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Alldaygeneric | Online Chemist (0 articles.) (# of views) (Created by Buy Generic Medicine Online)
  Buy Generic Medicine Online is a medication created to be the same as an already marketed brand-name drug in dosage form, safety, strength, route of administration, quality, performance characteristics, and intended use. These similarities help to demonstrate bioequivalence, which means that a generic medicine works in the same way and provides the same clinical benefit as its brand-name version.  
Cheapest Online Pharmacy (0 articles.) (# of views) (Created by Buy Generic Medicine Online)
  Buy Generic Medicine Online is a medication created to be the same as an already marketed brand-name drug in dosage form, safety, strength, route of administration, quality, performance characteristics, and intended use. These similarities help to demonstrate bioequivalence, which means that a generic medicine works in the same way and provides the same clinical benefit as its brand-name version.  
The Arts (0 articles.) (# of views) (Created by b. sadie bailey)
Immigration (0 articles.) (# of views) (Created by b. sadie bailey)
Political Prisoners (0 articles.) (# of views) (Created by b. sadie bailey)
Divine Strake Op-eds (0 articles.) (# of views) (Created by )
  'Divine Strake' was the code name for a proposed 700-ton chemical blast that would have disturbed radioactively contaminated soils at the Nevada (nuclear) Test Site, located north of Las Vegas. Area residents feared the 10,000-foot high mushroom cloud generated by the planned experiment would carry contaminated dust downwind. I began researching and writing op-eds about the Pentagon-sponsored 'Divine Strake' experiment in mid-2006.  Much of my research on the topic was published on StopDivineStrake.com. I was also the founder of 'CADS,' Citizens Against Divine Strake.'Divine Strake' was cancelled on February 22, 2007 after citizen outcry across the Intermountain West peaked.   
Dave Lindorff's articles on commercial sitesl (0 articles.) (# of views) (Created by Dave Lindorff)
  Articles by Dave Lindorff appearing in websites that don't allow full copies of their material to be run by other sites without compensation, such as High Times, Salon, etc.  
Polls and Pollsters (0 articles.) (# of views) (Created by Rob Kall)
Travel (0 articles.) (# of views) (Created by William Simon)
  Being a traveller and love for my homeland, I would love to invite tourists from around the world to Canada.  
Pharma Marketing (0 articles.) (# of views) (Created by Martha Rosenberg)
Pharma 2 (0 articles.) (# of views) (Created by Martha Rosenberg)
From ImagesAttr
Life in a day, and a moment to share. (0 articles.) (# of views) (Created by Tony Orlando)
  It is important to evaluate at the end of each day. Things missed, others captured with clarity; this gives us the idea that each moment is important. Sharing with others our story of the day could very well be what is missing in this world today. None of us are very keen at manipulating others, or even our own situations. So it should be said that at the end of each day we share with others what all happened. Others will find different things of importance, some will like your courage in the story, others may use your example for a similar problem they face. If people were to stop manipulating another and just let things happen, then a whole new world could be seen in an instant. It would have details that are beyond your grasp because nothing can be created unless you open up and let your imagination happen. Just maybe, in my diary, I can capture such examples, and spur these effects from others.   
