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I am a retired inner city technology teacher. I am very concerned about the state of our world, most especially the endless wars our country has been engaged in since 2001. I am also concerned about the poison in our food brought to us by Monsanto,destruction of our environment from fracking, pollution from fracking, pesticides in our water and chemicals in the air we breathe.
(32 comments) SHARE Monday, December 23, 2013 Hidden Toxins in Your Tea
Savory, aromatic, satisfying, delicious, and gratifying. These are the thoughts and feelings that tea inspires for the genuine "tea-ophile." Tea is the second most-consumed beverage on earth after water. But many teas are filled with toxins - are yours? Series: Healthy Eating (1 Articles, 10267 views)
(5 comments) SHARE Saturday, October 12, 2013 Herman's House
After spending over 40 years in solitary confinement, Herman Wallace died a free man just three days after his October 1, 2013, release.