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I am a dull and simple lad Cannot tell water from champagne And I have never met the Queen And I wish I could have all that he has got I Graduated Cum Laude with a BA in Economics from Colorado College in 1976. I never did anything with the Economics degree. After being a software engineer for an airline and programming in BAL/assembler language on an IBM 370 computer for 5 years, I was hired on as an airline pilot. I had had previous flying experience including flying DC-8s for Egypt Air. I lived in Cairo for 6 months at the time. One of the highlights of my time in Cairo was a Grateful Dead concert in 1978 with the stage being set right next to the Sphinx with soft lights softly lighting it up. In the background were the pyramids that were nicely lit up as well. The concert was really special, in part because overhead, a total lunar eclipse took place from start to finish . There are videos online. Just search on "Grateful Dead Cairo." Look at "Images" to see photos of the eclipse.I have thousands of hours flying all of the Boeings from the B737 through the B747-400. That includes both the B757 and the B767, the planes they say were involved in the false flag attacks on 9/11. I went on medical leave in 2007 for depression and never got back to flying again. After being put on a number of different SSRI antidepressants that did little to nothing, I was put on Adderall; the best antidepressant for me by far. My depression is long gone. So here I sit with lyrics and music from a Kinks' song playing in my head, "I Wish I Could be Like David Watts." :)
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![]() Dear Mr. President, Come take a walk with me. Let's pretend we're just two people and, You're not better than me. Dear Mr. President, Come take a walk with me. Let's pretend we're just two people and You're not better than me. I'd like to ask you some questions if we can speak honestly. What do you feel when you see all the homeless on the street? Who do you pray for at night before you go to sleep? What do you feel when you look in the mirror? Are you proud? ![]()
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![]() Maysoon Zayid - I got 99 problems....palsy is just one. Feel good TED Talk My older brother has Parkinson's and he is in an assisted care facility. He told me he was bored so I sent him a TED Talk video I had watched recently about the mind of a procrastinator and I told him he should watch it. He liked it and asked me to send him some more. From a list of TED Talks, this is the first one I came across. Maybe it will hit my brother that yes, he got problems, but Parkinson's is just another one.
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![]() The Hunger Games Society - Crashing the Economy by Design. Its about time the bloody people woke up!! Because I'm getting sick of year after year pointing out this was coming. It's come! Many people have woke up because of this. But even then, Even then! There are people who refuse to see it. Its unbelievable! They have no capacity for free thought! This is waking up a lot of people, but others still(!) sit there being told what to do by mummy and daddy State. Series: Connecting the Dots (18 Articles, 52605 views) ![]()
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![]() Police Officer Fired for Asking Police Personnel to Stop Violating People's Constitutional Rights. An American police officer has lost his job for uploading a video begging his peers to STOP enforcing tyrannical laws. The US Army veteran says to other Police officers, "we're violating people's rights and taking money from them, or even worse, arresting them and depriving them of their freedom when they are exercising their constitutional rights." He begs them to stop, even if it costs their careers. Series: Connecting the Dots (18 Articles, 52605 views) ![]()
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![]() Tanzanian President: Papaya, Goats, Birds Test Positive for Covid-19. "A dirty game is being played in these tests." "You have taken the samples and say they are human's and they come back positive that they have coronavirus, that means all the papayas should be in isolation. And when you take goat samples and they are also positive, that means all the goats that we have here by assumption, should also be in isolation." "So when you notice something like this you must know there is a dirty game being played in these tests." Series: Connecting the Dots (18 Articles, 52605 views)
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![]() While We PANICK over a virus scare, they intend to end Encryption. And by the way, Joe Biden wrote the Patriot Act. This video is about the bipartisan EARN IT bill, introduced by senators Lindsey Graham and Richard Blumenthal. The EARN IT bill had its first hearing on March 12, 2020 and aims to allow the government to scan any and all messages online, eventually eliminating end-to-end encryption and the expectation of privacy altogether. Also, Joe Biden wrote what was to become the Patriot Act. Series: Connecting the Dots (18 Articles, 52605 views) ![]()
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![]() Senator Admits Doctors Are Told to Fake Covid-19 Death Certificates to Inflate Numbers A 7-page document more or less told me that if I had an 86 year old patient that had pneumonia but was never tested for COVID-19; but sometime after she came down with Pneumonia we learned she had been exposed to her son who had no symptoms but later on was identified with COVID-19 that it would be appropriate to diagnose on the Death Certificate, "COVID-19." But why do this? "Well, fear is great way to control people." Series: Connecting the Dots (18 Articles, 52605 views) ![]()
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![]() Dot12: 2012 London Olympics Opening Ceremony: Beware the Looming Coronavirus Pandemic, It Will Be Coming Your Way. This is a ceremony at the OLYMPIC GAMES! What the hell is going on? You have the scary black creatures and the Grim Reaper and other characters scaring the crap out of little children and even the theme of The Exorcist is performed! And what the hell is this giant (dead?) baby all about? You do not plan this elaborate an opening ceremony and put all of this weird/occult stuff together without having an occult reason. Series: Connecting the Dots (18 Articles, 52605 views) ![]()
