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From ImagesAttr
320px-George_Sheridan_Knowles_ ..., From ImagesAttr
The Marriage of Science & Spirit: Negotiating the Great Pre-Nup (3 articles.) (# of views) (Created by Terry Patten)
There's a dawning awareness that the coming together of   rationality with spirituality, the 'marriage of science and spirit'   is THE big shift happening now in terms of cultural evolution--an event on the   scale of the Reformation or the Enlightenment. It is the most significant   intellectual and cultural event of our time and it will reshape the future of   human affairs.      A great public debate has commenced about   the terms of this marriage, the 'pre-nup' as it were. Although many   participants attempt to straddle the safe middle ground, the debate roughly divides   into two camps: the strict rationalists   (often called agnostics or atheists) and the trans-rationalists   (including both mystics and developmentalists).        In this series, I'll explore the importance of both sides of this debate, circle back and look at the   sobering realities of our cultural context and our prospects for synthesis, and   then I'll dig deeper into the hidden drama that's unfolding as all of us   (consciously or not) continue to participate in this wrestling match over the   terms of the 'pre-nuptial agreement' for this epochal marriage of science and   spirituality -- which may provide the source code for the great event of our   time -- a transformation of mainstream worldviews.          
Peter Palms, From ImagesAttr
Collapse of Dollar (4 articles.) (# of views) (Created by )
The present Central Bank of the United States is the fourth one. The previous three collapsed as all fractional and fiat banking collapses  
Ashlin and Aaron, 2013, From ImagesAttr
Aaron Winborn (2 articles.) (# of views) (Created by Meryl Ann Butler)
P. Orin Zack, From ImagesAttr
Confidence (7 articles.) (# of views) (Created by P. Orin Zack)
Three things happen when you stand up to a bully: you gain confidence, the bully loses some, and those who watch become more likely to follow suit. This series of short stories explores how all of that happens through the eyes of Occupy Wall Street.
Mary Pipher, From ImagesAttr
The Vaishnava Sannyasi Sri Chaitanya with his devotees, From ImagesAttr
Tagore's Emerging Philosophy on Life (3 articles.) (# of views) (Created by Monish Chatterjee)
  In thise series, I present several poems by Rabindranath Tagore which begin with his early 'awakening' leading to his eventual Universalist philosophy.  
From ImagesAttr
From ImagesAttr
Democracy and white privilege. Whites are on top of the world., From FlickrPhotos
Racism and Democracy (5 articles.) (# of views) (Created by Tim McGettigan)
  Racism and white supremacy continue to thwart democracy in the United States of America.   
federal reserve system, From ImagesAttr
Bailing out Banks by TAXING THE PUBLIC (5 articles.) (# of views) (Created by )
The economic reason why tax cuts for the rich are so stupid Rich Americans know they don't need a tax cut. They also know trickle-down economics is nonsense. Listen to Tom Steyer., From YouTubeVideos
Tom Steyer (2 articles.) (# of views) (Created by Meryl Ann Butler)
Astrology: Venus (2 articles.) (# of views) (Created by Anne Nordhaus-Bike)
Articles related to the planet Venus, including her retrograde periods and how to make the most of them.  