Infidelity to Truth: Education Malpractice in American Public Education (0 articles.) (# of views) (Created by Duane Swacker)
  Foreword      'The one exclusive sign of thorough knowledge is the power of teaching.' Aristotle [1]               Should the state through federal and state education laws and policy mandates and/or the local public school district in its policies and practices encourage, even mandate discrimination in favor of some of the students while at the same time denying other students the pursuing of their educational dreams and desires?  Is there any doubt that the answer to that question has to be a resounding NO!  Lamentably, the state through its public schools does indeed discriminate against the most innocent of society, the children.         And much like discrimination by gender, race or disability of the past authorized by the state through its laws, policies and practices which have been adjudicated to not be constitutionally acceptable, the current discrimination against many students in the realm of mental abilities through the educational standards and standardized testing malpractice regime has to be eventually judged to be unconstitutional in order to eliminate that harm.         Not only are those practices of dubious constitutional validity but the errors, falsehoods and psychometric 'fudging' forming the basis of said practices render any results 'vain and illusory'. [2]   Invalid, illogical, unjust, unethical are just a few of the descriptions one can accurately use to describe the standards and testing regime. [3]       Currently there are many who believe they are knowledgeable about the teaching and learning process and who tell the professional teacher what supposedly should be done to repair what they perceive as the shortcomings of American public education, even though those perceptions are grounded more in ideology than reality.  These vicious attacks on public education have been building since the 1980s with the publication of the 'A Nation at Risk' which foretold the doom of American world supremacy if the public education system wasn't fixed to the authors' liking.  Ever since there has been a steady litany of what I call 'edudeformer' [4] and 'privateer' critiques made by many who purport to be experts, who most certainly aren't, who have little to no public school teaching experience in the teaching and learning processes that occur on a daily basis in classrooms around the country.         The two main educational practices espoused by those seeking to destroy and privatize American public education [5] are:  to use national educational standards and standardized tests based on those standards to supposedly measure student achievement and by extension evaluate teacher and school effectiveness.  This book will show how the using of the error and falsehood filled standards and testing process gives rise to completely invalid results that cause harm to students and teachers, violating their personhood through a lack of fidelity to truth in unethical educational practices.  Also, the harm caused is unjust in light of the fundamental purpose of public education in the United States.         It's said that the good teachers make it look easy.  We've all had good teachers and, unfortunately, maybe one or two who left a bit to be desired in their pedagogical skills.  Good teachers have a thorough knowledge of their subject matter or grade level.  But not only do they have that knowledge but also the ability to take complex concepts, breaking the content apart into fairly easily digestible, and thereby learnable, morsels of food for thought.         My hope in writing this book is to expose these educational malpractices for what they are.  In doing so I hope that I will have been a good teacher.  Time will tell.  I seek to clarify for the reader by explaining and simplifying the complex and contentious issues of the fundamental purpose of public education, professional education ethics, and justice concerns.  Also I will identify 'infidelity to truth' in the misuse and abuse of the meaning and usages of the terms standards and measurement and the multitude of conceptual and practical errors of the standards and testing regime in order to illustrate just how destructive those two practices are to a true, just and ethical teaching and learning process.         In writing this book I have relied heavily on concepts developed in three writings (among many, many others) that I believe all public school educators should read and understand:  foremost, the most important educational writing of the last 50 years, Noel Wilson's 'Educational Standards and the Problem of Error', Andre Comte-Sponville's 'A Small Treatise on the Great Virtues', and Simon Blackburn's 'Truth: A Guide'.  Time for all educators and any others concerned with the teaching and learning process to begin reading, eh!                                                            Note:  All editorial control is with the author.  Any errors and mistakes should be rightly attributed to the author.             [1] All heading quotes except the conclusion's are from:  http://www.brainyquote.com/                   [2] As noted by Noel Wilson in his review of 'Standards for Educational and Psychological Testing'-the testing 'bible' of the standards and testing movement.                   [3] When I speak of standardized testing I am referring to those standardized tests which students have to take.  I am not referring to diagnostic tests used to ascertain disability or degree of disability.  (Although they too suffer the same onto-epistemological errors and falsehoods in construction, that is for another day.)                   [4] Edudeformer = hubristic ignorant denouncers of public education who have little to no experience in the classroom and schools which they believe they have the right to 'fix'.                   [5] See Diane Ravitch's 'Reign of Error: The Hoax of the Privatization Movement and the Danger to America's Public Schools'              
The Anatomy of Hate: Big Message from a Small Town (0 articles.) (# of views) (Created by Susan Benjamin)
  This piece tells the remarkable story of a liberal town in West Virginia and the political and raciest Facebook page of the police chief. What happened when he was found out to the community is a study of hate and the attitudes that feed it.  
