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New Energy = New Tax Code (0 articles.) (# of views) (Created by LeeMmbjack McCarty)
It includes a new tax code titled #PROGRESSIVETAXCODE2016 which is required to defeat the escalating problems of Climate Change and the exponentially accelerating concentration of virtually all wealth in the hands of Mega-Millionaires and the Billionaires. They have all ready bought a majority of the politicians needed to do their bidding. It requires the defeat of the #KochBrothers chosen GOP nominee Governor Scott Walker of Wisconsin, and also the prosecution of these Billionaires who suppress and undermine all efforts to solve the climate disaster being created by their denial and opposition to any and all solutions needed including taxing Billionaires. They have all ready essentially taken over the political process in the USA. We must have a Constitutional Amendment cancelling entirely the Citizens United SCOTUS decision of 2010.
Nicolai Petro: International Relations (8 articles.) (# of views) (Created by Nicolai Petro)
After the collapse of the USSR, American global pre-eminence rose to unprecedented heights. Although less dominant than during the 1950s, its impact was magnified by the suicide of its main competing ideology--communism. As a result, even skeptics of capitalism suddenly found themselves bereft on any plausible alternative. This idyll came to an end in 2008. Since then a global consensus on the need to 'democratize' international relations has emerged. Among its demands--developing alternative reserve currencies, diversifying economic resources, increasing reliance on domestic production, and strengthening the role of the United Nations in conflict resolution. All of these strike directly at the heart of American hegemony. In this section I discuss the new multilateralism and, in particular, the strategic alliance between China and Russia which, in my estimation, will prove decisive for the future. Comments prior to 2007 are available at my web site archive:
Nicolai Petro: Russian Foreign Policy (8 articles.) (# of views) (Created by Nicolai Petro)
After discarding the baggage of Soviet ideology, Russia slowly began to conceive, and even more slowly to assert, its sovereign national interest. Throughout the 1990s senior Russian officials looked almost exclusively to the West for guidance and partnership. The Western response--containment recast in the form of NATO expansion eastward--will be judged as one of history's great missed opportunities. Vladimir Putin came to office with similarly romantic notions of a deep partnership with Germany. In recent years, these too have yielded to a more cynical, but realistic, assessment of Western objectives. In this section I trace Russia's gradual, reluctant turn away from Europe toward a new and independent global coalition of states--the BRICS. Comments prior to 2007 are available at my web site archive:
Nicolai Petro: Russian Politics (11 articles.) (# of views) (Created by Nicolai Petro)
Russia is a normal European country, by which I mean it is an imperfect democracy. It shares this essential quality--imperfection--with every other democratic state. I disagree with those who say Russia is sui generis, and therefore set apart from other European countries. I find nothing in Russia's cultural and religious heritage that disadvantages its democratic development compared to other European countries. Indeed, I argue throughout these essays that European democracy would be greatly enriched by incorporating Russia. Comments prior to 2007 are available at my web site archive:
Nicolai Petro: Russian-American Relations (10 articles.) (# of views) (Created by Nicolai Petro)
