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Paul Fitzgerald Elizabeth Gould

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Paul Fitzgerald and Elizabeth Gould are the authors of Invisible History: Afghanistan's Untold Story and Crossing Zero The AfPak War at the Turning Point of American Empire and The Voice,a novel. Paul Fitzgerald and Elizabeth Gould, a husband and wife team began working together in 1979 co-producing a documentary for Paul's television show, Watchworks. Called, The Arms Race and the Economy, A Delicate Balance, they found themselves in the midst of a controversy that was to boil over a few months later with the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan. Their acquisition of the first visas to enter Afghanistan granted to an American TV crew in 1981, brought them into the most heated Cold War controversy since Vietnam. But the people inside Soviet-occupied Afghanistan told a very different story from the one being broadcast on the evening news. Following their news story for the CBS Evening News, they produced a documentary (Afghanistan Between Three Worlds) for PBS and in 1983 they returned to Kabul for ABC Nightline with Harvard Negotiation project director Roger Fisher. Arriving in Kabul that spring they were told that the Russians wanted to go home and negotiate their way out. But the story that President Carter called, "the greatest threat to peace since the second World War" had already been written by America's pundits was not about to change the script. As the first American journalists to get behind the official propaganda on the war, they not only got a view of an unseen Afghan life, but a revelatory look at how the US defined itself under the veil of superpower confrontation. But as they pursued the reasons behind the propaganda, they were drawn into a story that was growing into mythic dimensions. It was at the time of the first World Trade Center bombing in 1993 when they were working on the film version of their experience under contract to Oliver Stone, that they began to piece together the mythic implications of the story. During the research for the screenplay crucial documents were declassified. Over the next decade they trailed a labyrinth of clues to find a likeness in Washington's official policy towards Afghanistan - in the ancient Zoroastrian war of the light against the dark - whose origins began in the region now known as Afghanistan. It was a likeness that grows more visible as America's involvement deepens. By 1998, as the horrors of the Taliban regime began to grab headlines, they started collaborating with Afghan human rights expert Sima Wali. They contributed to the Women for Afghan Women: Shattering Myths and Claiming the Future book project. In 2002 they filmed Wali's first return to Kabul since her exile in 1978. The film they produced about Wali's journey home, The Woman in Exile Returns, gave audiences the chance to discover the message of one of Afghanistan's most articulate voices and her hopes for her people. In the years since 9/11 much has happened to bring their story into sharp focus. Their experience at combining personal diplomacy with activist journalism could become a model for restoring a healthy and vibrant dialogue to American democracy. Ultimately, Invisible History: Afghanistan's Untold Story lays bare why it was inevitable that the Soviet Union and the U.S. should end up in Afghanistan and what that means to the future of the American emp

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Saltire Gules of the Fitzgerald Family, From Uploaded
SHARE More Sharing        Thursday, October 10, 2024
TrineDay's Roundtable 35: The Healing Ceremony of November 22, 2024: Breaking the Spell Was a spell cast on the nation with JFK's assassination? Can it be broken? We think so. With Agape Love. Join to discuss .....PHASE 1: The November 22nd ceremony to release JFK's Spirit of Peace enchained by Eros Love. After decades of asking "who's to blame," Americans will come together to resurrect JFK's spirit of peace.The kickoff is at the Love Field Airport on the 61st anniversary, with the healing ceremony.
Bronze Spirit of Flight Statue at the entrance to Love Field Airport, From Uploaded
(1 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Tuesday, October 1, 2024
How we discovered the deep truth behind JFK's assassination through the magic of Love Field Airport A healing ceremony at Love Field is the answer. Once activated, we can continue to put our collective imaginations together to manifest JFK's Spirit of peace back into all our lives where it belongs. The kickoff will be on November 22, 2024. The ceremony will take place between 2:15 and 2:45 pm CT at the Bronze Spirit of Flight Statue near the entrance to Love Field Airport.The world is welcome to join in from wherever you are
JFK's  Commencement Address at American University. Washington, D. C. June 10, 1963, From Uploaded
SHARE More Sharing        Saturday, September 7, 2024
TrineDay's Roundtable 34: Planning the Healing Ceremony for November 22--RESURRECTING JFK'S SPIRIT OF PEACE After six decades of asking "who's to blame", it's time for the citizens of Dallas and all Americans to come together in a most positive way; to resurrect JFK's spirit of peace. The kickoff starts at the Love Field Airport in Dallas, November 22, 2024, with a healing ceremony at 2:30 pm CT. Together we can create a loving and peaceful future.
