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Absolute Uncertainty (0 articles.) (# of views) (Created by Dian Parker)
Thoughts on life, art, love, writing and all the myriad chaos of giving up beliefs.  
bees, our endangered friends, From ImagesAttr
Activism (216 articles.) (# of views) (Created by Joan Brunwasser)
Abraham Lincoln used to be an icon of the GOP., From FlickrPhotos
activism in action (104 articles.) (# of views) (Created by Marta Steele)
Clete Wetli, From ImagesAttr
Addiction (1 articles.) (# of views) (Created by Joan Brunwasser)
Adolph Reed, Jr., From ImagesAttr
After the Meltdown (7 articles.) (# of views) (Created by P. Orin Zack)
This series of short stories explores what life might have been like if the global financial meltdown had destroyed the dollar and the US government had collapsed, leaving the cities and states to fend for themselves. It starts in Los Angeles, where vacated mansions are being turned over to people who need a place to live...
Age of Aquarius (2 articles.) (# of views) (Created by Anne Nordhaus-Bike)
Articles related to our current shift into a new astrological age.  
The Republican Plan, From ImagesAttr
aging (3 articles.) (# of views) (Created by Susan Lee Schwartz)
  Issues that seniors face  
Tony Pederson and harp, From ImagesAttr
Aging (4 articles.) (# of views) (Created by Joan Brunwasser)
Ahed Tamimi, From MyPhotos
Ahed Tamimi (78 articles.) (# of views) (Created by Meryl Ann Butler)
AI Poetry and Images (34 articles.) (# of views) (Created by John Hawkins)
  Cecil's ouvre.  
All Rise: Somebodies, Nobodies, and the Politics of Dignity (14 articles.) (# of views) (Created by Robert Fuller)
This is the first part of the serialization of All Rise: Somebodies, Nobodies, and the Politics of Dignity (Berrett-Koehler, 2006). The ideas in this book are further developed in my recent novel The Rowan Tree.
All Types Of Home Services in Surat (0 articles.) (# of views) (Created by Home Service)
  Home Service in Surat provides all kind of repairing service in Surat area. Find electrician in Surat, ac fitting in Surat, plumbers in Surat, a carpenter in Surat, new home construction in Surat and many more. We have a team of highly professional technicians who can fulfill all of your need to repair anything in your home.Home Repairing Services in Suratelectrician home services SuratCeiling Contractors in SuratPainting Contractors in SuratAC Fitting and Repair Service in SuratFlooring Contractors in SuratCCTV Camera Repair in SuratHome Services in Surat  
Alldaygeneric | Online Chemist (0 articles.) (# of views) (Created by Buy Generic Medicine Online)
  Buy Generic Medicine Online is a medication created to be the same as an already marketed brand-name drug in dosage form, safety, strength, route of administration, quality, performance characteristics, and intended use. These similarities help to demonstrate bioequivalence, which means that a generic medicine works in the same way and provides the same clinical benefit as its brand-name version.  
Boom and Bust Drivers, From ImagesAttr
the happy couple, BA [Before Alzheimer's], From Images
Alzheimer's (1 articles.) (# of views) (Created by Joan Brunwasser)
Proudly made in America. Printing 24/7 in USA., From FlickrPhotos
America Improvement Series (6 articles.) (# of views) (Created by Daniel Penisten)
  Ideas for the improvement of the United States of America as far as its Evolution to its greatest destiny goes. These articles usually involve ideas that would require American Citizens to work harder on Our Moral Structures as applied to meaningful changes in Our Culture.  
From ImagesAttr
America, an Empire in Twilight (0 articles.) (# of views) (Created by Paul Fitzgerald Elizabeth Gould)
  PART I of IV: When America Became the Dark Force       PART II of IV: How Guilt, Innocence   & Facts Have Been Rendered Irrelevant      PART III of IV:   Neoconizing the Just War Doctrine in the service of American Empire      PART   IV of IV: America's Late Stage Imperial Dementia   
the scary part, From ImagesAttr
American Oligarchs (4 articles.) (# of views) (Created by lila york)
From ImagesAttr
An Era That Has Gone (12 articles.) (# of views) (Created by Peter Duveen)
  The story of a Brooklyn Heights family and the artist whose career they nurtured.  
From ImagesAttr
An Impractical Guide (3 articles.) (# of views) (Created by Larry Butler)
Rossville Church Cemetery, From Uploaded
Ancestors, History/HERstory (4 articles.) (# of views) (Created by Meryl Ann Butler)
  Ancestors, History/HERstory  
Angry Mother Nature (8 articles.) (# of views) (Created by Dwayne Hunn)
  We've ticked off Mother Nature. Until we clean up our act, all nations will need armeis of do-gooders to deal with her angered wake.  
Emma and Yael, From ImagesAttr
Animals (4 articles.) (# of views) (Created by Joan Brunwasser)

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