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![]() Dot10: Are you thinking, "This too shall pass?" Think again. "We are not going back to normal." "We're not going back to normal." Any number of agendas and conspiracies are getting wrapped up in what appears to be a real Godfather "finishing all the family business" moment. Chart that goes through the end of 2021 -- rise and fall and rise and fall, time after time in social distancing "to keep the pandemic in check." People will become conditioned. This is a conditioning schedule. Series: Connecting the Dots (18 Articles, 52605 views) ![]()
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![]() Phil Ochs - When I'm Gone There's no place in this world where I'll belong when I'm gone And I won't know the right from the wrong when I'm gone And you won't find me singin' on this song when I'm gone So I guess I'll have to do it while I'm here Can't be singing louder than the guns when I'm gone So I guess I'll have to do it while I'm here ![]()
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![]() Phil Ochs: So When I've Something to Say, Sir, I'm Gonna Say it Now. I am just a student, sir, and only want to learn But it's hard to read through the risin' smoke of the books that you like to burn So I'd like to make a promise and I'd like to make a vow That when I've got something to say, sir, I'm gonna say it now I've read of other countries where the students take a stand Maybe even help to overthrow the leaders of the land Now I wouldn't go so far to say we're also learnin' how... Series: Phil Ochs (2 Articles, 2847 views) ![]()
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![]() Bears are not disorderly. Leave it to a bear to set things straight. Bears are not disorderly. Leave it to a bear to set things straight. ![]()
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![]() Dot9: Bankrupt Since 1933. We and Our Children are Pledged as Collateral on the Debt to the FED In 1933, the federal United States hypothecated all of the present and future properties, assets and labor of their "subjects," the 14th Amendment U.S. citizen, to the Federal Reserve System. Series: Connecting the Dots (18 Articles, 52605 views) ![]()
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![]() Its Easter time yet bad things continue on unabated. A little levity can't hurt. Give it a try. :) Its Easter time. This is holy week yet many bad things continue on unabated.A little levity can't hurt. Give it a try. Always look on the bright side of life. :) ![]()
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![]() Dot8: Pandemic Scam Made Easy. Pick a test that does not test for COVID-19 and Bingo, you've got your pandemic. A freelance journalist sent me a link on the government website that said, "As of March 19th,Covid-19 was no longer designated as an infectious disease of consequence." A matter of days later, Britain was locked down and people put under house arrest. Series: Connecting the Dots (18 Articles, 52605 views) ![]()
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![]() Dot7: Pat Robertson Gets It. To Whistleblower Bill Binney - Prayers, Can't imagine they will let you keep on talking. Pat Robertson: Listen, it's shocking. Its written about it in the Book of Revelation. Could it ever happen? The answer is, unfortunately yes. TOTAL POPULATION CONTROL. Bill Binney says that is what the NSA wants. He should know, he was Technical Director of that agency and worked there for more than 30 years. What kind of megalomaniac would want to do something like this? This is monstrous. What are we going to do? Series: Connecting the Dots (18 Articles, 52605 views)
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![]() Dot6: Corbett Report - Medical Martial Law 2020. The Stage has been Set: Medical Martial Law is on its Way. Put into place 11 years ago in 2009: "The laying of the infrastructure and legislative framework for the implementation of Medical Martial Law in any declared public health emergence." As the lockdowns go into place and the military takes to the streets in country after country, the decades of preparation for medical martial law are finally paying off for the pandemic planners. Series: Connecting the Dots (18 Articles, 52605 views) ![]()
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![]() John Steinbeck's book, "Of Mice and Men." Scottish poet Robert Burns' poem, "Ode To a Mouse." Thank you Mike Flynn. "Written by Burns after he had turned over the nest of a tiny field mouse with his plough. Burns was a farmer and farmers are generally far too busy to be concerned with the health of mice. This poem is another illustration of Robert Burn's tolerance to all creatures and his innate humanity." The title of John Steinbecks' book, "Of Mice and Men," came from Robert Burns poem, "To a Mouse." ![]()
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![]() Dot4: NASA WAR DOCUMENT. If These Three Simple Documents Don't Wake People Up, They Must Be Comatose. We need to move on from the illusion, the non-reality we are living in. You need to move into a new reality formed by the truths that these documents convey. From those realities then you can look at solutions. You can't "shoot from the hip" and look for solutions if you have not learned who is doing this to us, how they are doing this to us, and the documents that tell us how they are doing this to us. Series: Connecting the Dots (18 Articles, 52605 views) ![]()
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![]() Dot3: UN Agenda 21, Sustainable Development. Sounds Good, Right? Think Again. An Evil Plan to Control the World Agenda 21 will declare our public lands off limits to humans; will change every land-use document in the nation to require high-density housing in city centers to more easily monitor, surveil and control us; will allow warrantless searches and domestic surveillance and identify all of us as potential enemy combatants; will redefine torture. All of this is enabled and justified by UN Agenda 21 Sustainable Development. Series: Connecting the Dots (18 Articles, 52605 views) |