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(2 comments) SHARE Friday, April 12, 2019 The Julian Assange Case: Revealing War Crimes Is Not a Crime
What we are facing is an all-out assault against one of the most significant acts of civil resistance in the history of the United States. Specifically, the civil resistance of Chelsea Manning, her whistleblowing that helped end the US combat role in Iraq in 2011, and the courage of Julian Assange in ensuring that Manning's resistance was effective.
(1 comments) SHARE Sunday, May 22, 2016 We Filed Suit to Prevent Mass Confusion at the California Primary
The two major parties toy with the Independent voters of this country. They run the boards of elections and they make up the rules as they please as they go along. The result is that every county is a fiefdom, run by each county election official in a different way. This does not inspire confidence in the integrity of the vote.
(2 comments) SHARE Wednesday, June 10, 2015 The Hidden Castro Assassination Plots
What I offer here is new research on two key operations designed to kill Castro - Patty and Liborio - based in military intelligence and in specialized "nets" within Cuba. The officers running these other operations may have met up with Bill Harvey's get-Castro team in 1962. I believe these "hidden plots" were not revealed during the "limited hangout" the Agency was forced to endure during the 1970s.
(2 comments) SHARE Wednesday, December 31, 2014 THE JFK CASE: THE TWELVE WHO BUILT THE OSWALD LEGEND (Part 12: The Endgame)
Between November 8-9, and in the following days leading up to 11/22/63, a series of incidents show that Lee Oswald was being used as a provocation - someone that no one would easily forget. The most reasonable conclusion is that Oswald, Michael Paine, and Ruth Paine were manipulated to do the bidding of certain intelligence operatives. Series: The JFK Case: The Twelve Who Built the Oswald Legend (12 Articles, 133094 views)
(9 comments) SHARE Wednesday, November 19, 2014 How the Warren Commission Covered Up JFK's Murder
An analysis of the factual problems in the case against Oswald. These would have turned into legal problems. If Oswald had lived and gone to trial, the chain of custody of most of the items of evidence is so weak that the case would have probably been dismissed by the judge, simply because there was no reasonable basis for the case to proceed to a jury for verdict. Series: POLITICAL REPRESSION AND FRAME-UPS IN POSTWAR AMERICA (3 Articles, 40592 views)
(2 comments) SHARE Friday, July 26, 2013 The JFK Case: The Twelve Who Built the Oswald Legend (Part 10: Nightmare in Mexico City)
To understand Oswald, the most important person to watch may be CIA case officer Ann Goodpasture. She had a hand in the tap operations, the photo operations, and more. Sometimes described as Win Scott's principal aide, she was a force majeur. I believe she used Oswald's file with CIA HQ to conduct a molehunt, which created a paper trail between them. The need to hide this paper trail is tied to the coverup of JFK's killing. Series: The JFK Case: The Twelve Who Built the Oswald Legend (12 Articles, 133094 views)
(2 comments) SHARE Monday, June 4, 2012 THE JFK CASE: THE TWELVE WHO BUILT THE OSWALD LEGEND (Part 8: The CIA-Army Intelligence Mambo)
Did some agency drop the ball and not fully debrief the Oswalds after they entered the USA? Dorothe Matlack was Army Intelligence's specialist in the art of debriefing defectors and refugees. Tony Czajkowski was her CIA counterpart. These two agency legends worked together in the Interagency Defector Committee. They got together to buttonhole George de Mohrenschildt after he left Oswald to organize a Haitian coup in mid-63 Series: The JFK Case: The Twelve Who Built the Oswald Legend (12 Articles, 133094 views)
(2 comments) SHARE Monday, December 27, 2010 THE JFK CASE: THE TWELVE WHO BUILT THE OSWALD LEGEND (Part 5: The Double Dangle)
Lee Oswald and Robert Webster were "dangles", brought together by the FBI and the CIA to entice the Soviets. Robert Webster defected to the USSR to learn more about the Soviet defense program. Radar operator Oswald defected to learn what the Soviets knew about the U-2. Descriptions of the two men were subtly altered for use in "molehunt" exercises designed to look for leaks and capture spies who repeated these descriptions. Series: The JFK Case: The Twelve Who Built the Oswald Legend (12 Articles, 133094 views)
(1 comments) SHARE Thursday, September 2, 2010 THE JFK CASE: THE TWELVE THAT BUILT THE OSWALD LEGEND (Part 2: An Instant Visa Gets The Marine Into Moscow)
Second in a series that discusses the twelve people that created the Oswald legend. Here: Oswald's experience with the U-2 while in the Marines, how Oswald managed to cadge an instant visa from the Soviets to enter the USSR, how American officials protected Oswald after he told them he would give radar secrets to the Soviet Union. And what was the relationship between Oswald and defector Robert Webster? They could be twins. Series: The JFK Case: The Twelve Who Built the Oswald Legend (12 Articles, 133094 views)
SHARE Sunday, August 22, 2010 THE JFK CASE: THE TWELVE WHO BUILT THE OSWALD LEGEND (Part One: Mother, Meyer, and the Spotters)
This is the first in a series of essays explaining the background of the twelve handlers of Lee Harvey Oswald during the last four years of his life. It is a gripping story of espionage, based on documents in the National Archives. Ask the House Oversight Committee to release both the JFK files and the MLK files. US history should not be wrapped in mystery. Many of the key issues have already been resolved. Series: The JFK Case: The Twelve Who Built the Oswald Legend (12 Articles, 133094 views)
SHARE Thursday, March 11, 2010 The JFK Case; the Office that Spied on its Own Spies
Documents reveal that the CIA used Lee Harvey Oswald's visa requests for espionage purposes in shadowboxing with the Soviets before the JFK assassination. During Sunshine Week March 14-20, take action to free the JFK files and other files as well. Informants can be interviewed or released from their oaths while they are still alive. The House Oversight Committee can do the right thing and open the vaults. Series: POLITICAL REPRESSION AND FRAME-UPS IN POSTWAR AMERICA (3 Articles, 40592 views)