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Women's rights are fundamental human rights, From Uploaded
SHARE More Sharing        Tuesday, March 11, 2025
Is patriarchy petrifying governments to deliver on gender equality? Despite legally binding treaty, declarations and agreements, governments have not delivered on the promise of gender equality and human rights. Is it because of the sinister link between patriarchy and capitalism, privatisation, religious fundamentalism and militarisation? The article presents insights from few experts
Empathy binds women against TB and gender inequalities, From Uploaded
SHARE More Sharing        Tuesday, March 11, 2025
Change happens when gender inequality survivors join hands to stop TB Please consider the below article based on our spending a day with frontline healthcare workers (who are also affected by TB) and homeless women and female migrants with TB in Delhi, India. It was a powerful experience for us to witness how those struggling gender inequalities unite to fight TB and help each other beyond that too.
end AIDS now, From Uploaded
SHARE More Sharing        Friday, February 28, 2025
With only 70 months left to end AIDS why is the urgency missing? Please consider the below article based on insights from three leaders in HIV response globally as well as in Asia Pacific region and India. Not even urgency is missing but the focus on scaling up prevention, treatment, care and support - all is off the targets set by our leaders to end AIDS by 2030.
SHARE More Sharing        Saturday, February 22, 2025
Urgent and accelerated HIV service delivery with equity and rights is critical to end AIDS Please consider the below article based on insights from Indian HIV medical experts and researchers who have made a seminal contribution in defining India's AIDS response in varying capacities. They opine we have the tools to prevent HIV transmission, and ensure that all people living with HIV live a healthy and fulfilling lives. We can do better, no one needs to die of AIDS or get newly infected with HIV.
Gender equality and human rights are critically important to deliver on all SDGs, From Uploaded
SHARE More Sharing        Monday, February 10, 2025
Right-wing policies threaten gender equality and health security Donald Trump's presidency is likely to have far-reaching consequences for sexual and reproductive health, bodily autonomy and human rights worldwide. Please consider the below article based on insights from a range of young people who call to protect their health rights in growing anti-rights push against gender equality.
Find all TB, treat all TB, prevent all TB if we are to end TB, From Uploaded
SHARE More Sharing        Friday, January 24, 2025
Frontline healthcare workers dispelling darkness below the lamp Please consider the below article based on interview with a migrant worker's experience of getting active TB disease. Despite living behind one of the best government-run free clinics, he could only access care when a frontline healthcare worker met him. Frontline workers bridge most-in-need people with lifesaving public services.
Find all TB, treat all TB, prevent all TB to end TB, From Uploaded
SHARE More Sharing        Saturday, January 18, 2025
Will the drive to find-treat-prevent TB continue till we end TB? Please consider the below article based on our interview with government TB officer who has served Kangra for ~30 years now. 100 days drive to find, treat and prevent TB in India in high-risk populations should not end in 100 days rather get scaled up and expanded population-wide till we end TB eventually. There are a lot of learnings he has shared that can improve programme outcomes if taken into account...
Find all TB, treat all TB, prevent all TB if we are to end TB, From Uploaded
SHARE More Sharing        Saturday, January 4, 2025
India shifting gears to get on the right track to #endTB Warm greetings for a happy, peaceful and meaningful 2025. Please consider the below article which documents how a country with highest TB burden globally, is making efforts to shift gears towards TB elimination.
Human rights are indivisible and we cannot cherry pick SDG goals and targets, From Uploaded
SHARE More Sharing        Monday, December 30, 2024
We cannot promote family life by restricting women's rights Warm greetings. Please consider the below article based on insights from a range of gender justice leaders on the conflicting positions of several countries - where they have endorsed legally binding treaties like CEDAW to advance gender justice and human rights (and a range of other Declarations, Agreements and commitments including domestic laws and policies), and on other hand are also pushing anti-rights efforts
Centuries of inequities and injustices plague the TB response, From Uploaded
SHARE More Sharing        Saturday, December 21, 2024
Black Angels remind us of centuries of injustices plaguing the TB response Please consider the below article based on interviews with a "black angel" nurse who is over 93 years old today and served in Seaview hospital (one of the 4 hospitals (out of 93) in New York where black nurses were allowed to work a century ago). White nurses REFUSED to take care of TB patients at Seaview so patients 100 years ago called them with respect as BLACK ANGELS (as there was no cure back then).
protect the medicines that save us, From Uploaded
SHARE More Sharing        Tuesday, December 17, 2024
Engaging youth in tackling antimicrobial resistance to protect health and food security Please consider the below article based on insights from a range of young people who are the harbingers of change - and call for more engagement in improving response to drug resistance or antimicrobial resistance, which is among top 10 global health threats - and also threatening food security (due to misuse and overuse of medicines in humans, plants, animals and environment).
