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Bill Wetzel is Amskapi Pikuni aka Blackfeet from Montana. His writing has appeared in the American Indian Culture & Research Journal, Yellow Medicine Review, Studies In Indian Literatures (SAIL), Hinchas de Poesia, Red Ink Magazine, Literary Orphans and various outlets. He is the founder of the Stjukshon Indigenous reading series at Casa Libre en la Solana in Tucson, AZ. He is a 2018 Peripheral Poet Fellow, and twice a Lijang Studio Spring Festival Writer-in-Residence in Lijang, Yunnan, China. He is the 2022 MFA Author Awards winner. He currently lives and teaches in Shanghai, China.
(1 comments) SHARE Thursday, January 2, 2025 Leonard Peltier, Thoughts on Conflict, Maps, and Mercy
Indigenous activist Leonard Peltier has served nearly 50 years in prison. It's time to pardon and allow him to return to his family and loved ones.
(1 comments) SHARE Tuesday, January 7, 2014 5 Questions with Tanaya Winder of the Reach The Rez Campaign
As/Us Journal co-founder and editor-in-chief, Tanaya Winder discusses their new "Reach The Rez" campaign and how it seeks to empower indigenous communities, particularly youth, by promoting art and literature.
(1 comments) SHARE Friday, May 17, 2013 National Short Story Month: Five Questions with Four Writers
In celebration of National Short Story Month, Seamus Scanlon, Erika Wurth, Matt Mendez and Sterling Holywhitemountain answered five questions about short stories for me.
(3 comments) SHARE Saturday, May 11, 2013 National Short Story Month: Five Questions with Five Writers
In celebration of National Short Story Month I have asked several writers to answer five questions for me. For fun, I answered them myself. The first installment includes: Alan Heathcock, Lydia Millet, Eddie Chuculate and Shann Ray.
(7 comments) SHARE Friday, November 30, 2012 TC Tolbert: Vena Amoris
Guest column by genderqueer,feminist poet, TC Tolbert. A beautifully written essay touching on vulnerability and transgender awareness issues.
(6 comments) SHARE Thursday, October 4, 2012 Is Obama a poet or a fighter?
Analysis of the first presidential debate. President Obama appeared passive and let Romney dictate and get away with too much. Will he fight next time out?
(4 comments) SHARE Monday, May 2, 2011 Bin Laden Politics: Who are we and what did we become?
Good riddance to Osama Bin Laden, but we have a lesson to learn. Never again should we let somebody like that change who we are supposed to be as people and as a country.
(9 comments) SHARE Wednesday, November 3, 2010 America Has Spoken And It Said: "Hell No We Can't!!!"
The American people have voted for cynicism and against their own interests. As a result of Republican gains and wins in Congress, more people will suffer and our country will endure frivolous investigations and absurd legislation while reform and other issues go by the wayside.
(2 comments) SHARE Monday, November 1, 2010 Sleeping With The GOP, Even Worse The Second Time Around
We've been in bed with the GOP before. We know where it's going to take us, we'll get nothing but division and failure? But have we learned our lesson? As the election nears, it seems that we haven't. The author tells us why we should.
(3 comments) SHARE Friday, October 3, 2008 Palin Winks Her Way To Victory
A satirical look at Sarah Palin's chirpiness during the vice presidential debate with Joe Biden. A debate that she clearly won based on her astounding winking ability.
SHARE Monday, January 7, 2008 I have become a Chinese crocodile
A comic view on the convenience of renting movies online. The author surmises that life has become easy as a result. A little too easy.