will lose.
Palm Spring abortion rights protest, From CreativeCommonsPhoto
(6 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Thursday, September 15, 2022
Let Roe Go: Winning Abortion Rights An arguable ethical claim about life of the zygote/blastula/embryo/fetus does not dictate a criminal policy toward the inarguably human person whose body is its host.
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SHARE More Sharing        Saturday, July 30, 2022
The Wrinkle: Abortion Rights, Vaccine Passports, and Bodily Autonomy Failing to have a consistent position based on bodily autonomy in regard to the forced intrusions of vaccine mandates/passports and abortion criminalization is a mistake of grave consequence, that will undermine the political movement in support of abortion rights.
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(16 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Wednesday, May 11, 2022
Ukraine Negotiation Kabuki Want to plead for negotiation rather than escalation? Go right ahead, but do not allow such language to wishfully avoid the single, hard, determinative question in this conflict: Who will accept defeat
Series: Ukraine (4 Articles, 8320 views)
(13 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Monday, May 2, 2022
The Battle of Ukraine and the War It's Part Of The battle of Ukraine is part of a war that didn't start in February and is not about Ukraine. It's about whether the US will continue to control the world-including the Western Hemisphere, in every way, with impunity. It's a war that goes back at least to the 1990s and Yugoslavia. Ukraine was recruited into it in 2014, as a pawn for the U.S. to open a new front against Russia.The aggressor in that war is the United States.
Series: Ukraine (4 Articles, 8320 views)
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(3 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Thursday, February 17, 2022
Shallow Marxist Trashing of Truckers It's hard to conjure up a shallower, more self-defeating use of marxist language than dismissing the truckers who are resisting vaccine mandates because they are not "workers" but "owner-operators".
(3 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Thursday, February 17, 2022
Campaign to Deplatorm Joe Rogan is Hypocritical, Reactionary, and a Danger to Society The campaign to deplatform Joe Rogan is the culmination of a hypocritical, reactionary drive to prevent any scientific or political conversation that strays outside the establishment-approved narrative. It has nothing to do with the purported reasons for outrage.
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(3 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Sunday, September 26, 2021
Danger to Society: Vaccine Passports In-depth analysis of why we should oppose vaccine passports and mandates. .
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(1 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Monday, August 9, 2021
Playing the Field: A Critique of the DiMaggio Paradigm A recent article in Counterpunch blames sharp leftist critics of the Democrats for "normalizing white supremacy and the right's neofascistic politics." I reject that framing and see it as frantically trying to divert from Democratic policy failures. .
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(11 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Thursday, May 27, 2021
Apartheid Does Not Have the Right To Defend Itself, Or To Exist I hope that everyone, or at least an increasing number of Americans, can finally acknowledge what they are seeing, what Israel is, and that they will then reject the fables and excuses they are being constantly fed. Israel is a colonial-settler enterprise. Israel is an ethno-religious (Jewish) supremacist enterprise. Ipso facto, Israel is an apartheid enterprise.
Crazy House in Dalat, Vietnam, From Uploaded
(10 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Saturday, February 27, 2021
The American Farce Unravels: Shreds of January 6th The storming of the Capitol on January 6th was an acceleration in the unraveling of the American political regime and the fantastic ideology that sustains it. Unfortunately, the likeliest result, in the short term at least, is that the regime will knit itself a tighter coat of control, with the help, sadly, of a large number of professed "progressives" who are rushing to bolster an imperial center that cannot hold.
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(1 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Sunday, August 30, 2020
Payroll Taxes Are the Achilles Heel of Social Security For whatever opportunistic reasons and however fragmentarily, they have opened the door for questioning the "payroll tax/trust fund" structure, which is actually a weak and failing line of defense for SS&M that must be abandoned. The better response of the left is not to reflexively reject what they are saying, but to say "You're right. The tax isn't necessary," and take the discussion in a much more productive direction.
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SHARE More Sharing        Sunday, June 14, 2020
Over the Rainbow: Paths of Resistance after George Floyd We are in the midst of a political fight to end the disproportionately racialized social inequality and desperation U.S. capitalism produces, and the inevitably racist policing and criminal justice practices that sustain it.
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(7 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Wednesday, April 29, 2020
Joe or No? I won't be voting for Joe Biden. Here's why, and here's what I make of the arguments why I should vote Biden no matter what, a corollary of Vote Blue No Matter Who (VBNMW).
Series: Elections (12 Articles, 15879 views)
Bernie Sanders, From FlickrPhotos
SHARE More Sharing        Sunday, February 2, 2020
The Party's Over: Bernie's Last Dance With The Dems Bernie's greatest achievement is that he has created the conditions for a break with the two-party duopoly; his greatest failure is that he will probably block that from happening.
Series: Bernie Sanders & 2016 Dem Primary (7 Articles, 7134 views), Elections (12 Articles, 15879 views)
From InText
(2 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Thursday, January 30, 2020
Aftermath: The Iran War After The Soleimani Assassination Radical actions like Soleimani Assassination signal that the Trump administration is jumping right to the endgame of war with Iran, as neocon hawks have been "agitating for."
Series: Imperialism -Regime Change- Foreign Intervention (4 Articles, 6493 views)
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(2 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Thursday, January 2, 2020
Impeachment: What Lies Beneath? The obvious weakness of the Dems' Articles of Impeachment makes me wonder why the most politically-seasoned Democrats seem determined to play it out. What lies beneath the thin ice of these Articles? If the apparent agenda makes no sense, look for the hidden. Something that better explains why Pelosi et al find it so urgent to replace Trump before the election and why they think they can succeed in doing that.
Series: Russiagate-Mueller Investigation (6 Articles, 10266 views), Trump (8 Articles, 13782 views)
Adam Schiff, From FlickrPhotos
(11 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Monday, December 2, 2019
Defeat or Impeach? The (Il)Logic of Impeachment First, we had Prime Directive A: The Absolute Most Important Thing Ever In The History Of The Universe (or at least The American Republic) Is To Defeat Trump in 2020. Now, there's Prime Directive B: We Must Impeach Trump, even if doing so helps to re-elect him! There's an absolute contradiction in these positions that has to be recognized. There cannot be two "most important" things.
Series: Russiagate-Mueller Investigation (6 Articles, 10266 views), Trump (8 Articles, 13782 views)
From InText
(6 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Friday, November 15, 2019
Trump's Syrian See-Saw: From Pullout to Pillage To withdraw, or not to withdraw? That is the question Donald Trump, in his own inimitable way, has answered both ways. He tried to disengage from one "ridiculous endless" war, but neocons played his crass "take the oil" bent like a fiddle.
Series: Imperialism -Regime Change- Foreign Intervention (4 Articles, 6493 views), Syria (11 Articles, 14939 views), Trump (8 Articles, 13782 views) (View All Series)

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