Find all TB, treat all TB, prevent all TB  - to end TB, From Uploaded
SHARE More Sharing        Wednesday, December 11, 2024
Failure to find all TB cases defeats us in #endTB efforts Please consider the below article based on interviews with two frontline leaders - Dr Erlina who has led from the front in the fight against TB (and drug-resistant TB too) as well as two-times TB (and drug-resistant TB) survivor. Unless we FIND ALL people with TB and put them on treatment (so that infection stops spreading) how will we end TB? In 2023, we missed ~3 million people with TB globally (as per WHO Global TB Report
Find all TB, treat all TB, prevent all TB  - to end TB, From Uploaded
SHARE More Sharing        Wednesday, December 4, 2024
Reaching the unreached to find missing TB cases Please consider the below article based on insights from two frontline leaders who are making a huge difference in fight against TB in local communities in India and the Philippines. Unless we find all TB among the most vulnerable - and link all of them to care pathway how will we stop the spread and reduce human suffering? Thanks to both for making the difference.
Protect the medicines that save us, From Uploaded
SHARE More Sharing        Thursday, November 28, 2024
Medicines save lives but not when they stop working Please consider the below article based upon interview with those who are living with drug-resistant infections on a daily basis. Gabriella was born with a condition (cystic fibrosis) that makes her prone to lung infections - and battled drug-resistant infections for years and continues to do so. We need newer medicines but no excuse to misuse or overuse medicines we have. Let us protect the medicines we have that save us.
Stop misuse and overuse of medicines: Let us all save the medicines that protect us, From Uploaded
SHARE More Sharing        Wednesday, November 27, 2024
Antimicrobial resistance is not a silent pandemic Please consider the below article based on insights of several experts who are trying to stop misuse and overuse of medicines in human health, animal health, food and agriculture and environment sectors. We cannot afford a future where medicines become ineffective and common infections become difficult to treat or untreatable,
Tobacco Kills. TB kills. We know how to protect people from both. Why millions die of both?, From Uploaded
SHARE More Sharing        Sunday, November 24, 2024
Decades of failure to end TB and tobacco use Please consider the article below based on insights from an expert from one of the least developed countries (Nepal) that argues based on science and evidence on decades of failures in both: preventing TB and tobacco deaths worldwide. Even one TB and tobacco death is a death too many - because science has shown how to prevent both.
Failure to find ALL TB means we will fail to end TB, From Uploaded
SHARE More Sharing        Tuesday, November 19, 2024
Are we on the wrong side of the #endTB track? Please consider the below article based on insights from those who have served the fight against TB for decades - including TB survivor and people living with HIV. Of course, over the decades a lot of work has been done to control TB- but we are still not in TB-elimination mode. Millions have got lifesaving TB services but millions more have also got newly infected with TB - year after year. High time we move to end TB mode.
Equity is critically important to reach the unreached with best of HIV services, From Uploaded
SHARE More Sharing        Friday, November 15, 2024
Inconvenient question: Science is gifting us new HIV prevention tools but is it expanding choices for the people? Please consider the below article based upon insights from Jim Pickett who has devotedly worked all his life to advance community-centric HIV prevention research for those whose needs are most acute in high burden settings. The long delay of years and decades in rolling out new HIV prevention tools and converting scientific gains into public health impact (reduction in new cases) is unacceptable.
Abortion rights are fundamental human rights, From Uploaded
SHARE More Sharing        Sunday, November 10, 2024
Firewall gender equality from threats like anti-rights Geneva Consensus Declaration With Trump getting re-elected as US President, the anti-rights movements against abortion rights and gender equality and human rights are threatening progress on SDGs - again. Please consider the below article based on insights from a range of experts,
Prevent drug resistance: We need to save the medicines that protect us, From Uploaded
SHARE More Sharing        Friday, November 1, 2024
Hospital-acquired infections are fuelling antimicrobial resistance Please consider the below article based on an interview with Nour - whose mother went for a spinal surgery but along with surgery she got infected with drug-resistant infection in 2018. She still continues to battle with antimicrobial resistance (AMR) even today. AMR can affect anyone of us if we get infected with a disease-causing microbe that is drug-resistant. We have to save the medicines that protect us,

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