Louis Pasteur: Let me tell you a secret... Tom Paine: Goal of American Dream... Plutarch: What we achieve inwardly will change outer reality... Ralph Waldo Emerson: Emerson's View of Man and God... Buckminster Fuller: Build a new model.... Emiliano Zapata: It is better to die on your feet than to live on your knees.... Bernie Sanders: “Not me, Us... Stian Skjelbred: Words to live by... Mark Twain (?): Denial... Thomas Jefferson, A Slave Owner: Afterthought 1... John Knowles: A Separate Piece (closing paragraph)... Ayn Rand: The smallest minority is the individual... Jiddu Krishnamurti: It is not a sign of health to be well-adjusted to ... Ayn Rand: Don't Let Your Fire Go Out... Thomas Jefferson: Education... Herman Melville: All men who say yes, lie.... Frederick Douglass: Power... Edward Everett Hale, Author (1822-1909): I am Only One... Mignon McLaughlin: The Truth About Societies... Ragnar Redbeard (aka Arthur Desmond): Certainty... John Lewis: If not us, then who? If not now, then when?... Rumi: Let the beauty we love be what we do... Lance Ciepiela: The people who knocked these buildings down will hear all of us soon... 4 Kimberly McNeil: You can, you should... Al Hirschfield: Meryl Streep's Response to Trump Making Fun of the Disabled Reporter... 1 Carmine Gorga: On Relationalism... Tom Curtis: Ignorance... Monty Python, Life Of Brian: What have the Romans ever done for us?... Image Not GivenRob Kall: I think the word "enough" is the dirtiest word in Capitalism... 1 Rob Kall: If you can’t enjoy weeding, you won’t be a happy gardener...