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Peacefare (10 articles.) (# of views) (Created by P. Orin Zack)
This series of short stories, set in the world created for my novel, 'Burnout Fever', follows the activities of members of the activist group called Constitutional Evolution.
Peak Oil - A Challenge Not To Be Overlooked (41 articles.) (# of views) (Created by Richard Turcotte)
[A sign of things to come?] Photo courtesy of Daniel Lobo - Daquellamanera.org.~~~We hear a lot these days about the steady rise in oil production here in the United States. Talk of 'energy independence' tends to follow close behind.It's a wonderful story. It would be an even better one if the facts and realities of oil production didn't intrude. We're not running out of oil, to be sure. But we have some energy-supply challenges ahead of us. Understanding the reasons why is an important step in preparing for a future not quite as energy abundant as some lead us to believe.  
From ImagesAttr
BrockTurner, From WikimediaPhotos
Peoples' Revolution (5 articles.) (# of views) (Created by Meryl Ann Butler)
  Peoples' Revolution  
Performances, Drama, Movies etc (20 articles.) (# of views) (Created by Meryl Ann Butler)
  Performances, Drama, Movies etc  
Water Falls, From ImagesAttr
Personal and Community Empowerment (5 articles.) (# of views) (Created by Burl Hall)
  These articles are designed to foster the reader's knowledge regarding services that help reduce the need for corporations.  
Pharma used sexism and agism to sell hormone replacement, From ImagesAttr
Pharma (7 articles.) (# of views) (Created by Martha Rosenberg)
Pharma 2 (0 articles.) (# of views) (Created by Martha Rosenberg)
Pharma Marketing (0 articles.) (# of views) (Created by Martha Rosenberg)
PHIL OCHS~I AIN'T MARCHING ANYMORE The Late, Great Phil Ochs(folk/social commentary singer)1940-1976 did more for Peace than any soldier ever did for war!, From YouTubeVideos
Phil Ochs (2 articles.) (# of views) (Created by David Watts)
  Songs of Phil Ochs  
Photo Essays (4 articles.) (# of views) (Created by Rob Kall)
From ImagesAttr
Plant-Centered Diet (16 articles.) (# of views) (Created by Meryl Ann Butler)
From ImagesAttr
PLAYERS (25 articles.) (# of views) (Created by Dwayne Hunn)
Whether by actions, position, or historical impact, these PUBLIC POLICY PLAYERS have made a  DIFFERENCE.  
Pluralism (0 articles.) (# of views) (Created by Mike Ghouse)
The extremists among Hindus have hijacked the religion of peace and non-violence, just as the extremists among Buddhists, Jews and Muslims have done it with their religions. It is time for the moderate Hindus to speak up; if not, the new narrative would be Hinduism is a religion of violence, fascism and forcible conversions.  
Wind of Change: The Harlequin Wind, From CreativeCommonsPhoto
Podcasts and Video Interviews (23 articles.) (# of views) (Created by John Hawkins)
  This is the folder I will keep my audio and video interviews in.  
Poetry (0 articles.) (# of views) (Created by Shirley Braverman)
From ImagesAttr
Poetry (5 articles.) (# of views) (Created by S E Hamilton)
  Shawn Hamilton's poetry.  
From ImagesAttr
Poetry (3 articles.) (# of views) (Created by Ron Nilson)
  Selected original poems.  
Starfish, Indian Island, Orcas Island, From FlickrPhotos
poetry and free-writes (1 articles.) (# of views) (Created by b. sadie bailey)
Poetry Reviews (10 articles.) (# of views) (Created by John Hawkins)
  Here is where I put my review of poetry collections.  
Poisoned from my Neighbor from Hell (0 articles.) (# of views) (Created by Melody Boatner)
Submission of unprecedented criminal acts against my person and property with intent to cause bodily harm or death. With intent to cause financial harm. The motive was for one member of the good old boy network to acquire ownership of my property. This man believes he is above the law, the local officials hold him above the law.   
Police (8 articles.) (# of views) (Created by Joan Brunwasser)
Police Gone Wild (19 articles.) (# of views) (Created by Rob Kall)
as we enter deeper into a militarized police state, the police become more unaccountable and out of control. 
Policy Winners newsletters (1 articles.) (# of views) (Created by Keith Rodgers)
Policy Winners advocates ways to improve our economy within four 'economic sustainability' criteria:1. Use of targeted investments2. No increase in government debt3. No austerity4. No loss of tax revenues  
From ImagesAttr
Political Cartoon (6 articles.) (# of views) (Created by Ron Nilson)
Political Prisoners (0 articles.) (# of views) (Created by b. sadie bailey)
From ImagesAttr
Michelle Bachman, From ImagesAttr
Politics (62 articles.) (# of views) (Created by Scott Baker)
Politics (0 articles.) (# of views) (Created by Burl Hall)
These are articles are of a political nature.  
From Images
Politics (2 articles.) (# of views) (Created by Robert Adler)
  This series addresses politics in the broadest sense--government, governance, the rule of law, campaigns and elections, the interplay of money, influence and power.  

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