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Larry Everest is the author of Oil, Power & Empire: Iraq and the U.S. Global Agenda (Common Courage 2004), a correspondent for Revolution newspaper (www.revcom.us) where this first appeared, who has reported from Iran, Iraq and Palestine, and a contributor to Impeach the President: The Case Against Bush and Cheney (Seven Stories).
(1 comments) SHARE Monday, December 22, 2014 Scenes from Ferguson: the Uprising's Reach, and the Reaction by Larry Everest
"I've been in Ferguson since November 22, and I don't think a day has gone by where there hasn't been a protest, most often multiple protests. There may be one at the Ferguson police station, and another in the St. Louis Shaw neighborhood, just south of the city center, or perhaps on one of the campuses: Washington University, St. Louis University, the University of Missouri St. Louis, and/or out in Clayton or West County..."
SHARE Friday, December 5, 2014 Repression, Resistance, and Rebellion in Police State Ferguson
After Claiming to be a democracy that respects the people's right to assemble, speak, and protest, the government has deployed dozens of police, spies, and military organizations that have been planning for months about how to contain and suppress expected protests. They've arrested more than 500 people in the area since August, and have conducted widespread surveillance on political activists, organizers, and journalists.
(3 comments) SHARE Tuesday, July 1, 2014 More U.S. Killings and War Crimes in Iraq? HELL NO!
Devastating condemnation of Obama's 'only American lives count' chauvinism and US crimes in Iraq - the toll on the Iraqi people rarely if ever mentioned in the US media, and why more US intervention is totally against the interests of the people - in Iraq, the region, worldwide, and the urgency of resistance. Series: Crisis in Iraq & Bringing Forward Another Way (2 Articles, 2131 views)
(3 comments) SHARE Tuesday, July 1, 2014 Iraq: Behind the Escalating Civil War and U.S. Intervention & Where Our Interests Lie
What's behind the Iraq crisis? Not essentially Bush or stupidity, but the dynamics and necessities of imperialism. Why the U.S. can't leave, has no good options, and how all this shows the rulers are not all powerful, revolution is possible, and how a legitimate, perhaps even revolutionary, crisis could emerge from these events.
(1 comments) SHARE Thursday, November 7, 2013 U.S. Drone Strike: Illegal, Immoral, Illegitimate
Civilian deaths are built into the logic of the US drone war and the whole "war on terror" -- drones are immoral and illegitimate tools in an immoral, unjust, and illegitimate "war on terror" aimed at preserving a world of terror and oppression, not ending it.
(2 comments) SHARE Wednesday, October 2, 2013 The Truth Behind "Core Interests" and "American Exceptionalism" - Dissecting Obama's Speech at the UN
What are "core" US "interests" in the Middle East? A crucial issue for understanding why the US does what it does and the impacts on the regions' peoples. This article penetrates the fog of "diplomacy," "peace," and "negotiations," using Obama's own words, to expose the unjust, hypocritical, and imperial nature of everything the US does in the region.
(2 comments) SHARE Friday, July 12, 2013 Interview: Carol Strickman, from Prisoner Hunger Strike Solidarity Coalition
Prisoners from Pelican Bay State Prison SHU Short Corridor have resumed their "hunger strike/work stoppage of indefinite duration until CDCR signs a legally binding agreement meeting our demands" Carol Strickman is a staff attorney at Legal Services for Prisoners with Children, a member of the Prisoner Hunger Strike Solidarity Coalition, and part of the litigation team in a case challenging solitary confinement in California.
(4 comments) SHARE Friday, August 31, 2012 A Frenzy of War Talk--Israel's Outrageous Threats to Attack Iran
"First, whether bluff, actual attack preparations, or some other machination, this flurry of threats represents a further escalation of a very dangerous overall trajectory toward confrontation and possible war against Iran by the world's main capitalist-imperialist powers and their creation and Middle East garrison state--Israel."
(1 comments) SHARE Tuesday, July 17, 2012 "Egypt's Presidential Election: Emancipation Not on the Ballot" by Larry Everest
"Egypt's vote may have served the agenda of the defenders of Egypt's intolerable social order, including the U.S., at least for now. But for the Egyptian people, it will not bring or open up possibilities for any meaningful change. Instead it is but another maneuver to keep the chains of oppression firmly around their necks."
(1 comments) SHARE Wednesday, June 13, 2012 Hype, False Hopes, and the U.S. Imperialist Agenda Behind Iran Nuclear Negotiations
The threats by the U.S., its imperialist allies and Israel and their refusal, for decades, to cut a deal with Iran is driven by the U.S. necessity to defend and deepen its Middle East dominance. For these imperialists, Iran is an obstacle.
SHARE Wednesday, May 30, 2012 "Money for Jobs Not for War"-- American Chauvinism + Reformist Illusions by Larry Everest
"Why should antiwar demands focus first and foremost on the war's impact on Americans and their lives--and not on the victims of U.S. aggression: Pakistanis murdered in U.S. drone strikes, Iraqis rounded up and tortured by U.S. forces, Afghans seized and terrorized in night raids, and countless others? Aren't their lives every bit as precious as the lives of those who happen to live in the U.S.?"
(1 comments) SHARE Monday, April 9, 2012 The U.S. in Syria: Imperialism -- Not Humanitarianism
"Rather, the imperialists' own words make clear that their maneuvers and machinations are aimed at seizing on the Syrian uprising to get rid of a troublesome regime, and strengthen Israel and overall U.S. imperialist control of the Middle East--and that any 'humanitarian relief' they may (or may not) provide is window dressing to facilitate that goal."
(32 comments) SHARE Saturday, March 10, 2012 Threats, Aggression, War Preparations...and Lies--U.S. and Israel Accelerate Campaign Against Iran
Just what is it the U.S. and Israel are really defending and seeking to preserve? They're working to preserve U.S. domination over this whole region in service of a global empire of exploitation imposed and maintained by massive violence. And if there's a debate among them, it's over how to best pursue that reactionary and criminal aim.