Kid Power (0 articles.) (# of views) (Created by Meryl Ann Butler)
Deep State elected President in latest Coup (0 articles.) (# of views) (Created by dale ruff)
  In part 1 and II, I examine the way that the Deep State, acting through the FBI with the help of Russia and Wikileaks, has taken control of US elections and thus is in control of the President, who is then required to serve the Deep State.Both parts examine the timeline of events which led to a very unpopular President and the defeat of HRC  and show the cunning and hypocrisy of the  very logic the FBI (thru Comey) is using to defend its selective intervention in disclosing  a new investigation of Clinton just before the election, while concealing that Trump's campaign had been under investigation for 8 months...before disclosing this fact long after Trump had won by virtue of the October surprise,  which swung the election to Trump.  
Business Essay & Academic Writing Services with 100% Quality (0 articles.) (# of views) (Created by )
  Connect to Writingxpert.com to get a premium quality Business Essay and Academic Writing Services. We have international writers for MBA Dissertation Topics & Literature review writing services. Call us today at +919600020070/+919884072954.Business Essay Writing Services  
MBA Dissertation Topics & Literature Review Services (0 articles.) (# of views) (Created by )
  Connect to Writingxpert.com to get a premium quality Business Essay and Academic Writing Services. We have international writers for MBA Dissertation Topics & Literature review writing services. Call us today at +919600020070/+919884072954.Dissertation Literature Review Services  
Professional Report Writing Services (0 articles.) (# of views) (Created by )
  Writingxpert.com is having an excellent experience in offering wide range of professional business & research report writing services at affordable price. We value your time, so provide 100% on time delivery!Professional Report Writing Services  
Climate Accord (0 articles.) (# of views) (Created by Russ Doty)
Dakota Pipeline (0 articles.) (# of views) (Created by Joan Brunwasser)
Guaranteed Passport,Citizenship, Cards,Driver's License,Diplomas, etc. (0 articles.) (# of views) (Created by tchoumi roddy)
  We are an independent group of specialized Graphic Designing,IT professionals and data base technicians who are specialized in the production of quality documents such as passports,drivers license,id cards,stamps,visas,diplomas of very high quality and other products for all countries: USA, Australia,UK,Belgium, Brazil, Canada,Italian, Finland, France, Germany, Israel, Mexico, Netherlands, South Africa, Spain,Switzerland, . This list is not full.To get the additional information and place the order just call or contact us via email or mobile.Contact e-mail:= tchoumiroddy150@gmail.comGeneral support: Contact e-mail:= tchoumiroddy150@gmail.comKeywordsCanada CardsUnited States CardsStudent CardsInternational CardsPrivate CardsAdoption CertificatesBaptism CertificatesBirth CertificatesDeath CertificatesDivorce CertificatesMarriage CertificatesCustom CertificatesHigh School DiplomasG.E.D. DiplomasHome School DiplomasCollege DegreesUniversity DegreesTrade Skill CertificatesSocial SecurityValidate SSN NumberDriver License SearchSpy ProductsVoice ChangersListening DevicesInvisible InkDMV Record InquiryBackground CheckInvestigate AnyoneContact e-mail:=tchoumiroddy150@gmail.com  
The Growth Trap (0 articles.) (# of views) (Created by Charles St Pierre)
  If the global economy is allowed to continue to grow, it will reach the limits of growth set by the world ecology.  It will then be too late to prevent its collapse. It will have out grown its ability to acquire the resources needed to sustain it.If the world's economy collapses, few will survive.  