Omega, From ImagesAttr
Omega Institute (3 articles.) (# of views) (Created by Meryl Ann Butler)
From Images
Hunger (3 articles.) (# of views) (Created by Joan Brunwasser)
Hurricane Florence as seen from the International Space Station., From MyPhotos
Hurricane Florence Hits the Carolinas: A Natural Occurrence—An Unnatural and UNNECESSARY Disaster (4 articles.) (# of views) (Created by Revolution Newspaper)
  Category 4 Hurricane Michael battered the coast of the   Florida Panhandle October 10, before moving through Georgia, the Carolinas, and   on to Virginia. Michael, which came less than a month after Hurricane Florence,   was reportedly the most powerful storm ever to hit the Panhandle. It left death   and massive destruction in its wake, including nearly obliterating the entire   town of Mexico Beach where it made landfall.   Meanwhile, on October 8, two days before Michael hit Florida, a news report by   the United Nations' leading body on climate science, the United Nation's   Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), warned that the climate   crisis is not a far-off problem--it's happening right now, and it's accelerating   more quickly and having more devastating impacts much sooner than previously   understood. The report called for radical, 'unprecedented' transformations   starting immediately to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from fossil fuels to   prevent a global catastrophe. A co-chair of the group of 91 scientists from 40   different countries who wrote the report calls the next few years 'probably the   most important in our history.'   In this series on Hurricane Florence, we examine how the capitalist-imperialist   system of today fuels such hurricanes and worsens the death and destruction,   and we start to grapple with why and how it would be radically different in a   genuinely socialist society.  
From flickr.com: As an anti-duopoly Occupy, the Trump resistance will cease to be bull., From Images
The REAL Trump Resistance: An Anti-Duopoly Occupy (2 articles.) (# of views) (Created by Patrick Walker)
  This hard-hitting series argues that the REAL resistance to the Trump regime must take the form of a new, anti-duopoly Occupy movement that proclaims the moral and intellectual bankruptcy of BOTH major parties. By doing so, this 'Occupy 2.0' could open a unique opportunity--to create VIABLE third parties.  
Mayim Bialik narrates 'Women Unchained' , From ImagesAttr
Divorce (3 articles.) (# of views) (Created by Joan Brunwasser)
Snowden and Surveillance (3 articles.) (# of views) (Created by Jim Kavanagh)
November 18, 2022: North Korean Missile Launch, From Uploaded
None of Us Are Safe From Nuclear Weapon Murders (4 articles.) (# of views) (Created by Robert A. Leishear, PhD, PE, ASME Fellow)
  U.S defenses against nuclear war can be breached to murder our citizens if nuclear missiles are fired at the U.S. Russia has missiles and bombs that can kill millions in a single blast. North Korea has bombs that can kill hundreds of thousands in a single blast, and North Korea continues to improve nuclear missiles and nuclear bombs. Both nations have many nuclear warheads to be used in a nuclear war. Tests of U.S. nuclear missile defenses have experienced failures, and such a failure during a  nuclear weapon attack can kill thousands or hundreds of thousands of people.      
close-up of capesize coal export ship, From ImagesAttr
Fossil Fuel Fables and Foibles (7 articles.) (# of views) (Created by b. sadie bailey)
The Fossil Fuel and Nuclear Industries will do, and kill, anything for profit. Although seemingly separate, their motives and tactics overlap. They make empty promises of jobs, environmental stewardship, economic boom, and 'mitigation,' while fouling our waters and destroying our boreal forests. They don't restore or even clean up the disasters they create. Non-human life suffers and dies because of greed and corruption.  People are waking up, but time is short. Educating ourselves and others is the beginning. Acting to stop the insidious rape of the planet, produce and use clean energy, conserve our lands and waters, and control population will be paramount if life on earth is to survive.
Angel of Grief, From ImagesAttr
Why Liberals Keep Losing (3 articles.) (# of views) (Created by Larry Butler)
  Liberals keep losing to the   conservative minority. Why? This four part series examines the answers. There's   more to it than you might think.  
A literary commemoration of Annadashankar Roy, From ImagesAttr
Satire (3 articles.) (# of views) (Created by Monish Chatterjee)
  These will cover satirical commentary (poems and prose) on life issues.  
From ImagesAttr
Mad Mother Marvel (3 articles.) (# of views) (Created by David Kanegis)
  Mad Mother Marvel comments on politics, current events and social issues in verse, through her exclusive chronicler David Kanegis  
Death Penalty doctrine (3 articles.) (# of views) (Created by Clifford Johnson)
  Reviewing Death Penalty doctrine, as applied to frontline cases.  

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