Page 1 of 37 (Next 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 ) 1 to 30 of 1096 series
Shameful (945 articles.) (# of views) (Created by Susan Lee Schwartz)
Behavior today that is antithetical to the values we Americans and good people everywhere hold dear!
My Poetry (507 articles.) (# of views) (Created by John Hawkins)
Here are my poems gathered in a 'bunch' as they get published.
Charlatans & Liars (789 articles.) (# of views) (Created by Susan Lee Schwartz)
Snake-oil salesmen disguised as legislators, governors and politicians substitute outright lies & misinformation for truth, along with magic elixirs (no evidence required).
DON'T MISS THIS! (805 articles.) (# of views) (Created by Susan Lee Schwartz)
Just wonderful to see or read.
wrecking Ball (732 articles.) (# of views) (Created by Susan Lee Schwartz)
Removing things that the people of this nation already have, rollin back regualtions, erasing rules and creating new laws which eradicate important things we the people already have.
Psychopaths, Sociopaths and Narcissists (95 articles.) (# of views) (Created by Rob Kall)
Born or bred, sociopaths, psychopaths and narcissists are dangerous, hartful, evil predators without conscience or caring. Some hurt and kill, some hurt and steal or become violent and some are executives at major companies, religious leaders or politicians.
Bottom-up, Top-down (150 articles.) (# of views) (Created by Rob Kall)
The world, cultures, technology and definitely businesses are transitioning from a predominantly top-down to bottom-up way of seeing, living, relating, working and being. Even our brains are changing. This article series explores all the ways and manifestations of top-down and bottom-up.
Rob Kall Interview Transcripts (104 articles.) (# of views) (Created by Rob Kall)
transcripts of interviews done by Rob Kall
FRAUD & Mendacity. (514 articles.) (# of views) (Created by Susan Lee Schwartz)
Outright FRAUD & lying needs it s own space now that Trump is in town.
Dangerous (539 articles.) (# of views) (Created by Susan Lee Schwartz)
Dangerous policies, dangerous behavior
Insanity AFOOT! (449 articles.) (# of views) (Created by Susan Lee Schwartz)
News that indicates the end of the values that we humans held sacred, and end to truth, and the triumph of those who wish to destroy everything .
Economic Reform (122 articles.) (# of views) (Created by Scott Baker)
Major economic reforms to produce a saner, sustainable world.
Sunday Homilies for Progressives (159 articles.) (# of views) (Created by Mike Rivage-Seul)
My goal is to help progressives see the relevance of the Judeo-Christian tradition to their daily lives and the issues of the day. I would also like to help pastors generate ideas for their own Sunday reflections. The perspective here will be informed by liberation theology and current scripture scholarship. I began this series of homilies fifteen months ago when I started blogging. You can access the earlier entries under the 'Sunday Homilies' button on my blog site @
9/11 Search For #truth (89 articles.) (# of views) (Created by Lance Ciepiela)
The three 9/11 World Trade Center Towers did not come down in a manner compatible with an office fire, crashing plane, or terrorist attack. All three towers came down precisely like perfectly timed control demolitions - the two Twin Towers in approximately 10 seconds each, approximately 1 hour apart in the AM, and Building 7 in 6.5 seconds at 5:20 PM. WHO was responsible for the three demolitions has not yet been determined or investigated by our law enforcement officials or our duly elected or appointed representatives.
15,880 Districts in 50 States: already divided for conquering. (378 articles.) (# of views) (Created by Susan Lee Schwartz)
Crisis in America (400 articles.) (# of views) (Created by Susan Lee Schwartz)
With the advent of a serial liar and an incompetent, ignorant unstable person to the office of President, we are facing a Constitutional crisis, as well as a cultural one, as rules, regulations and our values are eroded.
Interviews: Bottom-up and Top-down (84 articles.) (# of views) (Created by Rob Kall)
Interviews exploring top-down and bottom-up aspects of culture, business, the digital world, relationships, anthropology, ecology, economics, hierarchy, connection, systems theory, patriarchy, centralization, trust, sharing, interdependence, domination
Election Integrity (188 articles.) (# of views) (Created by Marta Steele)
Articles on the Election Integrity/Protection movement since 2007. Page 1 of 37 (Next 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 ) 1 to 30 of 1096 series |