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Big companies, including Coca-Cola, lobbied for one of the tax breaks for the last two years.Joshua Bright for The New York Timeso, From Uploaded
Rule of Law; no accountability (30 articles.) (# of views) (Created by Susan Lee Schwartz)
  America's promise for supporting the Rule of Law is what made the world look at our experiment in democracy as possible. But now, it is being eroded.  
Joint Peace Corps (7 articles.) (# of views) (Created by Dwayne Hunn)
  World needs joint Peace Corps like our proposal that Congresswoman Boxer introduced as HR 1807 of 1989 to address angered Mother Nature, needs, stupidity, and terrorism.  
A protester against the confirmation of U.S. Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh outside the Warren E. Burger Federal Building in St. Paul, Minnesota, From FlickrPhotos
Supreme Court Nominations (9 articles.) (# of views) (Created by David Kanegis)
From ImagesAttr
Now entering Arkham, Lovecraft Country MA, From CreativeCommonsPhoto
TV Series Reviews (12 articles.) (# of views) (Created by John Hawkins)
  This is where I keep my reviews of TV series and the like.  
Robert Greenwald, From ImagesAttr
Koch Brothers (7 articles.) (# of views) (Created by Joan Brunwasser)
From ImagesAttr
Holiday Insights (7 articles.) (# of views) (Created by Meryl Ann Butler)
From ImagesAttr
All Rise: Somebodies, Nobodies, and the Politics of Dignity (14 articles.) (# of views) (Created by Robert Fuller)
This is the first part of the serialization of All Rise: Somebodies, Nobodies, and the Politics of Dignity (Berrett-Koehler, 2006). The ideas in this book are further developed in my recent novel The Rowan Tree.
From ImagesAttr
Syria (11 articles.) (# of views) (Created by Jim Kavanagh)
  Articles on Syria crisis, rebellion, and jihadi proxy war.  
Gaza, From FlickrPhotos
Middle East / Palestine / Israel (10 articles.) (# of views) (Created by Meryl Ann Butler)
  Middle East / Palestine / Israel  
From ImagesAttr
Creating a Progressive Democracy (9 articles.) (# of views) (Created by David Kanegis)
Vietnam river warfare, From ImagesAttr
Options:1) Blow-up 2) Build-up (10 articles.) (# of views) (Created by Dwayne Hunn)
Over 7 generations what approach benefits you, your loved ones, and the world the most?  Are we pouring enough human and financial resources in the approach you feel is best?  
Timeline | H5P, From GoogleImages
Russiagate (22 articles.) (# of views) (Created by Susan Lee Schwartz)
  Russia and Donald Trump  
Reinventing Government (5 articles.) (# of views) (Created by lila york)
Root Chakra Mandala (C) Ron Nilson, From ImagesAttr
Chakra Mandalas (7 articles.) (# of views) (Created by Ron Nilson)
  A series of stylized mandala designs representing the 7 chakras.   
Press The Battle, From ImagesAttr
Press the Battle (8 articles.) (# of views) (Created by Andrew Schmookler)
A series whose purpose is to get the national conversation to focus on the central realities of the crisis in America today. These central realities are 1) that the Republican Party has become an instrument of a destructive force, and 2) that the response from Liberal America to this threat has been woefully weak. The series will demonstrate the destructiveness of that force, and explain in naturalistic terms how such forces can arise and perpetuate themselves in civilized societies. And the series will identify and address the sources of the weakness that has beset Liberal America.This 'Press the Battle' campaign is an attempt 'To Light a Fire in Liberal America,' to connect more of that part of the American body politic to the moral and spiritual passions from which can come a more powerful response.By this means, it is hoped, the present dangerous circumstance might be changed: a circumstance in which, as in the lines from Yeats' poem, 'the best lack all conviction, while the worst / Are filled with a passionate intensity.'  
Bank notes, From ImagesAttr
Occupy Movement (6 articles.) (# of views) (Created by Meryl Ann Butler)
From ImagesAttr
Satire & Reviews (6 articles.) (# of views) (Created by Michael Collins)
From ImagesAttr
From ImagesAttr
Dance (5 articles.) (# of views) (Created by Meryl Ann Butler)
Greg Palast, From ImagesAttr
voter disenfranchisement (8 articles.) (# of views) (Created by Joan Brunwasser)
Predicted deaths from Nuclear attacks and nuclear power plant. explosions, From Uploaded
Nuclear Threats in Nuclear Power and Nuclear Missile Defenses. (10 articles.) (# of views) (Created by Robert A. Leishear, PhD, PE, ASME Fellow)
  Nuclear threats to our lives date back for decades. Catastrophic nuclear power plant explosion cover-ups date back to the 1979 Three Mile Island explosions. Nuclear missile system failures date back to 2000, but failures have decreased since 2014. As shown in the figure, nuclear missiles are far more detrimental to life.    Resulting directly from these publications, 1,448,800 people were reached during an initial broadcast concerning military explosion threats to the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plants. This interview also discussed imminent explosion threats to world-wide nuclear power plants. (The George Elias Radio Show, Click Here, click here). Such a break in the mainstream Press for this series of articles has not been achieved with respect to failed U.S. nuclear missile defenses.         
CUAUHTEMOC from Mexico, From ImagesAttr
SCITECH (6 articles.) (# of views) (Created by John Hawkins)
  where my scitch articles are  
Vermont High Schoolers Just Destroy Fox News About The Ethics Of Journalism The Quantum Leap Exhibit Program at Mount Anthony Union High School in Bennington, Vermont took a good look at FOX News and put FNC up against the published ..., From ImagesAttr
Solutions Activism (9 articles.) (# of views) (Created by Meryl Ann Butler)
Can Alzheimer's be slowed or stopped?, From Uploaded
Health and Disease (6 articles.) (# of views) (Created by Robert Adler)
  Reporting on advances in the medical sciences.  

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