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J N Couvas is an academic, journalist, and an international corporate and political adviser, specialising in Middle East and Balkan affairs. He teaches international strategy and executive leadership at universities in the region.
(5 comments) SHARE Tuesday, January 2, 2018 EU Leaders Jockeying for a Place in History!
Analysis of the current mindset of major European political leaders on EU's future shape. The idea of a United States of Europe does not sell very well.
SHARE Thursday, July 14, 2016 Grexit (1): A year after the 13 July EuroSummit, the nightmare goes on
A review of the Greek political and economic situation a year after the signature of the bailout agreement with the European Union. Unemployment is still out of control, while the young educated cadres are fleeing the country.
(1 comments) SHARE Thursday, July 14, 2016 Grexit (2): Austerity, poverty and morosity persist, as brains flee the country
Second part of the article on the firs anniversary of the Greek bailout deal, reached on 13 July 2015 between the country's prime minister and the European Council. In this par the progress made in Greece's economy is analysed wit the latest data. Series: Grexit Euro Crisis (1 Articles, 1094 views)
(2 comments) SHARE Thursday, July 7, 2016 Born on a 6th of July!
First anniversary of the Greek referendum on the Euro, 5 July 2015. Democracy worked in theory, but not in practice.
(2 comments) SHARE Saturday, March 12, 2016 EU Migration Deal: A Camel, Not a Horse
Analysis of the recent extraordinary summit between the European Council and Turkey on the migration crisis, and commentary on the flaws of the plan devised by the German chancellor to rush into a short-term solution that ignores the interests of the smaller EU states.
(3 comments) SHARE Tuesday, June 9, 2015 Turkey: Already preparing for the playoffs
Analysis of the general elections of June 7 2015 in Turkey and outlook for further developments, in light of lack of majority by any party.
Emphasis of the entry to the Turkish parliament of a Kurdish party--a first in the country's history.
(4 comments) SHARE Wednesday, July 7, 2010 Winds of War and Trade-offs
The recent, and ongoing, tension in the relations between Turkey and Israel appears to signal a shift of loyalties by Ankara, and the beginning of an emancipation process from the US and the EU. It may, however, be the top of the iceberg of a deeper transformation in the Middle East, on the eve of a new multifront conflict in the area.
SHARE Thursday, February 7, 2008 The Headscarf Strikes Back
The ruling Jusdtice and Development (AK) Party has initiated a parliamentary procedure to amend the Constitution in view of lifting the ban of the headscarf in universities, imposed in the 1980s. The move is viewed by secularists as the prelude of a plan by pro-Islam AKP to lead in the longer term the country to an Iran-like regime.
SHARE Monday, July 24, 2006 Bibi Vigilante
In a recent tv broadcast political analysis, Mr. Netanyahu affirmed his conviction that any civilized country should become a Vigilante to protect its interests. But is he on the same frequency with Israel's closest allies?
(1 comments) SHARE Sunday, July 23, 2006 Billet Doux for Jacques Chirac
France has had in recent years no significant involvement in international affairs outside of Africa. The author humoristically proposes a new role for Mr. Chirac's nation, which remains a Great, albeit silent, Power.