Saltire Gules of the Fitzgerald Family, From Uploaded
(1 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Tuesday, September 3, 2024
John Trumbull  1806  painting of Alexander Hamilton, From Uploaded
(1 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Wednesday, April 10, 2024
TRINEDAY's RoundTable 29 The Alexander Hamilton/Henry George Economic Dialogues We'll explore how a shift in taxes stops land speculators - who understand how to get rich without working is by keeping the unearned land-value increases for themselves when the property is sold. Georgist solutions ensured that the land value went back to the whole community instead. These ideas have been working in many cities and towns in USA and around the world for over a century.
Hiroshima and the stark, devastated reality caused by the August 6, 1945 atomic bomb blast, From Uploaded
(5 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Thursday, February 29, 2024
Some like it Hot, Some like it too Hot! Everybody knows the assassination of JFK took the United States off a course towards world peace and cooperation following the Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962, but how many people know that the assassination of U.S. Ambassador Adolph Dubs on February 14, 1979 ensured that the US would permanently pivot back to the same Apocalyptic course that was inaugurated with the murder of JFK.
Purt Castle Abbeyleale, Ireland   Home of Desmond Earl Gerald before his death in 1583 and Lough Gur, Birthlake of the Magical Earl Gerald who will rise to help JFK's spirit return, From Uploaded
(1 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Monday, December 4, 2023
THE CASE OF JFK AND THE FITZGERALDS (Speech delivered Nov.17, 2023 at The JFK Assassination 60 Years Later Convention) We've connected JFK to an older and deeper background story that puts his assassination into a broader historical context through a thousand years of Fitzgerald family history. What shocked us the most was finding a powerful mystical aspect along with deeper esoteric motives than we could never have imagined
President John F. Kennedy at the 'Parking Lot Rally,' Friday morning, 22 November 1963, Fort Worth, Texas, outside of the Hotel Texas, From Uploaded
(8 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Wednesday, October 18, 2023
The JFK Assassination--60 years on Nov. 22, 2023: Moving beyond his Death to the Resurrection of JFK's World Peace Plan We traced our Fitzgerald family history back 1000 years to the end of the Fitzgerald rule in Ireland when they were defeated by the forces of Elizabeth I in 1583; that also marked the beginning of the British Empire. We identified that history as "Mystical Imperialism," a philosophy that rationalized empire by infusing the divine into empire building. We'll present that research at the JFK Assassination Conference on Nov. 17.
Japanese Peace Bell and its pagoda at United Nations Headquarters, NYC, From Uploaded
SHARE More Sharing        Monday, September 4, 2023
THE UN 2024 EQUINOX EARTH DAY EVENT; a tribute to Earth Rights Economics of Justice and Peace Gifts of nature can be shared. The solution is a finance policy that removes taxes from labor and production and shifts it to unearned income from land and natural resources. Neoliberal economics was created by elites who paid universities to teach two-factor economics, labor and capital, and made land a subset of capital. This intellectual crime obfuscated the teachings of Henry George's economic justice. Let's bring it back.
Eternal flame at the Grave of John Fitzgerald Kennedy in Arlington National Cemetery, From Uploaded
SHARE More Sharing        Saturday, May 6, 2023
*The Economic Justice and World Peace Proposal* Violence begets violence, war begets more wars. These facts have been known to generations before our time and we should not have to learn this horrible truth again. Events have been forgotten by history and covered up by administrations. Old angers and hatreds have been instilled in new generations. We cannot continue in this manner and survive as a people. We must face the facts and put our minds to diffusing the crisis.
The Rhodes Colossus: Caricature of Cecil Rhodes 1892, From Uploaded
(5 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Thursday, March 30, 2023
The Truth about the CIA's Imperial Holy Warriors is hidden in the Mystical The first thing an academic tells you when you mention the mystical side of Afghanistan is that you shouldn't talk about that. The study of foreign policy cannot be seen as motivated by anything other than rational and objective reasons and measured by the metrics of quantitative analysis. How then to explain 'Wild Bill' Donovan, the first director of the OSS and the father of today's CIA calling his agents Knights Templars?