The Russian-American relationship since the collapse of the USSR is a litany of lost opportunities and lack of vision. The latter is rooted in an ostensible 'values gap' that has effectively cast relations with post-communist Russia into another a long succession of 'strategies of containment,' to use historian John Lewis Gaddis' classic phrase. Change will not come until we stop thinking of Russia as the USSR, and treat Russian democracy with the respect it deserves, so that it can finally resume its rightful role as an integral part of the West. Sadly, it appears that the task of finally bringing Russia back into Europe will be left to future generations, less burdened by the memory of the Cold War. Comments prior to 2007 are available at my web site archive:
Nicolai Petro: the Russian Orthodox Church (6 articles.) (# of views) (Created by Nicolai Petro)
A 2011 IPSOS survey of twenty three European countries, claims that Russia is the most religious country in Europe. At the same time that Western European and American societies are secularizing, Russia, along with much of the former Soviet Union, is undergoing a resurgence of traditional organized religion. Obviously, this affects all aspects of public life, including my particular interest in this section--politics. Comments prior to 2007 are available at my web site archive:
Nicolai Petro: Ukraine (22 articles.) (# of views) (Created by Nicolai Petro)
Ukraine's malaise is only exacerbated by the West's persistent attempts to pit it against Russia. Were Russia to be acknowledged as an essential part of Europe, Ukraine's identity crisis would all but disappear. The whole of Ukraine could simply be what it already is--part of both Eastern and Western Europe. Together, Ukraine and Russia could lay claim to their common European vocation, and play a much more influential role in European affairs. Comments prior to 2007 are available at my web site archive:
Nicolai Petro: Western Perceptions of Russia (9 articles.) (# of views) (Created by Nicolai Petro)
It is widely acknowledged that American media coverage of the world leaves much to be desired. This is especially true of Russia where, despite a few noted exceptions (Serge Schmemman comes to mind), unfamiliarity with the language, religion, and culture of the people is rampant. The essays in this section focus on a small handful of clamorous examples. These, however, are only the tip of a very large iceberg. Earlier commentary is available at my web site archive:
No Rich and No Poor (12 articles.) (# of views) (Created by John Spritzler)
This series of articles is about why we should have no rich and no poor, why that is a perfectly practical and desirable and genuinely democratic way for society to be, and how we can achieve that egalitarian goal.
Non-interventionism and Ukraine (0 articles.) (# of views) (Created by Charles Roll)
Non-interventionist sentiment is growing in USA. What should a non-interventionist policy or position look like for the Ukraine issues?
None of Us Are Safe From Nuclear Weapon Murders (4 articles.) (# of views) (Created by Robert A. Leishear, PhD, PE, ASME Fellow)
U.S defenses against nuclear war can be breached to murder our citizens if nuclear missiles are fired at the U.S. Russia has missiles and bombs that can kill millions in a single blast. North Korea has bombs that can kill hundreds of thousands in a single blast, and North Korea continues to improve nuclear missiles and nuclear bombs. Both nations have many nuclear warheads to be used in a nuclear war. Tests of U.S. nuclear missile defenses have experienced failures, and such a failure during a nuclear weapon attack can kill thousands or hundreds of thousands of people.
NPE: NETWORK FOR PUBLIC EDUCATION (21 articles.) (# of views) (Created by Susan Lee Schwartz)
The Network for Public Education was founded in 2013 by Diane Ravitch and Anthony Cody. We are an advocacy group whose mission is to preserve, promote, improve and strengthen public schools for both current and future generations of students. The goal of NPE is to connect all those who are passionate about our schools -- students, parents, teachers and citizens. We share information and research on vital issues that concern the future of public education at a time when they are under attack. Contact us at
Nuclear Power - Hillary Plans and Bernie Plans (2 articles.) (# of views) (Created by Sheila Parks, Ed.D.)
