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I am a low-to-no-income person getting-older. I work (when i have work) as a seasonal gardener.
I'm tired of seeing America eroded by corporate neo- fascists, and tired of watching the gift of life on this miraculous planet be exploited and destroyed for greed, wealth and power for the few.
The idea of looking at what we can do to benefit, protect, and steward this earth for the next seven generations, speaks deeply to me. No matter how many "bad news" stories are out there, no matter how hopeless things seem, what else can we do except to stand for them - the next 7 generations, and all the non-human life forms that deserve a chance to keep living?
(1 comments) SHARE Monday, January 9, 2017 Actvist's Elegy - a "rough" free-write
I need to revise how to proceed as an activist. Watching as things become more polarized even in this small "tolerant" community; some hurtful and shocking attitudes - some people even suggest that the poor have no right to free speech, since they're not paying property taxes!
I hope that "The Work That Reconnects" by Joanna Macy will hold answers; and putting faith in Life to prevail, even during this 6th mass extinction. Series: poetry and free-writes (1 Articles, 1340 views)
(2 comments) SHARE Monday, February 10, 2014 Deadline is February 12 to have a voice on Kinder Morgan's Trans Mountain Pipeline Expansion Project
We need a voice in Canada's review of Kinder Morgan's Trans Mountain Pipeline Expansion because it segues directly into Keystone XL. The only way for the U.S. to have a voice in the review is to apply for Intervenor Status through Canada's National Energy Board (NEB). REad this article to understand why it's important; then please pressure your legislature and the Department of Ecology to apply before February 12th. Series: Fossil Fuel Fables and Foibles (2 Articles, 5781 views)
(2 comments) SHARE Monday, September 23, 2013 Draw the Line is About a Lot More than Keystone XL
In honor of Bill McKibben's visit to Seattle for the nationwide Draw the Line demonstrations against Keystone XL, this article begins to detail some of the dangers in allowing the proposed Pacific "Gateway" coal export terminals to be built or expanded, and their obvious, if unstated, interconnection with tar sands bitumen and petcoke export from the U.S. and Canada. Series: Fossil Fuel Fables and Foibles (2 Articles, 5781 views)