Social Justice (0 articles.) (# of views) (Created by Muhammad Irfan)
  Unfortunately, Pakistan whose creation was presupposed to be a testimonial for the Islamic fundamental principles lags behind in the subject of social justice implementation. Herein, the affluent families wielded a predominant control over Pakistan's decision making. This proved as a menace, which badly derailed the system from the exact path which was accountable for undertaking the right decision for a balanced society. There are three testaments through which the condition of social justice in Pakistan can be assessed.            Social Stratification            The sad factor of a society is to suffer social stratification. In fact, it depicts a society as a venue where the differences among the different segments are haplessly observed. In Pakistan, unfortunately, a class division, urban-rural stratification is evident where the elite class is addicted to show their supremacy by dint of immense riches through a variety of tactics. The elite class (exploitative segment) includes landlords, industrialists, military generals, civil bureaucrats and business tycoons.      They manage to stand as distinguished in the society. For the purpose, they utilize certain tactics. (a) They try to be immune from all kinds of moral, ethics and lawful norms. (b) They influence the local, district and divisional executive administration on account of the usage of immense of wealth flow. (c) This class manages to undergo personal links and approaches for setting up business in the coveted zones, discarding the merit.      (d) These big guns avail the services of riches in order to escape from being persecuted in the wake of committing a murder. (e) They mobilize the administration for the sake of being elected as the member of provincial and national assemblies, paving the way for social inequity and injustice. (f) They opt for disturbing the rule of merit, credibility, ability and quality by making the kith and kin inducted in the high posts. (g) These elements wield special control over the rates of commodities, hence making enormous profits though illegal. Under such circumstances, the social stratification is torment for the social justice.            Economic Equilibrium            It is also a criterion to estimate whether a society is entertained with the social justice. In the contemporary circumstances, Pakistani society gives a picture of an economically unbalanced community. The difference between the rich and poor was eminent since the sub-continent was portioned in 1947. More sad-fully, this class difference used to worsen with the passage of time.      Contemporarily, the current crises have added fuel to fire to the area disturbed a balance. The Pakistani populace is divided between rural and urban areas. In rural areas, the huge chunk of the population is directly associated with agriculture, which plays a pivotal role in the financial sector of the country. Nonetheless, this sector in Pakistan suffers bi-fold problems.      First, the farmers do not possess their owned lands where they can do sufficiently the agriculture jobs. Thus, they keep on falling the prey to the landlords' an exploitative mindset. This does not allow the community to contribute productively to the financial sector. Second, the current decline in the security and economic stability has deteriorated the agricultural outcomes the farmers expect in the return of hard work and invested capitals. The corps produced after investing costly fertilizers and soared prices of diesel are unlikely to get the due market rates.      This moribund situation has a negative impact on the rural economy, which discourages the farmers and averts the attention towards opting alternative earning sources. Accordingly, the financial difference among the different classes, contrary to the social justice, is deepening day by day. The urban areas are also not immune to the deterioration in economic equilibrium.      In fact, the business tycoons in the urban and metropolitan hubs avoid from paying taxes and even bills for electricity usage. Thus, the burden of taxation, the common person has to bear, which is baleful for his bargaining capability. Consequently, the rich get richer and the poor become poorer, which widens the class gap.    
America, an Empire in Twilight (0 articles.) (# of views) (Created by Paul Fitzgerald Elizabeth Gould)
  PART I of IV: When America Became the Dark Force       PART II of IV: How Guilt, Innocence   & Facts Have Been Rendered Irrelevant      PART III of IV:   Neoconizing the Just War Doctrine in the service of American Empire      PART   IV of IV: America's Late Stage Imperial Dementia   
Russia (0 articles.) (# of views) (Created by Scott Baker)
  Articles on or relating to Russia  
Saudis and 9-11 and the Larger Truth (0 articles.) (# of views) (Created by Barry Kissin)
  The truth is pregnant. The official myths are spouting   holes. For the first time, in September, Congress overrode an Obama veto, and   it's all about exposing the government of Saudi    Arabia to liability in U.S. courts for facilitating the   attacks of 9-11. Exposing Saudi    Arabia exposes the American-made part of the   9-11 operation -- hence the cover-up by Bush and Obama.  

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