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Greg Maybury is a Perth (Australia) based freelance writer. His main areas of interest are American history and politics in general, with a special focus on economic, national security, military and geopolitical affairs, and both US domestic and foreign policy issues.
(6 comments) SHARE Friday, June 29, 2018 Who Really Killed Martin Luther King? -- The Case against Lyndon B Johnson and J Edgar Hoover
Phil Nelson has earned himself a deserved reputation as a discerning seeker and curator of the real truth behind some of history's seminal events, from the JFK hit to the attempted sinking of the USS Liberty in 1967 by the Israeli Defence Forces. He has now dome same with the assassination of MLK, which provides a timely update on the circumstances of his death, and is a welcome corrective to the official narrative.
(5 comments) SHARE Wednesday, March 14, 2018 All Fire and Fury in Ukraine
The still decidedly volatile situation in Ukraine is worth revisiting for a number of reasons. With the fourth anniversary of the coup just gone, the sudden passing of investigative journalist Robert Parry and Consortium News founder/editor affords even greater impetus for doing so. This is especially given his incisive body of reportage on the crisis since 2014. Australian writer/blogger Greg Maybury reports.
(9 comments) SHARE Saturday, August 12, 2017 With Friends Like These (Who Needs Allies?)
Australia, like many U.S. allies, are increasingly questioning America's bent for imposing its frequently self-serving strategic agenda on the international community. Along with probing why we might profit from re-assessing the presumed benefits of our own alliance, we'll also reveal some of the history of this complex -- and for the U.S. in the ongoing pursuit of its global goals, sure to be even more vital -- partnership.
(4 comments) SHARE Saturday, July 8, 2017 Another Splendid Little Coup...The Rise and Rise of the Regime Renovators (Part Two)
Given the recent ructions over Russia's alleged meddling in the 2016 presidential election, it's timely to revisit America's own track record for interfering in the affairs of other countries. Although numerous past examples abound, Iran especially is an instructive case study. This is especially so given that after Syria, it appears to be next on Uncle Sam's regime renovation dance card. Greg Maybury reports in a 2 parter.
(17 comments) SHARE Tuesday, July 4, 2017 The Rise and Rise of the Regime Renovators (Another Splendid Little Coup) Part One
Given the recent ructions over Russia's alleged meddling in the 2016 presidential election, it's timely to revisit America's own track record for interfering in the affairs of other countries. Although numerous past examples abound, Iran especially is an instructive case study. This is especially so given that after Syria, it appears to be next on Uncle Sam's regime renovation dance card. Greg Maybury reports in a 2 parter.
(8 comments) SHARE Wednesday, June 7, 2017 Of Treachery, Treason, Terror, Truth, and Liberty Forsaken (An American Tale)
Along with showcasing one of the most shameful episodes in U.S. military history, Phil Nelson's new book -- Remember the Liberty: Almost Sunk by Treason on the High Seas -- presents an ideal opportunity to place into broader, more urgent relief, the history of America's increasingly contentious relationship with Israel in addition to probing the role of both nations in events unfolding in and across the Middle East.
(16 comments) SHARE Saturday, March 18, 2017 All the News that's Fit to Fake
The brouhaha over fake news, alleged interference in U.S elections is further evidence the MSM is irretrievably beholden to the amorphous Deep State. That it was ever thus has been obvious for decades to all but the most deluded aficionados of liberty, democracy, privacy, freedom, and the rule of law. With this in mind, it's time to take a deep breath for an even deeper dive into the cesspool that is the collective press-pool.
(13 comments) SHARE Thursday, January 19, 2017 From Truman to Trump (Extra War, Hold the Peace)
Seventy years ago president Harry Truman signed the National Security Act into law, a decision even he came to regret. We could say the rest is history, except that it is decidedly not. With a new White House occupant in place, Aussie writer Greg Maybury explores herein why this isn't the case.
(2 comments) SHARE Tuesday, December 6, 2016 The Werewolves of Washington
The death of Fidel Castro offers us an ideal opportunity to reflect not just on the profound geopolitical import of Cuban-American relations. In the process we also acquire a timely insight into how badly the Washington establishment gets it all so demonstrably and disastrously wrong. As we enter unmapped terrain in American foreign policy, Greg Maybury looks at that relationship, and what lessons might be learned.