NYC Climate March, no nuclear, no fossil fuels contingent, September 21, 2014. Jerry Prescott,Greenpeace Lakeland, polar bear. Sheila Parks, On Behalf of Planet Earth, hazmat suit. Both Hillary and Bernie have nuclear power plans that are unacceptable. Their plans are different and each is unacceptable for different reasons. This series is intended to reach both of them, to educate and influence them to change their respective plans now, and is also important for activists and non-activists. The nuclear power crisis is as serious and dangerous as the climate crisis. That most attention by Hillary, Bernie, activists and the general public is given to the climate crisis must be changed now, so that we talk about and act for a nuclear free, carbon free world. If we do not do so, it is over for our planet. The series goes into depth about the nuclear power crisis - citing research, complicity of those in high places to keep nuclear power, lies about nuclear power being clean green renewable, flashpoints of nuclear power plants endangering the whole world now, and experiences of Chernobyl and Fukushima. Nuclear power is a moral, public health and public safety issue. Nuclear waste lasts for millions of years. Do you want it buried in your back and front yards? If not, where? Nuclear power has a huge carbon footprint. Nuclear power plants are cancer factories (Dr. Helen Caldicott) that cause leukemia and other cancers. Is this the legacy you want to leave to your children, grandchildren, great grandchildren and their children - seven generations out and into eternity? Freddie Francis and Sheila Parks. First vigil Japanese Consulate/Boston - standing in solidarity with the Japanese people. On Behalf of Planet Earth
Nuclear Reactor Power Plants Can Violently Explode - A Nuclear Industry Cover-up (17 articles.) (# of views) (Created by Robert A. Leishear, PhD, PE, ASME Fellow)
Research has proven that nuclear power plants are explosions waiting to detonate, and has shown that the next nuclear power plant explosion is expected before 2039. During the past ten years, this research has further proven that such explosions are preventable. However, an industry-wide cover-up thwarts explosion prevention at nuclear power plants. Explosions at Three Mile Island (TMI), Fukushima, and other smaller nuclear plant explosions shared a common, preventable cause. Flammable hydrogen exploded when compressed and heated by water that was added too fast during accident conditions. In fact, Fukushima explosions could have been prevented if the U.S government had not lied to us about TMI explosions. That is, the U.S. government downplayed several nuclear reactor system explosions by falsely claiming that fires ignited, rather than admitting that explosions detonated in nuclear reactor systems and a nuclear reactor containment building. Specifically, Fukushima explosions could have been stopped by adding water slower to nuclear reactors if technology had not been stymied by this U.S. cover-up. Today, with new technology in hand, the nuclear power plant explosion cover-up continues. Government regulators and officials continue to lie to us. The President of the American Nuclear Society refuses to print any new safety information to stop nuclear power plant explosions. The Chairman of the U.S Nuclear Regulatory Commission provided false information when he refused to implement new safety procedures and safety equipment to stop nuclear power plant explosions. Several of the so-called protectors of nuclear safety refuse to respond at all. These organizations include the U.S. Secretary of Energy, the International Atomic Energy Agency, the Nuclear Energy Agency, Japanese nuclear energy regulators, and Japanese nuclear plant operators. This six-year research project has been completely voluntary, since the U.S. Department of Energy decided that nuclear reactor safety does not apply to the U.S. fleet of nearly 100 nuclear power plants. By their continued deceit, these organizations risk the next, approaching nuclear power plant explosions.
Nuclear Threats in Nuclear Power and Nuclear Missile Defenses. (10 articles.) (# of views) (Created by Robert A. Leishear, PhD, PE, ASME Fellow)
Nuclear threats to our lives date back for decades. Catastrophic nuclear power plant explosion cover-ups date back to the 1979 Three Mile Island explosions. Nuclear missile system failures date back to 2000, but failures have decreased since 2014. As shown in the figure, nuclear missiles are far more detrimental to life. Resulting directly from these publications, 1,448,800 people were reached during an initial broadcast concerning military explosion threats to the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plants. This interview also discussed imminent explosion threats to world-wide nuclear power plants. (The George Elias Radio Show, Click Here, click here). Such a break in the mainstream Press for this series of articles has not been achieved with respect to failed U.S. nuclear missile defenses.
NYSE and Insider Trading (3 articles.) (# of views) (Created by Chuck Epstein)
Since the NYSE was founded in 1794, none of its chairmen have ever been accused of insider trading, until today. Now, its current chairman, Jeff Sprecher, was named in an insider trading scheme along with his wife, a sitting US Senator from Georgia, Kelly Loeffler (R-Ga.). As the NYSE Sprecher, he sets the ethical model for all the NYSE's listed corporations. The NYSE is also the symbol of American capitalism, so having its chairman involved in an insider trading scheme tarnishes the nation's investing marketplace. Corporate CEOs have been fired for much less. The NYSE board has an obligation to restore the exchange's reputation and force Sprecher to resign. Other articles in this series support this point. Page 22 of 37 (Next 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 ) 631 to 660 of 1096 series |