The Valediction Resurrection Cover, From Uploaded
(10 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Friday, March 17, 2023
1000 Years of Secrets Exposed Paul Fitzgerald and Elizabeth Gould fascinating conversation that starts with The Norman conquest of England in 1066, traveling up to the rebellious outpost of Ireland, and ends with the assassination of John Fitzgerald Kennedy (JFK).
President John F. Kennedy motorcade, Dallas, Texas, Friday, November 22, 1963, From Uploaded
(2 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Friday, February 17, 2023
From the Jerusalem Crusade to the Holy Grail to the death of JFK The immolation of Templar Grand Master Jacques de Molay at the hands of the Pope's Inquisitors would serve as an inspiration for generations to seek revenge on the Roman Church. And so begins the legend that winds its way from Jerusalem to Paris to the Holy Grail, to Rosslyn Chapel and Scottish Rite Freemasonry and from there to the death of JFK.
A front view of Newgrange, County Meath Ireland, From Uploaded
(22 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Wednesday, October 5, 2022
How the Mysticism of Newgrange Pulled us into its Vortex I knew that returning to Ireland would complete something I'd started when I'd first visited there back in 1971. But it wasn't until we were directed to Newgrange by another Fitzgerald from the same village as my family on the other side of Ireland did I realize--that something--was far more profound than anything I'd experienced in my lifetime.
Gandhi at Peshawar meeting with Badshah Khan in 1938, From Uploaded
SHARE More Sharing        Tuesday, October 4, 2022
Bhadshah Khan's Afghan World Peace Movement The strength of Badsher Kahn's Khudai-Khidmatgar and its philosophy challenged more than just the Afghan tribal code of Pashtunwali and the dominance of the British Empire in India. Badsher Khan also challenged the idea expressed by many Western orientalists that his movement was just an aberration.
Eternal flame at the Grave of John F. Kennedy in Arlington National Cemetery, From Uploaded
(1 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Friday, June 10, 2022
A Declaration of Human Rights for the 21st century, World Peace Endless war puts you in a hell of madness from which there is no escape. The madness of war has come full circle and is now in our schools, parks and homes. It was always a part of our nature. We have given in to a part of our nature that should have matured but instead has remained aloof from our humanity. That part of our nature is unlearned and untamed. We are the victims of our own design and therefore we can change it.
Ouroboros Perpetual Motion Machine, From Uploaded
(2 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Saturday, May 7, 2022
The Hegelian Dialectic is a Mental Trap that only leads to Self-annihilation The system of designed social conflict to break down individual rights was spelled out by Hegel himself when he said: "'...the State' has the supreme right against the individual, whose supreme duty is to be a member of the State... for the right of the world spirit is above all special privileges."
King Author's Round Table, From Uploaded
(1 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Monday, March 21, 2022
Imagine a future based on JFK's Dream of World Peace Something about America died along with our president on November 22, 1963 that never returned. We decided to find out what that was and discovered myths surrounding the Fitzgerald family's connection to Camelot provided clues. Resurrecting the peaceful world that JFK wanted to create requires imagination. But before restoring JFK's dream we need to know the deeper history connected to the Papacy that led to his assassination.
The Rhodes Colossus: Caricature of Cecil Rhodes 1892, From Uploaded
(1 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Thursday, January 13, 2022
The Dark Answers to Imperialism, JFK and Afghanistan are hidden in the Mystical--Two Authors' Journey of Discovery The first thing an academic tells you when you mention the mystical side of Afghanistan is that you shouldn't talk about that. The study of foreign policy cannot be seen as motivated by anything other than rational and objective reasons and measured by the metrics of quantitative analysis. How then to explain 'Wild Bill' Donovan, the first director of the OSS and the father of today's CIA calling his agents Knights Templars?
Paul Fitzgerald and Elizabeth Gould, From Uploaded
(5 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Friday, October 30, 2020
Our interview about President Carter's true role in starting the longest war in US history October 7, 2020 was the 19th anniversary of what is described as the longest war in American history. But the real start of the longest US "war" was when President Carter and Zbigniew Brzezinski succeeded in drawing the Soviets into the "Afghan Trap" on December 27, 1979. It is the back story leading up to the Soviet invasion that everyone needs to know, especially the pivotal role of President Carter.

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