(1 comments) SHARE Wednesday, November 23, 2016 Of Privilege, Plunder and Immoral Reward
The outcome of the 2016 election will have pundits looking to explain the rise to the Oval Office of the most improbable candidate in history for some time to come. But the root cause has little to do with Donald Trump: it's Neoliberalism. Greg Maybury asks: Is this the beginning of the end of the disruptive and destructive ideology that infuses this by now utterly discredited doctrine of privilege, plunder and immoral reward?
(21 comments) SHARE Friday, August 19, 2016 A Clean Break from Israel (What America Needs Now)
America's interminable meddling and interventions in the Middle East has wreaked havoc upon the region. Although the U.S. was the principal curator of the chaos, it seems gradually more people are recognizing it is the region's resident hegemon Israel that's been the real driver of the turmoil and violence that defines the region. Greg Maybury reports on what is arguably the most portentous geopolitical issue of our time.
(25 comments) SHARE Friday, July 29, 2016 Chilcot's Can of Worms -- Autopsy of a Disaster
The release of the Chilcot Report in the UK reopened the can of worms that was the Iraq War, providing us an opportunity for reconsidering the rationale behind the decision and why all those responsible should be held accountable, along with the significance of its findings for U.S. foreign and national security policy. Australian writer Greg Maybury reports.
(21 comments) SHARE Thursday, June 30, 2016 From Such Great Games, Come Great Wars
Amid Washington's ongoing animus towards Russia, two Scottish authors provide us an abject lesson in where such actions might lead us. As Greg Maybury sees it, the implications today of their revelations are as obvious as they are ominous. Series: The Great War Series (1 Articles, 4519 views)
(21 comments) SHARE Sunday, June 12, 2016 From the Security of the Slave to the Peace of the Grave
Fifty-three years ago, a few months shy of his assassination in 1963, JFK delivered a speech at American University that may have been his most significant, for both America itself and the rest of the world, the substance and import of this address should resonate even more so now.
(85 comments) SHARE Friday, May 6, 2016 Hillary Clinton's House of Cards
With her recent spate of primary wins all but giving her bragging rights on the Democratic nomination, Hillary Clinton appears to be inching closer to the presidency. Yet Americans should think long and hard about her fitness for office. Australian writer Greg Maybury ponders her past, along with the implications and possible consequences of her election as America's next commander in chief.
(5 comments) SHARE Tuesday, January 5, 2016 The Last Best Hope -- Special Report
After Barack Obama's hope-fuelled triumph in 2008, it was clear millions of Americans were looking forward to moving in a wholly new direction. As we near the final year of his tenure, and with these expectations in mind, now is as good a time as any to look at some of the factors likely to shape his legacy. To this end, Australian blogger Greg Maybury scrutinises a presidency that promised so much to so many.
(1 comments) SHARE Monday, November 9, 2015 Of Smoke 'n Mirrors (Lost in the Wilderness) -- Part Two
For Americans inclined to reflect on such matters, it must be especially disturbing that the CIA--ostensibly established to protect and preserve their country's national security--has done more than any other entity to compromise that security, and devalue the international good-will and moral capital that America enjoyed at the end of WW2. In Part Two of this series, we again explore some of the reasons why.
(5 comments) SHARE Tuesday, October 27, 2015 Of Smoke 'n Mirrors (Lost in the Wilderness) -- Part One
For Americans inclined to reflect on such matters, it must be especially disquieting that the CIA--ostensibly established to protect and preserve their country's national security--has done more than any other entity to compromise that security, and devalue the international good-will and moral capital that America enjoyed at the end of World War Two. In this series, we explore some of the reasons why. Series: Of Smoke 'n Mirrors (Lost in the Wilderness) (1 Articles, 1326 views)
(6 comments) SHARE Monday, August 10, 2015 The Putsch Pirates of the Potomac -- Part Two
That the US inspired coup in Kiev 2014 was a reckless attempt to reignite the Cold War is clear to those who eschew the MSM for insights into the geopolitical realm. But as Greg Maybury reports in his first instalment of a 'two-parter', with 'blowback' brewing on all fronts, the US may have finally bitten off more than it's capable of chowing down on. Depending on one's view, this could be a good thing, or a bad thing!
(9 comments) SHARE Sunday, August 9, 2015 The Putsch Pirates of the Potomac -- Part One
That the US inspired coup in Kiev 2014 was a reckless attempt to reignite the Cold War is clear to those who eschew the MSM for insights into the geopolitical realm. But as Greg Maybury reports in this first instalment of a 'two-parter', with 'blowback' brewing on all fronts, the US may have finally bitten off more than it's capable of chowing down on. Depending on one's view, this could be a good thing, or a bad thing!