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(1 comments) SHARE Saturday, March 4, 2023 ChatGPT - Smart? Dumb? Benign? Dangerous?
ChatGPT is the current face of AI, an explosively powerful and disruptive technology. This article presents an introduction to what it is, how it works, and what it can and can't do. Series: Artificial Intelligence (3 Articles, 7774 views)
(13 comments) SHARE Saturday, February 25, 2023 A breath of fresh air
A six-year study in California shows a clear link between more zero-emission vehicles, reduced air pollution and better health. Series: Health and Disease (6 Articles, 13982 views), Climate change (6 Articles, 20050 views)
(15 comments) SHARE Thursday, December 15, 2022 How many people has COVID killed?
The actual global death toll from COVID may be far higher than officially reported, according to a new study from the World Health Organization. Series: Health and Disease (6 Articles, 13982 views), Pandemic (20 Articles, 36700 views)
(12 comments) SHARE Saturday, December 10, 2022 Crossing the Rubicon
With his call to "terminate" the US Constitution, Trump has gone a step too far. He has now declared himself to be an enemy of the Constitution, the rule of law and our way of life. Series: Politics (2 Articles, 2917 views)
(14 comments) SHARE Monday, November 21, 2022 How healthy is your brain?
A neurologist with 25 years of experience treating Alzheimer's and other brain disorders wants to shift the field's focus from brain disease to brain health. Series: Health and Disease (6 Articles, 13982 views)
(35 comments) SHARE Tuesday, November 15, 2022 Those unpopular public health measures actually work
Public health measures such as border and school closings, lockdowns and masking are costly and unpopular. The inconvenient truth is that they actually work. Series: Pandemic (20 Articles, 36700 views)
(27 comments) SHARE Wednesday, March 9, 2022 Astronomers warn "there's no Planet B"
Nearly 3000 astronomers joined together to warn us that urgent climate action is necessary. We have no choice since "There's no Planet B." Series: Climate change (6 Articles, 20050 views)
(47 comments) SHARE Friday, February 25, 2022 How many lives have the COVID vaccines saved?
Hard data on the number of lives that have been saved by the COVID vaccines in the US and worldwide. Series: Pandemic (20 Articles, 36700 views)
(23 comments) SHARE Sunday, February 13, 2022 Worldwide data on covid vaccine effectiveness
This post presents data from 11 countries detailing the effectiveness of covid vaccines--specifically death rates per 100,000 people for unvaccinated compared to vaccinated or vaccinated and boosted populations.
(1 comments) SHARE Tuesday, February 8, 2022 Extremely promising spinal-injury treatment
Newly designed spinal implants have allowed several paralyzed patients to stand and walk again. The researchers hope to make this promising biomedical technology more widely available within years.
(2 comments) SHARE Monday, January 31, 2022 The Happiness of Nations
What makes one nation happier than another? This post examines that question and finds that while we can't find our way there by blindly following the GDP, there are some helpful road signs. Series: Economics (2 Articles, 7039 views), The Happiness of Nations (2 Articles, 5045 views)
(10 comments) SHARE Saturday, January 22, 2022 Where are you on the Blue Whale scale?
The ten richest Americans now control $1 trillion in wealth. What does that actually mean? This post puts that wealth and the power it provides into perspective by putting the ultra-rich and the rest of us on the same scale.